Very true. It’s all about finding that balance that you are comfortable with. I used to work with a guy that worked for our Company for 43 years. Retired on his 65 th birthday, found out he had cancer 30 days later, and was dead in 6 months. On the other hand, my father in law retired when he was 62 and enjoyed life for another 30 years. It’s a crap shoot. Balance. I will say that we worked hard to build a proper nest egg for retirement. It’s a comfortable feeling and yet I am starting to think we over shot the runway. Been retired about 5 years, had a great time, and have not yet withdrawn a single penny from any of our savings. SS, pensions, and interest has covered everything and had some left over. The one thing you can’t really accurately estimate is nursing home expenses. Hopefully no one ever finds themselves in that situation but the reality is that it does happen, a lot. Both of my parents spent a short time in a nursing home. I handed all of the finances and as of several years ago it would eat up a minimum of $7,000 a month. It’s all out of pocket unless you have insurance, which is also expensive. You want to be prepared just in case. Medicaid is available if it eats up your savings but means that everything is pretty much gone. I know more about this now than I wish I did. I still have nightmares about the things that I saw and dealt with. You don’t want your family to have to walk that path. Just food for thought.