Whatever happens with the logo, one thing is certain...

Aug 30, 2006
First of all, I never agreed or disagreed with this assertion:
...the accusation is that LT forced a logo on the university and fans.
In fact, in my initial post, I even stated that I did not know the history of the logo and would therefore not comment on how it came into being or who instituted the change to the current logo.

Next, please explain to me what about the following statement isn't accurate:
What would you have them buy? If they don't buy something with the M-State banner on it, their options are very limited to say the least. Since it is the official logo, it is basically impossible to buy something with the interlocking MSU or something similar.
However, you have made the jump in logic to assume that since people buy stuff with the logo on it, that they must like it. That is simply not the case. As I stated, I bought several items for my children on the last two trips I made that had the official logo on it. I did not particularly want to purchase something that had the M-State on it, but I did want to buy something for my children. I distinctly remember that, for the type of things I wanted for my kids, there were NO options without the M-State. You make the illogical assumption that everyone likes the logo because they purchase items with the logo emblazoned on it. What you fail to understand is that the University (from my personal observation while being there) puts the logo on the nicest or best quality merchandise. Many if not most of the items that did not have the M-State logo appeared cheap and/or poorly made. The University seemed to be guiding people to buy products with the M-State logo. I'm fine with that since it how they have chosen to brand the school. Are you even beginning to understand?

Furthermore, personally, while I did not want something with M-State on it and since I had no other options, I chose to purchase anyway because I knew that I was supporting my school. As much as you would like to believe otherwise, I would be willing to bet that there are plenty of people who have bought items with M-State on it despite the fact that they don't love the logo.

If others fans dislike the logo that much, they would find alternatives. However, they must not because I see MState at the ballgame on the majority of the fans.
Again, not everyone may be adamantly opposed to the logo. Certainly there exist people who neither love nor hate the logo. As such, if they don't care, they are not going to actively seek out merchandise without the M-State logo.

Big Sheep81

Feb 24, 2008
The current logo was put out about 12 years or so ago. I bought a cap with that logo from a store in Jackson. It floated around for a year or so and then disappeared after not getting much traction among the fan base. There were a few items available with it and once they were gone, no more.

I would rather have a decal with a cut-off set of bull nuts.........ala JWS.......nobody else has anything close....


Active member
Sep 14, 2003
<font face="Georgia">I like the idea of having the MS on the helmets, if it was updated a little. Something like South Carolina's retro SC baseball logo, we could do a different spin on that with the MS:</font>

<font face="Georgia">So basically giving the MS a retro early 1900s look with serifs and such.</font></p>


Coastdog28 said:
The pro socks are stupid, and the uniforms just look terrible.
this is something that i dont understand....a mississippi based team that plays in 90 something degree weather, with humidity like none other, and croom insists on wearing knee high pro socks, with shorter white socks overlapping.
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