Where were you 23 years ago today?


Active member
Feb 20, 2018
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
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Nov 4, 2015
An American legend signed off on Friday, Feb 14, 2001: “This has been the quietest week in quite some time…..

…for Gary Condit.
-Paul Harvey…. Good Day!”


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Nov 16, 2005
It was my sophomore year at State. I was getting ready for class when the first plane hit. I had no idea that it had happened because I didn’t have my tv on which was odd for me. I got in my truck and got to the parking lot a little early behind Ballew Hall and I would park there because I could pick up Rock 103 in Memphis from that spot and the Wake Up Crew kept talking about planes hitting the WTC. I kept thinking Cessna or small planes but I called my mom just to check anyway. I asked her was it a small plane and she just paused and said “no….it was two passenger jets.” The hair on my neck stood up.


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Jun 4, 2007
On my way to McCool for class. Econ professor came in late and kept us the entire period until 9:15. I always wondered if she knew anything was going on. This was before everyone had cell phones, and we certainly didn't have data on them.

When we got out they were sitting up tv's in the hallway of McCool. Left and was glued to the news for the rest of that day and probably a week after.

I sometimes wonder if kids today understand the shock and horror of that morning. We kind of seemed untouchable before that. Foreign terrorism was something that happened in Africa or Europe.


Active member
May 29, 2007
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
Cutting grass in my yard


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
In high school. The guy who was always late showed up and told us what happened, and the teacher didn’t believe him. Then we were like “who did this?” all day. Then we went to Buffalo Wild Wings


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Feb 27, 2008
In the waiting area getting my oil changed at Fowler Buick-GMC with 3 other people. We were sitting there watching the tv in shock.


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Apr 15, 2003
This was my final semester at State. I was in a BIS class and our professor, Dr. Pearson was called outside by his wife who was a management professor. He walked back in and said the United States is under attack and you are dismissed. I had no idea what happened but I assumed bombs were getting dropped on our country until I get back to where I lived and turned on the TV.
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Nov 4, 2015
Working on a job site listening to the radio, when it cut to a live feed of ABC’s Peter Jennings.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
Exactly same for me. Someone came by to tell me that, and I thought Cessna accident. Happens sometimes. Then she came back by to say a second one hit. I thought oh ****! Turned on radio to hear what was going on. Saw footage finally when we found a TV during my lunch break. Had a room full of 9th graders in a major city (we didn't know if other cities would be attacked) I tried to guide through the day about what was going on. Hope I did ok. They are about to be 40 year olds now.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
At my office. I heard something about a bomb at the WTC on the radio and went and turned the TV in the break room on. Everyone that was there crowded in to watch. After 30 minutes or so we got back to work. The clients that were there eventually left as always. The rest of the day cancelled. We didn't do much at all the rest of the week. Town was just deserted.


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Sep 30, 2022
Sitting in first period in high school. I can to this dead remember my teacher running down the hall yelling a plane hit the World Trade Center. She turned on the TV and a few minutes later the second plane hit. Even all these years later, I can remember nearly every part of that day.


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Sep 15, 2016
I was sitting at my desk in the "Crystal City" part of Arlington, Virginia . . . about 1 mile south of the Pentagon.

I had heard about the plane hitting one of the World Trade Center towers, and I was looking at pics online of the gaping hole in the North Tower.

I was talking to a colleague on the phone telling her that the plane that hit the tower was no Cessna.

I could tell that someone had stepped into her office and said something to her . . . to which she replied, "Oh my God."

She then told me that a plane had just hit the Pentagon. I stepped outside our office building a few minutes later and looked in that direction . . . and saw very dark clouds of black smoke rising into the sky and growing bigger.

As we all know, that was a crazy day, unlike any other.
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Mar 6, 2008
Dropped my child off at school. Sat down at my desk, popped up Drudge Report and saw the “drudge siren” flashing. Drudge originally used a stock image of a little single engine Cessna and the headline said, “Plane hits World Trade Center.”

And, then, all hell broke loose.
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Jun 7, 2024
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
Just getting out of bed. My first class that day was not until 9:30. Principals of Accounting in McCool Hall. When I turned on the TV, the 1st plane had already hit. Like most everyone I was thinking a nut in Cessna. I saw the 2nd plane hit on live TV and I knew....Bastards.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
On a delivery of cotton defoliant, listening to John Boy and Billy on Radio. Got back to office in Yazoo city in time to see second plane hit.

