Where were you 23 years ago today?


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Apr 1, 2017
Sitting in my office at work, the scheduler stuck her head in the door and said they just crashed a plane into the towers. We had a TV in our conference room hooked up to a VCR for training videos. Rigged up an antenna so we could pick up local coverage and watched it on and off the rest of the day.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
asleep. i worked nights back then and i didn't get home and in bed till around 5 a.m, my mom of all people called and told me about it because my friends knew that i could be somewhat cranky when woken up. after that i stayed up ALL day long watching cnn back when i could stand to. then when it came time to go back to work i called in sick and sat there ALL night watching cnn.


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Oct 3, 2022
Had the day off and was taking my Honda CBR that was just painted to a place to get new decals put on. I had it on a trailer and was listening to John Boy and Billy. I was on Spring street in Tupelo, right over the rail road tracks in front of where the Farmers Depot is now when Billy broke in and said a small plane had hit the tower. They thought it was a Cessna too and kept the show going for a bit until it was found out what had really happened.


Dec 14, 2023
I was in my 1st period Algebra 1 class in the 8th grade. At Picayune Jr. High we had TV's in every classroom because we would watch Channel One and I'm sure some of you remember that. It started out as a normal morning in first period and then we heard about something happening and they turned the TV's on and we got the news. It definitely was a sad day.
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Sep 2, 2006
Driving to work on Blackjack Rd listening to NPR news. They interrupted with a report of a small plane hitting thr World Trade Center. As I was getting in to town, they came back and said it was an airliner. Just as I was pulling in to work, the second jet hit.
A co-worker and I went to JC Garcias for lunch that day. I think there were maybe 3 other customers there. Hwy 12 looked like a ghost town at noon. It was a creepy feeling.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Dropped my child off at school. Sat down at my desk, popped up Drudge Report and saw the “drudge siren” flashing. Drudge originally used a stock image of a little single engine Cessna and the headline said, “Plane hits World Trade Center.”

And, then, all hell broke loose.
Back when Drudge was worth a damn.


May 7, 2014
I had a 9 AM class so had just woken up and my roommate had the TV on as he was finishing getting ready for his 8 AM class. On the TV was video of the world trade tower smoking and in the grogginess of waking up I thought it was some B movie on TV until my roommate said that it looked like there was a terrible accident in NYC. He decided he could be a few minutes late for class and he and I watched the second plane hit live. We just sat there in silence not really being able to comprehend what was going on.


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May 6, 2009
I was in 10th grade. Walked into Spanish class and the girl who sat beside asked if I had heard the news… I said no. She then preceded to tell me someone had attacked the twin cities, which I immediately replied why the hell would someone attack Minnesota. Luckily, another classmate heard that and cleared it up. Needless to say, I was very confused for a little bit.


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Sep 26, 2012
Driving to work when first one hit. Got to work about time of second one. I remember when they started reporting that another one (Flight 93 that went down in PA) was off course, not responding and headed back toward DC, they scrambled the F16s, and a friend and I looked at each other and said "we gonna have to shoot a plane full of innocent people down". Then Todd Beamer and crew said "Let's roll!". RIP, heroes.
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Feb 18, 2011
Was at my desk when a coworker told me a plane had hit the WTC. Assumed a crackpot in a Cessna, and later heard the news.

I listened to Peter Jennings on the radio all day, but avoided watching it on TV. That's because I remembered watching the Challenger explode about 50 times that day on TV, and didn't want another tragedy burned into my memory.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2022
I had a flight out of Birmingham scheduled going to Milwaukee that morning but thankfully I was still on the ground when everything happened. Was back traveling the first day planes were flying again. Had some rumors and drama in the Detroit airport and on a flight back to Birmingham that I don’t mind admitting, scared the crap out of me. When I got home I called my boss and told him that I was not getting on another plane until things settled down. Zero fun those days.
I too started back flying not long after they opened up air travel again.
Changed planes in Atlanta one morning going to Jacksonville FL and the flight was maybe a 1/3rd full.
Had two towel head looking MF’s get on the plane and proceed to sit down in the seats directly behind me. No one else was on my entire row, either side.
As soon as the boarding door closed I went and sat two rows behind them and told the flight attendant what I was doing and why.
Right before takeoff she came back by on the way to her seat and told me she had alerted the pilots.
Nothing happened obviously but I was going to make sure I was in position to watch them the entire flight.


Aug 22, 2012
My junior year at University of West Alabama. I had my assistant baseball coach for 1st period 8 a.m. class. When we were dismissed, went to my car and every radio station i turned to was tuned in. Went back to my dorm room to watch. My next class was US History, our teacher told us to go home, that History was happening today.


