1982, 83, 84, 85, 86, Flight Deck of the Eisenhower, CVN69, The greatest carrier to ever churn through water. We were in the Med. During those years we were always being trailed by a string of Russian ships whose purpose was to watch air ops and figure out to do the same and to grab every piece of garbage that didn’t get incinerated and was deemed as being OK to dispose of overboard. A wood pallet for instance. We would always have close support from a group of ships, often including a BB class ship, yes, A Battleship. The Russian ships would sit a couple of hundred yards behind us.
Because we stayed on station for many months, every now and again, the carrier would conduct an air show for the crew that never saw sunlight and also for the Russians. A bunch of aircraft would launch, the crew would come up on deck, the show would unfold and some of the support ships would fire off a round as well to give everyone a thrill. One time, one of the Russian escorts fired off a round, probably to have a little fun of their own and acknowledge what they saw. It was taken in good spirit. Their ships were pretty pathetic and as evening set, we would continue to operate and they would move further off.
On one of our cruises, we had a USO show visit, Steve Stills, Greg Rollie, a couple of guys from Cheap Trick and a few others made up the band. It was pretty cool with a concert in the hangar bay one night. The band had to stay on board for a couple Of days. The Topside Crew hosted them on the flight deck one morning so they could watch ops, get some air, hang out and talk with the crew. The Russian ships being a couple of hundred yards right behind us really freaked them out. They could not get over that there were Russians right behind us picking up our garbage. LOL.
The Russian Navy, picking garbage Out of the water.
5 years on the same ship? Did you request extensions?
I was a land based sailor and our deployments were two years if single, three years if married. You could always ask for an extension