Then moments after coverage went to Pentagon, the electricity went off in office. We all sat in silence for several minutes. After it came back on probably 5-10 minutes later someone said what we were all thinking, Well, I don’t guess they got the chemical plant!” (For those not familiar, Yazoo City, MS has a fertilizer plant that makes nitrogen fertilizer as in Ammonia Nitrate. Yeah, the same stuff used in the Oklahoma City bombing)!

We were all waiting on the shockwave to hit, which thankfully didn’t happen.

God Bless those families of the victims and God Bless this country!


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022
I was in the 5th grade. One of my classmates saw teachers surrounding a TV in the library and heard them say we had been attacked. We thought it was Spain or France. On the playground we talked about how we would have to fight. One kid even said we could use his dad's deer stands to surprise the enemy. I found out later that night what happen at home. I knew it was a big deal, but I strangely had a weird confidence everything would be okay.


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Jan 9, 2016
I was in Mobile at the Alabama Turfgrass Conference. Had just finished with the breakfast awards presentation and walked back into the trade show area to go to the bathroom. I walked out of the restroom over to our booth as I walked, I noticed folks standing around TVs.

The trade show closed an hour later and I drove back to BHM. Was a quiet drive back.


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Sep 29, 2022
I was only in the 3rd grade. Our school did not tell us a thing all day. Don’t know if it was because they didn’t want younger kids at an elementary school freaking out or what. My older brother is 5 years older than me and he was in school that day and knew about it.

I remember my mom picking up me and my younger brother from school and telling us what happened. I just remember thinking they were going to bomb our house next and being really scared. I also remember going with my parents to get gas that evening and gas station lines were nuts.
Jul 11, 2024
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
I was a freshman at the USNA. Didn't know what was going on but they called us all into our company "break" rooms and we watched on TV.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
I was on a treadmill at the YMCA in Hattiesburg and one TV was showing the news. I switched my earbuds to that channel. I was still watching when the second plane hit. I called my brother who was badly hungover. He partied the night before because Sept 11 is his birthday. He was pissed that I called so early. I told him to turn on the news. He replied “what channel?” I told him “it’s on all of the channels.”

I definitely don’t think the young people today can understand what it’s like when all of the channels are carrying a national tragedy live.
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Nov 12, 2009
I was at my GF's apartment on Hartness. I remember flipping through the channels and stopping on the Mexican station and seeing smoke from a tower. I assumed it was some b-movie made by the network. I watched it for about 30 seconds and then kept scrolling. Then I noticed other stations were showing the same thing. Then ESPN had it on their network. I just remember the feeling of shock. I remember all the real time speculation of where other planes may be heading. That was scary. I watched the second tower get hit live. Then I watched the towers fall. I didn't go to campus that day. Going to class the next day was awkward. Everyone was somber and didn't talk much. I think everyone was still processing it.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2015
Junior year high school.
Coming down the hall saw a friend he said we’re under attack.
Didn’t believe him. Went to chemistry class that was taught by a Mennonite. He did not let us watch TV and said if it does not affect us immediately we must focus on our work.
Can’t remember much after that but do remember watching the news for a ton for the first time.

Car Ramrod.sixpack

Active member
Sep 21, 2017
I was a freshman at Millsaps and had just finished 6 AM workouts. I stopped by the cafeteria to grab breakfast for the walk to my first class. There was a TV on the wall next to the entrance that played CNN non stop with no sound. At that time they thought it was a bomb. In my class the professor came in about 15 min late and let us know what had happened. At 10 AM they canceled classes. We grabbed someone's TV and set it up in the dorm common area. Everyone in the dorm spent the enitere day there trying to understand what just happend.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
Driving to a job in Alabama listening to Steve and DC radio show when it all went down.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
I was on the 14th floor of the Chevron Tower in downtown Houston sitting at my desk. Someone walked by and said a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Like most, I initially thought it was a Cessna. Pulled up Yahoo! and saw pictures and muttered “Oh Shıt!” A bunch of us gathered in on of the conference rooms and had the news on a TV; just sitting on the floor watching in shock. We saw the second plane hit, the plane hit The Pentagon, and both towers fall. They closed our office shortly thereafter for “safety reasons” and sent everyone home. I spent the rest of the day watching the news at home.