Jan 8, 2023
I was in my sophomore year at ECCC. Finished organic chemistry and walked back to my dorm room to see the first tower on fire from the plane hit. Was sitting watching with my roommate when the second plane hit and realized it was an attack.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
On an internship and playing golf before I had to work in the afternoon.
Made the turn at 9 and saw video of one plan hitting a Tower. We kept playing because at the time we didnt know it was anything more than a plane going off course with terribly tragic results.

Then a bunch of calls came in to all of us over the next few holes. I remember I couldnt reach my parents out in CA because calls out there couldnt get thru.


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Dec 11, 2007
I was a sophomore and waiting on the grey route to go to class. A friend offered to give me a ride to class. This was between plane 1 and plane 2. He had just done an NSA internship the summer before so I had thought he was 17ing with me he told me a plane crashed into WTC. I didn't believe him.

Once I got to McCool, it was obvious something major happened as there were only a handful of people roaming when it should have been hundreds. Someone quickly caught me up and my heart sank and a feeling of dread took over. Had no clue if it was terrorism or if we should prepare for a military conflict on American soil. Weird weird feeling I don't care to experience again.


Active member
Sep 27, 2011
I was in my 1st period Algebra 1 class in the 8th grade. At Picayune Jr. High we had TV's in every classroom because we would watch Channel One and I'm sure some of you remember that. It started out as a normal morning in first period and then we heard about something happening and they turned the TV's on and we got the news. It definitely was a sad day.
Ms. Griffith?


New member
Aug 22, 2012
I had just turned 21 a couple of days before, and I was working on my High Point Market samples at BenchCraft in Blue Mountain, MS. All of the big wigs were at Premarket, so it was supposed to be a quiet day. Just then, the leather procurement guy came into my cubicle and said a plane hit the WTC. We all went to the President's conference room (he had Directv) and watched TV all day. My boss made me go put gas in her vehicle because she was worried about a gas shortage.

My second cousin was in the Pentagon when it was hit. His sister worked at BMC, and I called her an she said that she had not heard from him. Next thing we knew, my great Aunt said that he had been sent out and no one knew where he was going.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
I too started back flying not long after they opened up air travel again.
Changed planes in Atlanta one morning going to Jacksonville FL and the flight was maybe a 1/3rd full.
Had two towel head looking MF’s get on the plane and proceed to sit down in the seats directly behind me. No one else was on my entire row, either side.
As soon as the boarding door closed I went and sat two rows behind them and told the flight attendant what I was doing and why.
Right before takeoff she came back by on the way to her seat and told me she had alerted the pilots.
Nothing happened obviously but I was going to make sure I was in position to watch them the entire flight.
I was sitting in the Detroit airport waiting for my flight watching TV. Breaking news came on stating that apparently there were terriorist in the Detroit airport posing as Delta pilots. Saw several armed guards run past me in their search. They finally called my Delta flight to Birmingham and when I boarded I could see into the cockpit ( before they locked the door) and one of the pilots sitting there looked kind of middle eastern with darker skin, black hair, etc. I stopped and told the flight attendant awe hell naw and started backing out. She grabbed me by the arm and said it’s ok, I know him and he is fine. We talked for a minute and my dumb *** got on the plane. There were 3 passengers total. Right as we were taking off I thought, what if she is in on it? We flew without incident to Birmingham but I was scared to death the whole way. As for Detroit, apparently it was bad information and there were no terriorist found posing as pilots. I told the boss what happened and that I would not be getting on anymore airplanes for awhile, he agreed and pretty much shut down all air travel for a couple of months.
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Mar 25, 2008
I was in High Point, NC at pre-market for furniture show. Went into the rest room at a showroom while Fox News was on and when I came out the the first plane had hit but nobody knew what had happened or how big the damage was. While watching, second plane hit. Got in my car immediately and drove 600 miles back to Tupelo. Didn’t have satellite radio but terrestrial was carrying NBC broadcast. No planes in the air and “National Emergency” road sign in Atlanta. Didn’t see actual coverage until the following year on the anniversary.


