What is difference between this Board and the Lions Den


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
You make great points and I am very similar to you. I would add that I that this is not just here at good old state... i think it is prevalent with most large programs. With college football becoming more and more "semi-pro" every day, NIL, CFP, blatant disregard for academic standards (UNC), etc... People are just losing their passion. Money removes emotion
Which is why that snake weasel Emmert should have been fired years ago. He had no foresight or if he did his bosses didn't want to hear it so they get what they got.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
The Lions Den?



Nov 2, 2021
I too followed recruiting with more vigor.

I refuse to take any recruit who says my top 4, 6, or worse 10.

Players bailing out of Bowl Games, or portaling out, and the well wishers for those players , is not a good mix.

I follow it the best i can, it's not the board it's the times.

The other board too political .


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
I too followed recruiting with more vigor.

I refuse to take any recruit who says my top 4, 6, or worse 10.

Players bailing out of Bowl Games, or portaling out, and the well wishers for those players , is not a good mix.

I follow it the best i can, it's not the board it's the times.

The other board too political .
The other site also has the moron board....enough said!


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
The other site also has the moron board....enough said!

I don't want to name names and open old wounds but I'm still disgusted by what went on there. There were some really morally bad people and they always whined like babies when you gave them back a fraction of what they put out. Glad they gave me the boot.

"You can't say this word, you can't say that word" what a pile of horse dung.

I don't even want to be on their football board after all that.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
I don't want to name names and open old wounds but I'm still disgusted by what went on there. There were some really morally bad people and they always whined like babies when you gave them back a fraction of what they put out. Glad they gave me the boot.

"You can't say this word, you can't say that word" what a pile of horse dung.

I don't even want to be on their football board after all that.
I go over there for laughs...never post any more. There are some truly sick, radical, nutjobs on that site


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Ten years ago when I really cared about PSU football I would have loved this version of The Lion's Den. But, I also loved it ten years ago when recruiting information and insider crap at PSU was dealt in much more meager amounts. It's almost too much these days. You can tell the overall interest in the program is waning since fewer people commented on a new recruit verbal thread than the new Top Gun movie thread. I know some members love to follow and post about recruiting and football, but with NIL, the portal, and poor play the past couple of years, it's just not as interesting or exciting to me. There are more articles about Joey Porter Jr.'s draft stock next year than there are articles about what he needs to do this football season. Yawn.
You really nailed it!!

I have been a die-hard PSU football fan for decades. On a scale of 1 to 10, my enthusiasm went from a 9.0 to about a 3.0 in the span of 2-3 weeks last fall because of these issues:

- the manner in which Franklin handled his contract negotiations last fall through the media.
- the way the team and staff responded to the loss of Clifford during the 2nd qtr of the Iowa game - they literally looked like a high school JV team trying to compete the remainder of that game - totally unprepared to handle the loss of one individual player.
- the abomination that was the Illinois game.

My lack of interest due to the above issues was cemented with the 2-6 finish, the pathetic bowl game, and the number of players quitting (oops, I mean opting out) at the end of the year (I don't blame Dotson and Brisker who were projected to be 1st/2nd rounders).

The final nail(s) in the coffin are the same as your issues - NIL and the transfer portal. Because of those 2 issues, I literally don't pay any attention to recruiting even though there is more information available these days on that subject than ever before. My level of interest on who is visiting and who is committing is a 1.0 - I'll pay attention to whichever 22+ players trot out on the field on gameday, but other than that, I couldn't care less.

Maybe a 10+ win season will get me more enthused (I won't mind being called a bandwagon fan), but I honestly don't think I'll ever get back to my fanboy levels of prior years.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
You really nailed it!!

I have been a die-hard PSU football fan for decades. On a scale of 1 to 10, my enthusiasm went from a 9.0 to about a 3.0 in the span of 2-3 weeks last fall because of these issues:

- the manner in which Franklin handled his contract negotiations last fall through the media.
- the way the team and staff responded to the loss of Clifford during the 2nd qtr of the Iowa game - they literally looked like a high school JV team trying to compete the remainder of that game - totally unprepared to handle the loss of one individual player.
- the abomination that was the Illinois game.

