He better. With the diluting down of the playoffs, the seat for several coaches will get hotter a lot faster. I don't think Liberty is a "playoff or bust" program, but where making the 4-team playoff was a major accomplishment, making the expanded playoffs will be the minimum expectation for a number of schools.
PSU jumps to mind as the prime example. Most of my family lives in PA and are PSU fans. Franklin is in that awkward middle ground of coaches. He hasn't done nearly bad enough to get fired, but he's obviously not a championship-caliber coach. PSU fans know they'll mostly always be about 10-11 win team while he's there. Just not quite good enough to be at the top. With the watering down of the playoffs, that will become the expectation for them. If they miss the playoffs a couple times, he'll be out. Previously, you wouldn't fire a top-10/15 type coach who wins 10-11 games a year.
Much the same thing that happened to bowls has happened to the playoffs. Used to be making a bowl was a major accomplishment. You could have a pretty good season and still not get a bowl. Now, it's the minimum expectation for nearly 70% of all teams in college football. If you don't get a bowl game, the season was an abject failure. For a certain group of teams, that will be the playoffs.
Yet, curiously, much like teams who scratch their way into a crappy bowl game but still celebrate it as an accomplishment, there will be teams who are not one bit improved over last season's record but get to jubilantly celebrate making the playoffs this year. Some people are just that stupid.