I don’t think product boycotts “destroy” many lives. Even if a company have layoffs as a result, those people aren’t unemployable going forward like happens with cancelling.
Yeah, it's so easy for low to mid-level employees at various large companies to just find a comparable job, without a substantial shock to their living standards ... it's why folks celebrate getting laid off ... it's just a new opportunity for them.
Compare to the well-off singular individual getting "cancelled" ... THAT is tragic.
But that middle-class, or lower-middle-class mom or dad who has to go home to their family and tell them they no longer have a job because some nutter decided he didn't like rainbow clothing he wasn't ever going to buy anyway ... forget them ... they're good. No worries.
It doesn't matter that mom or dad had absolutely nothing to do with whatever decision the snowflakes got upset about now, while the cancelled person chose the actions that got them into trouble, either. We don't care about that.