My lack of interest due to the above issues was cemented with the 2-6 finish, the pathetic bowl game, and the number of players quitting (oops, I mean opting out) at the end of the year (I don't blame Dotson and Brisker who were projected to be 1st/2nd rounders).

The final nail(s) in the coffin are the same as your issues - NIL and the transfer portal. Because of those 2 issues, I literally don't pay any attention to recruiting even though there is more information available these days on that subject than ever before. My level of interest on who is visiting and who is committing is a 1.0 - I'll pay attention to whichever 22+ players trot out on the field on gameday, but other than that, I couldn't care less.

Maybe a 10+ win season will get me more enthused (I won't mind being called a bandwagon fan), but I honestly don't think I'll ever get back to my fanboy levels of prior years.
Based upon my own experience.....walking away after 39 years of season tickets, it's very difficult to get the passion back after you've lost it. I've tried. Sadly I've also lost my love for Penn State. After 10-12 trips a year back to campus I haven't been there in over 10 years and really have no desire to ever return. I've come to terms with that but deep down I wish the fire still burned.


New member
Oct 25, 2021
You make great points and I am very similar to you. I would add that I that this is not just here at good old state... i think it is prevalent with most large programs. With college football becoming more and more "semi-pro" every day, NIL, CFP, blatant disregard for academic standards (UNC), etc... People are just losing their passion. Money removes emotion


New member
Oct 25, 2021
You make great points and I am very similar to you. I would add that I that this is not just here at good old state... i think it is prevalent with most large programs. With college football becoming more and more "semi-pro" every day, NIL, CFP, blatant disregard for academic standards (UNC), etc... People are just losing their passion. Money removes emo


New member
Oct 25, 2021
totally agree....followed PSU football since the late 50s and have given up

NewEra 2014

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Based upon my own experience.....walking away after 39 years of season tickets, it's very difficult to get the passion back after you've lost it. I've tried. Sadly I've also lost my love for Penn State. After 10-12 trips a year back to campus I haven't been there in over 10 years and really have no desire to ever return. I've come to terms with that but deep down I wish the fire still burned.
You are a good man, fairgambit. I feel the same way. But take comfort that you didn’t leave PSU. They left you.


Active member
Oct 6, 2021
This board, on the spectrum of college football, general knowledge and world politics is half way between the Den and the old test board. Not as buttoned up as the Den and not as Wild, Wild West as the test board.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
This board, on the spectrum of college football, general knowledge and world politics is half way between the Den and the old test board. Not as buttoned up as the Den and not as Wild, Wild West as the test board.
How OT is the Den? Idle curiosity, nothing more.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
This board knows, miraculously, everything there is to know about coaching all elements of football!...What's truly mind-boggling is that this board and it's members develop this knowledge without ever actually stepping foot on a football field, or ever actually coaching a game. Amazingly, all this vaunted info never seems to make its way to the offices of the current football staff. They, for whatever unknown reason, have no interest in knowing how to beat Michigan, State, and OSU every year when to do so, all they would have to do was read this site. And it's FREE!
Ladies and gentlemen...I give you the omnipotent and omniscient BWICAC.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Ten years ago when I really cared about PSU football I would have loved this version of The Lion's Den. But, I also loved it ten years ago when recruiting information and insider crap at PSU was dealt in much more meager amounts. It's almost too much these days. You can tell the overall interest in the program is waning since fewer people commented on a new recruit verbal thread than the new Top Gun movie thread. I know some members love to follow and post about recruiting and football, but with NIL, the portal, and poor play the past couple of years, it's just not as interesting or exciting to me. There are more articles about Joey Porter Jr.'s draft stock next year than there are articles about what he needs to do this football season. Yawn.