Active member
Sep 24, 2003
about to leave my house to get on a flight to New Orleans. Turned on tv to check weather. Glad I did.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
I was in High Point, NC at pre-market for furniture show. Went into the rest room at a showroom while Fox News was on and when I came out the the first plane had hit but nobody knew what had happened or how big the damage was. While watching, second plane hit. Got in my car immediately and drove 600 miles back to Tupelo. Didn’t have satellite radio but terrestrial was carrying NBC broadcast. No planes in the air and “National Emergency” road sign in Atlanta. Didn’t see actual coverage until the following year on the anniversary.
Yeah, all of our executives and my big boss had to drive their rental cars back to Tippah County. They didn't get back to Blue Mtn until Thursday.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I was driving to Jackson for a work day and was listening to a report about the first plane. Initially they thought it was a smaller plane but when the 2nd hit there was no doubt what was taking place. No work was done that day as everyone was glued to a tv.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Wife was in the Pennzoil Building. Is Chevron Tower what used to be Chase Tower?
Not sure what it used to be, but it’s on the corner of Austin & McKinney. I think Chevron changed buildings in around 2004 but I had left Chevron by then.
Mar 3, 2008
I was working in a distribution center for wal-mart. It was a big deal if someone called you since the place was so big. One of my co-workers call me on my radio and said my girlfriend wanted to talk to me. She told me a plane had hit the first tower. We went down to the break room to put it on the news. All the people on break were not happy but we changed it. We stayed there and were watching when the second plane hit. That was a crazy day/week.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2021
I was at my desk working on a large client issue … things were so different no phone so when I was told a plane hit the World Trade center I pictured a Cessna and went back to work.

Was sitting at the desk in my office. I had an am/fm clock radio on my credenza that was playing in the background. They kept breaking in with urgent news about a plane hitting the WTC. Went to the TV in the breakroom and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Around lunch we started sending people home. I spent the remainder of the day watching tv and honestly, I was sobbing.
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Active member
Oct 16, 2014
I was running late for work, Doug Limerick was on the radio at the top of the hour. Led the newscast with ‘ aircraft hit the WTC’. Followed up at the end with the same thing. I accomplished exactly no work that day. Went in the office, looked at the TV, watched the second aircraft hit. Watched both towers fall. I’ve tried to work at something every 11th ever since. Also, went through CMP so I could buy a Garand earlier that year, a very nice lady working for FEDEX delivered it to me at 10:20.


Active member
Mar 31, 2021
Was at my desk when a coworker told me a plane had hit the WTC. Assumed a crackpot in a Cessna, and later heard the news.

I listened to Peter Jennings on the radio all day, but avoided watching it on TV. That's because I remembered watching the Challenger explode about 50 times that day on TV, and didn't want another tragedy burned into my memory.
I was working at a plant in central Florida and walking across across the property when I looked up and saw the famous split contrails of the Challenger from 80 miles. Like 9/11, a sharp blue sky morning that you could see forever and will never forget.

I certainly remember where I was on 9/11 but thinking back, the details get fuzzy in a hurry. Locked up in a conference room in a meeting and oblivious to the world. Meeting ended and walked into the breakroom with everyone watching TV and where it gets fuzzy. I remember the comments about a small plane, then the second plane hit. From there the whole day becomes a blur and can't remember where I actually saw them fall, there or at home, but never stopped watching TV for what seems the next 3 days.

Those towers coming down the way they did was the most shocking and unbelievable thing I think I've ever seen. My first thought was those things at a 100 stories are surely going to topple in some direction and cause incredible damage across lower Manhattan but never did.

Lived in the flight path of the Cincinnati airport and there was suddenly nothing in the air, pictures of downed flight at random airports everywhere, and the famous flight tracker time lapse of that day from planes everywhere to not a single one in the air across the US. Work colleagues renting cars and driving back from everywhere.

The country and for that matter, the world, coming together like nothing I've ever seen. Assume like others, I could go on and on.

Final thought, Alan Jackson summed it all up pretty well on Nov 7 at the CMA's having written the song a week earlier. Going to need your help again @CochiseCowbell posting the video.


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Aug 15, 2006
Actually was home with a sick toddler. My son (then almost 2) had to stay home with the crud so I was doing man chores like yard work, washing cars, etc...when my (now ex) wife called and stated that we were under attack. I was like, "uh, what?". Turned on the tv and saw the 1st tower on fire. Then the 2nd plane hit. Then 1st tower fell. Then 2nd tower. Dumbfounded is the word that comes to me when trying to describe the feelings I had...
It's still somewhat shocking to watch those clips, and the way the towers collapsed. I still believe there was something else that provoked such devastation.


Aug 23, 2012
This was my final semester at State. I was in a BIS class and our professor, Dr. Pearson was called outside by his wife who was a management professor. He walked back in and said the United States is under attack and you are dismissed. I had no idea what happened but I assumed bombs were getting dropped on our country until I get back to where I lived and turned on the TV.
I was in the same class. Went back to our apartment in the Cotton District to watch the second building fall. That was an insane day.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I had a friend working in the White House at the time. After the first planes had hit the towers and there were rumors of another plane headed towards DC he called a hometown friend also in Washington and asked if he wanted to come over and join him in the safe room (or whatever it's called) . The friends response : "Are you 17ing crazy ?".
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