It's more expensive and harder to educate the bottom quintile. People choose universities, neighborhoods to live in and places to vacation in to avoid the bottom quintile. People discriminate all the time. Middle and upper-middle class Americans pay a premium for housing to avoid living next to the bottom quintile. I asked my wife to marry me after I discriminated against several other women by not giving them the option to say yes. I'm sure some were o.k. with that.If parochial/private/segregation schools accept public funds, then they need to follow public spending laws and also follow the acceptance policies of public schools.
- Any private school accepting public funds needs to be able to track those public funds, show procurement processes comply with state/federal laws, and open their books to the standard auditing schedule. Those who arent willing to do this or continually fail audits should not be allowed to receive public funds for a certain number of years.
- Any private school accepting public funds needs to follow state and federal laws pertaining to discrimination and acceptance/enrollment of students. If a school wont accept kids with physical or mental disabilities, they dont receive public funds. If a school wont accept kids with IEPs, they dont receive public funds. If a school wont accept kids due to religion, they dont receive public funds. If a school wont accept kids due to gender identity or sexual orientation, they dont receive public funds.
The reality is that student cost is the average and if a large group of socially mobile kids leaves a district, they will overwhelmingly be on the lower side of that cost average. This then leaves a public district fewer dollars to educate kids that cost more.
^ this isnt an opinion, it is a documented reality.
Tax dollars must be traceable, must be audited, and schools accepting public tax dollars from state and federal government must comply with non-discrimination laws.
To do anything different is irresponsible.
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