Those songs are soul suckers!I dare anyone to listen to these one after another, I’m in tears

Those songs are soul suckers!I dare anyone to listen to these one after another, I’m in tears
I need you to contribute because we enjoy lots of the same music.Love to know your dark place
I wouldn’t classify him as country. He did so much more.Not even Johnny Cash?
I find her strangely hott and interesting, like this:No dissin’ Maya’s mama
Moms will think you blew a gasket!I’m going to die driving around this weekend. I always use jukebox as a playlist and try to listen to every song. “I could pull the steering wheel”
Other than the Michigan fight song, this has to be the worst song ever:
Won’t be there that weekend. Wife’s birthday weekend and Blue/White ain’t it. Will have to wait till the fallShe loves jukebox. She knows of at least half of you. Should we break our meeting each other cherries blue white weekend? Pretty sure we should. Son1 may join us from echo
this signals the downfall of society