Bartender… I’ll have what he’s having.Mississippi State 27, A&M 24
300 passing yards
150 rushing yards
100%, Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa
One with the closest score and wins the tiebreaker (if needed) will receive a $50 gift card to Elys.
- Chris Parson Passing Yards
- Total Yards Rushing for State
- % chance you watch the entire game
Richard Shapley
[email protected]
Phone: 601.605.6359
Fax: 601.605.6687
Good call on the first half scoreTexas A&M 34 State 10
Winner.A&M 52 - MSU 6
- Chris Parson Passing Yards - 69
- Total Yards Rushing for State - 69
- % chance you watch the entire game -17%