As mentioned earlier, there are a number of factors with a yard to consider when deciding on which pre-emergent to use. I've been out of turf for a few yrs now, so I'm not up to speed on the new chemistry out there. I'll say be careful going back to back to back with applications of prodiamine and pendulum. Those are both DNA's or "Root Pruners" because of their mode of action. Be sure to change your mode of action up when possible. Over use, over time (2 yrs on new sod and 4-5 yrs on established turf) could have a detrimental effect. Shallow root system that could bring on more issues than weeds.
I'll get some blow back on this, but if you're going to fertilizer your yard yourself, put down a quality fertilizer. 13-13-13 is not a quality fertilizer. The Nitrogen source is all quick release and the Potassium source (K) is all murate (high salt content) which means it'll burn if it sits on the leaf blade and isn't watered in below the canopy.
Spend a little money and get a turf quality fertilizer that has 2 sources of slow release Nitrogen. Nitroform and Methalene Urea are the 2 best sources. Sulfur Coated Urea is ok but not a true slow release. Sulfate of Potash is a low burn option for potassium.
I'll get some blow back on this, but if you're going to fertilizer your yard yourself, put down a quality fertilizer. 13-13-13 is not a quality fertilizer. The Nitrogen source is all quick release and the Potassium source (K) is all murate (high salt content) which means it'll burn if it sits on the leaf blade and isn't watered in below the canopy.
Spend a little money and get a turf quality fertilizer that has 2 sources of slow release Nitrogen. Nitroform and Methalene Urea are the 2 best sources. Sulfur Coated Urea is ok but not a true slow release. Sulfate of Potash is a low burn option for potassium.