Reserves? They actually said that? They did try to solicit donations, last I saw they had raised about $8 million over two years - although I expect most of that was more of a reclassification of donations that were coming in to the Athletic Department anyway, and were then "earmarked" for Lasch. Fungability, you know.
Phase I, I believe, the one with the tab of $35mm, to which Ira Lubert kicked in $5mm when it looked like they were coming up short. Believe the $8mm they've raised is toward Phase II which has a tab of $48mm, the remaining $40mm borrowed. As you suggest, hard to keep track of money in the Athletic Departmetn with their shifting definitions.
As a footnote, many overlook the money they've borrowed to cover the revenue shortfall caused by Covid. The last number I heard from Barbour was $25mm. Between the money they've promised to Franklin for his comp and other football program sundries; and interest on the debt, the Athletic Department surplus is getting shaved perilously thin. Better hope that Warren can negotiate a new blockbuster TV deal real quick.