You guys putting this on CML, pls find another team


New member
Aug 29, 2012
The only, and I mean the ONLY reason that Joe Moorhead has the Egg Bowl record that he has is because he got to coach against Matt Luke for two years. Leach, conversely, has had to deal with a much improved OM under Kiffin. It’s not remotely an apples to apples comparison.

The Washington/Washington State thing had far more to do with matchups and talent discrepancies than it did a pure rivalry aspect. It’s an entirely different conversation than whatever Egg Bowl issues Leach has had so far.

Guess how many coaches in our history have lost their first 3 Egg Bowls. Leach is about to do it.

Bill Shankly

New member
Nov 27, 2020
The only, and I mean the ONLY reason that Joe Moorhead has the Egg Bowl record that he has is because he got to coach against Matt Luke for two years. Leach, conversely, has had to deal with a much improved OM under Kiffin. It’s not remotely an apples to apples comparison.

The Washington/Washington State thing had far more to do with matchups and talent discrepancies than it did a pure rivalry aspect. It’s an entirely different conversation than whatever Egg Bowl issues Leach has had so far.

Oh, so Leach took a team that was obviously ahead of Ole Miss, after beating them two straight years, and didn't match their improvement and lost to them two straight years. I'd say you nailed it! Leach is a failure by definition.

As for the Apple Cup, did you actually read what you posted? You just emphatically agreed with me.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2016
It’s also CML’s job to put in guys who reliably execute and this is the third game in a row with critical drops and missed kicks. The special teams coach has to go because that area has been lacking for far too long. Clearly there has been some roster mismanagement and missed evaluations going back for a season or more.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
One more comment: Mike Leach is NOT Mississippi State University. Most of us were here long before him and most of us will still be here long after he is gone. He is a football coach. If you are a Mike Leach fan above all then feel free to follow him to his next gig, Key West. There are a lot worse things to do for sure. Hopefully he will be there very soon.
Too many of our fans look at the relationship with a coach as a marriage. For better or for worse. Till death do us part. So they keep defending the coach no matter what. They need to look at it like dating. When it quits being fun, it’s time to move on. Last night wasn’t fun.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
patdog;[URL="tel:2069322" said:
2069322[/URL]]Too many of our fans look at the relationship with a coach as a marriage. For better or for worse. Till death do us part. So they keep defending the coach no matter what. They need to look at it like dating. When it quits being fun, it’s time to move on. Last night wasn’t fun.
But if you breakup every time you have a disagreement it will be a revolving door and a revolving door of coaches would destroy a program.


Dec 29, 2008
But if you breakup every time you have a disagreement it will be a revolving door and a revolving door of coaches would destroy a program.

People always keep saying this but it just isn't true. There is no evidence to quantify this. Besides its the old way of thinking. Things are different now. Just like the job market in other industries. It used to be bad to have a lot of jobs on your resume, now its the norm and sometimes a positive.

Besides, it seems to be working fine for TN and Ark. Sometimes you have to go through a few folks to find the right fit. I'd even argue that holding on to someone too long in hopes it'll turn around is even more detrimental to a company/program than cutting bait.


Active member
Sep 24, 2012
Bear Bryant: "3 things can happen when you pass, and 2 of them are bad"

This is on Leach.

It's no surprise we got our lead running the's how you win in this league when you have a good defense. But we couldn't sustain it because we're built for the high flying, scoreboard lighting, offensive explosion they call the "Air Raid". Thank goodness.*

Darrel ROYAL said that


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Which is worse, keeping the wrong coach or having a revolving door? We fired Joe Moorhead after 2 years, and rightly so. We kept Sylvester Croom for 7 years. Which was the right decision?
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New member
Feb 26, 2008
You could also decide to not read instead of telling others to be a fan of another team blacklistedbaby


Active member
Jul 9, 2013
Which is worse, keeping the wrong coach or having a revolving door? We fired Joe Moorhead after 2 years, and rightly so. We kept Sylvester Croom for 7 years. Which was the right decision?

They only kept Crooms that long because they were scared to fire him when they should have. Black Lives Matter


Active member
Sep 8, 2018
Bear Bryant: "3 things can happen when you pass, and 2 of them are bad"

Bear was wrong on that statement.

The other thing that can happen on a pass play is an interference penalty, which would give your offense 15 yards and a 1st down.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I'm far from apathetic. I'm just not kneejerk and do consider actual facts and details rather than just decide "common denominator" is the answer. The common denominator is not always the actual problem.

We have a coach who has put us in position to win most of the games we have played.

Last year we had a kicker who couldn't make extra points, much less field goals and cost us games. CML did everything he could to address that this year, getting better kickers, yet here we are in a 2nd game of 3 where we have missed extra points...3 in two games! Is that on Leach? He is the "common denominator" there as well.

Some of you guys should probably take a night or two before you start popping off on Leach. I damn sure can't remember any other HC we have had that makes me feel we legitimately have a great chsnce to win every game other than Bama each year.

With Mullen you just knew he was going to lose at least 2 games a year from bonehead game management, no matter how well our kids played. While we may not do better under CML, I still feel like we have a shot to be the 2nd or 3rd best team in the SEC each year.

This is nothing like Moorhead who was a terrible HC who pretty much destroyed our program in a year.

Please just chill out a while and stop looking for reasons. If we were losing games consistently and not most often due to poor execution and/or bad calls that would be a different story. But if you look at all our losses objectively, it is a real stretch to say it is on Leach.

Consider the dropped passes. Do you really think CML doesn't coach these guys up enough? Think they don't understand the 12 plays we run? Think he has turned them from good hands to bad hands?