New member
Feb 5, 2020
Jr year at MSU. I had a writing for thinking test that morning so I had woken up earlier to look over some things. Had NBC on after the 1st plane had hit. Like others I was thinking it was a smaller plane but then witnessed the 2nd plane hit. Woke both of my roommates up to watch. Never forget walking across the drill field to Carpenter to class and it was just an erie silence all across campus.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2022
In a grocery store with my 2 1/2 yr old.
Got in the car and radio was tuned to a local sports station and they were reporting a plane had struck the WTC and speculating it was a small aircraft possibly.
Got home in time to see the next one hit and stayed glued to the TV until late that night.
We had a German exchange student living with us at the time and had just got to the US in August.
She was on our landline wall phone in the kitchen with her parents for over an hour in the early evening speaking in German and trying to assure them she was ok and there was not any real threat to her based on where she was.
Just surreal.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
At work. Had a driver across the river unloading and one of the planes flew right over him.

One of the largest transportation companies in the US basically shut down that day. It was eerie driving to and from work, and seeing all the planes grounded at the airport.


Nov 9, 2017
I was working at Best Buy in merchandising. Partner comes in and says some idiot accidentally flew in the the World Trade Center. We soon knew it was not an accident. Best Buy was packed with people just standing in the TV section watching the news. No one was buying anything, just watching.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
At work. Spent the day in the corporate gym, where we had multiple TVs, watching events unfold. It was impossible to do any work that day, nor did anyone have any appetite for trying.

Herbert Nenninger

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Feb 9, 2019
Freshman at State. Was sitting in a dean’s office appealing a parking ticket (ok, tickets). A guy kept coming out of his office to update the secretary. I’m just sitting there shaking my head, wondering if I was hearing them correctly.
When I walked back to my dorm room, every room on the hallway had their door open and the news on.
Like someone else said, I can remember so many details from that day, especially relative to any other day that far back.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
I was personally working at home (before that was a thing). Turned a tv on and watched it for days.

I have a cousin that was a civilian tech consultant for the Navy and he was in a meeting at The Pentagon when that went down. He was on the opposite side of the Pentagon from the impact but said everything in the room shook. Then they heard lots of talking outside the meeting space and then alarms started going off and someone came in and told them the building was going into some type pre-arranged lock down protocol as well as evacuations for anyone not schooled in those protocols or without clearance. He said he was really scared another one was coming because they soon heard about the Twin Towers.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
I had a flight out of Birmingham scheduled going to Milwaukee that morning but thankfully I was still on the ground when everything happened. Was back traveling the first day planes were flying again. Had some rumors and drama in the Detroit airport and on a flight back to Birmingham that I don’t mind admitting, scared the crap out of me. When I got home I called my boss and told him that I was not getting on another plane until things settled down. Zero fun those days.


Active member
Sep 27, 2011
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.
Green Tree Apartment/Townhome Complex in good ole Starkville. My radio alarm woke me up for my first class, I heard something about it "looked like snow in NYC", thought that was weird and hit the snooze. 10 minutes later when it went off again, I got a better picture, went and turned on the TV, and watched the 2nd plane strike live. Saw both buildings fall on TV. It was crazy.


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Jan 26, 2023
Was in my home office with The Today Show on when they first reported the first plane. There was so little information at that time. Was on the phone with my wife when I watched live the 2nd plane hit, and knew we were under attack. We stood in a quiet line for 3 hours to give blood that night...felt like it was the only thing we could do.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
In my house in the Jackson area watching pine trees almost sway 90 degrees to the ground for 5 hours


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Jan 2, 2023
I was running a little late for work and as I was gassing up on Lakeland before my drive to downtown Jxn, I heard about it on the radio. Came into the office and word started to spread so we turned on the TV in the training room. Everyone spent the rest of the day roaming in and out of the room watching the news coverage.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I was on the 14th floor of the Chevron Tower in downtown Houston sitting at my desk. Someone walked by and said a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Like most, I initially thought it was a Cessna. Pulled up Yahoo! and saw pictures and muttered “Oh Shıt!” A bunch of us gathered in on of the conference rooms and had the news on a TV; just sitting on the floor watching in shock. We saw the second plane hit, the plane hit The Pentagon, and both towers fall. They closed our office shortly thereafter for “safety reasons” and sent everyone home. I spent the rest of the day watching the news at home.
Wife was in the Pennzoil Building. Is Chevron Tower what used to be Chase Tower?


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
I was at work. My mother called me and told me that a plane hit the World Trade Center. Like others I thought that it was a small plane and it was an accident. She called back and said a second plane had hit the other tower, that’s when I realized that it was a planned attack. She called me back and said that first tower had fallen. We set up a tv at work. I walked in the room when the second tower collapsed. I’ll never forget the fear of that day and wondering what was next. I will also never forget being a home later that week when I heard a plane flew over for the first time since the attack. It was a terrible time but we also never as united as country in my lifetime.
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