I have a different point of view ... the majority of "PSU Football" fans who would post on these boards were really Joe Paterno (and the air of superiority his legacy was meant to convey) fans, and once that legacy was tarnished (rightfully or wrongfully), you were left, mainly, with people who would die on their swords to defend that legacy, and folks who just didn't see the program as special anymore, so they gave up, and looked for ways to criticize anything new and different.

The transfer portal actually made college football MORE amateurish, allowing athletes to transfer almost as easily as actual students would be able to do. But many people don't like that ... because they want these kids who they have no relation/attachment to, other than attending the same school, to be locked in to 4 or 5 year "contracts," so they know who to root for over that time period.

The NIL is just an imperfect way to break the bonds of the modified indentured servitude to which these kids were subjected. "Entertain us for 3 to 5 years, and we'll adore you like gods ... break the illusion that you're here to entertain us and make us feel better about ourselves by cheering for the success of 'our team,' and we'll turn on you for asserting your individual rights, and your own self-worth." I side with the kids who are trying to better themselves while grown men try to profit (greatly) off their labors.
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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
I have a different point of view ... the majority of "PSU Football" fans who would post on these boards were really Joe Paterno (and the air of superiority his legacy was meant to convey) fans, and once that legacy was tarnished (rightfully or wrongfully), you were left, mainly, with people who would die on their swords to defend that legacy, and folks who just didn't see the program as special anymore, so they gave up, and looked for ways to criticize anything new and different.

The transfer portal actually made college football MORE amateurish, allowing athletes to transfer almost as easily as actual students would be able to do. But many people don't like that ... because they want these kids who they have no relation/attachment to, other than attending the same school, to be locked in to 4 or 5 year "contracts," so they know who to root for over that time period.

The NIL is just an imperfect way to break the bonds of the modified indentured servitude to which these kids were subjected. "Entertain us for 3 to 5 years, and we'll adore you like gods ... break the illusion that you're here to entertain us and make us feel better about ourselves by cheering for the success of 'our team,' and we'll turn on you for asserting your individual rights, and your own self-worth." I side with the kids who are trying to better themselves while grown men try to profit (greatly) off their labors.

I like the kids making money. I don’t like our coach being average at best and being rewarded for it. Portal + NIL is free agency for top players, which is anything but amateurish. Still, I don’t care much either way. Will watch in the fall and hope for wins.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
I like the kids making money. I don’t like our coach being average at best and being rewarded for it. Portal + NIL is free agency for top players, which is anything but amateurish. Still, I don’t care much either way. Will watch in the fall either way.

Portal, in and of itself ... completely amateurish. I transferred as a sophomore. I was allowed to take classes that next year without any problems. No one stopped me from taking any classes, or participating in extracurriculars, because I transferred. In fact, I played a varsity sport, after not doing so my freshman year. Again, no problem. Any restriction on transfer/participation is antithetical to amateurism.

NIL ... a cursory acknowledgement that this ISN'T amateur athletics, as institutions, coaches, media, etc. have been making many millions off these kids' labors for many, many years now. The acknowledgement of this transgression doesn't mean the transgression hasn't been ongoing for many, many years. "It was much more fun and interesting when we could be led to believe you were doing this for us, rather than for self-advancement, even though we knew better." Not interested in that nonsense.


Active member
Nov 8, 2021
This board knows, miraculously, everything there is to know about coaching all elements of football!...What's truly mind-boggling is that this board and it's members develop this knowledge without ever actually stepping foot on a football field, or ever actually coaching a game. Amazingly, all this vaunted info never seems to make its way to the offices of the current football staff. They, for whatever unknown reason, have no interest in knowing how to beat Michigan, State, and OSU every year when to do so, all they would have to do was read this site. And it's FREE!
Your post should be pinned for all to remember ha. If only Franklin read all of John367906’s posts, especially the posts written during the game.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
This board, on the spectrum of college football, general knowledge and world politics is half way between the Den and the old test board. Not as buttoned up as the Den and not as Wild, Wild West as the test board.
So what you're saying is we are all on the "spectrum"?;)