Of course not. No more than we can blame him last year for D1 kickers not being able to make chip shot FG's or XPT's.

Details matter if we're going to be fair evaluating Leach and his offense.

Nuance is everything. I don't blame leach for the kicking woes, nor do I fault the way he tried to correct this. But running a basic offensive style that's one dimensional and very easy to defend, and not doing enough to evolve or modernize it? Yeah, that's on him. I don't know how many times you guys have to watch our QB stand like a statue and pump fake before checking down to a back for a two yard gain before you finally say, "you know what, maybe there's a problem with this offense!"

It's not so much the dropped passes as it is the lack of an innovative offense that makes something like a dropped pass harder to overcome.

Go Budaw

Aug 22, 2012
Well it is on him. He's the one that's picked the players to be out there that aren't executing. He's the one who hired the special teams coach that puts a return man back there that muffed the punt. He's the one that went for it on 4th down and called ****** plays. He's the one that hired the OL coach who recruited ****** OL. He's the one that recruited a QB that can't read a 17ing defense. At the end of the day, Leach is the one that put this team and coaches together so when they fail, yes it falls directly on him. The reason why people are pissed is because there's not many times we have more talent than LSU. When we are, we have to capitlize and beat thoser mother17ers. If leach can't beat them when he's got the better team, then how is he going to beat them when we don't?

I’m not sure what recruiting rankings you’re following, but we have nothing close to the same talent as LSU this year, and we never will. You can wish we actually had more talent all you want, it doesn’t make it true. As to how we will best them when we don’t have more talent, I don’t know, but we did it 2 years ago. We’ll have boom games under Leach every year (like A&M / Auburn last year, LSU in 2020), and bust games like Saturday and Memphis last year. When the execution is there, we’ll be tougher to deal with. That’s just where we are at.

Go Budaw

Aug 22, 2012
Too many of our fans look at the relationship with a coach as a marriage. For better or for worse. Till death do us part. So they keep defending the coach no matter what. They need to look at it like dating. When it quits being fun, it’s time to move on. Last night wasn’t fun.

So we should have fired Leach after the 2020 Arkansas game? What you’re proposing isn’t realistic. You can’t just shitcan the coach after every game that doesn’t go your way. “That game sucked….let’s fire the coach…who can we get?” is just the lowest common denominator of fanbase discord that there is….yet it continues to come up every time at every school. Its not necessarily defending the coach to simply point out the ridiculousness of that…..especially at a school like MSU.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Well, another big reason is he inherited one of the top defenses in the country.

But that merely supports your point. Giving JoMo credit for those 2 wins is absurd.
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Sure at some point its on coaching.

When leach goes 5-7 or even 6-6 multiple years in a row, holler at us.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. Fire a coach after one bad game. **

And really, that game wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. We actually moved the ball pretty good between the 20s. Just had a few mistakes. The offense didn't start stalling out until later that year.


New member
Jan 9, 2020
Kiffin got the boosters to pony up. Look at the talent level at OM now compared to then. Look at who they have at QB this year. Until our boosters match or better Kiffin will continue to win the Egg Bowl.


Active member
Apr 20, 2009
Find another team to root for...please.
We lost because our WR's let us down multiple times, dropping passes right in their hands that killed drives.

The muffed punt should have been a penalty on LSU for catch interference. 2 yd halo rule was taken away in 2018, but you still can't get inside shoulder pad length or that plus 1 yard if in front...even if you move out a second before the ball gets to the receiver. LSU guy was inches away right before the ball came down.

The drive after on the 3rd down pass to Ducking, a clear PI wasn't called. #2 literally grabbed Duckings right hand and held it back as the pass was arriving. That stopped a drive.

Still 17-16 when we did strip that ball from the LSU RB. He did strip it before the whistle, but no review even given.

There were a couple other things as well, but the ones I mentioned totally changed the momentum.

None of that is on CML! Even with the bad officiating if our WR's catch the damn ball we win.

So sick of you obnoxious jackasses waiting for any and every chance to pile on Leach. If you're so friggin' miserable watching our team under him, just go watch somebody else.


Someday, people will realize that everything in college football falls back on the head coach, whether he is personally responsible or not. It's like waking up to the sun rising in the east.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Someday, people will realize that everything in college football falls back on the head coach, whether he is personally responsible or not. It's like waking up to the sun rising in the east.
That is not at all incompatible with my post. Of course the "buck stops with the HC", but that still does not impact how to fairly evaluate the job he is doing, & most certainly does not mean he is the cause of every loss. Again, his game plan put our guys in position to make the plays needed to win. They did not perform well enough to do so.

When a D1 WR drops a pass right in his hands, especially when there isn't even tight coverage, that is the WR's fault, not the HC. If our kids had consistently performed up to reasonable expectations we win that game. They didn't...we lost.

That won't fly with the crowd that believes nonsense like, "The best team always wins". The best team almost never "always wins". If they did, we'd see a ton of undefeated teams every year, and we'd never see any upsets.


Dec 27, 2009
Our receivers were in position to make plays. Yes, there were drops, but the throws from Will were bad. I counted 8 throws a good SEC QB makes where Will was way off target, most of them low and behind the receivers.

His interception at the end was sure TD if he puts the ball out there. He played timid. He played awful. He might have got hurt early, but he was awful.

But you are correct. This is not on CML. The plays were there. The execution was not.

I'll just add that several times he hit the receivers in the hands but he just threw it to hard... no receiver should be expected to catch a 60 mph bullet from only 10 yards
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