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New member
Jun 25, 2006
2 things dubmass.

1 Wilder was a grayshirt

2 Wilder could read coming out of HS

Slight difference. If Senor Powe was at State, I'd say the same things about him. He <span style="font-weight: bold;">COULD NOT READ</span> coming out of HS. There is no way he passed legit classes at OM, State, Bama or any damn where. Marcus Broyles , his HS coach, said he could not read coming out of HS. No rumor, no second hand info, I heard him say it.


New member
Apr 11, 2008
playing at OM and then on to the NFL where he will be able to buy/sell 99.9 percent of the posters on this board including yours truly.

rebel law

New member
Jun 4, 2007
If I were Ole Miss, I would be embarassed.
How embarassed were you when Dontae and his 36 hours of summer school was leading you to a final four? College athletics is a joke in that we all try to pretend that they are student athletes. They are athletes that we try to get to pretend to be students for four years.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Todd4State said:
Yeah, I've taught (1) <font size="5">some kids</font> that are dyslexic. (1) <font size="5">He</font> actually made very good grades. It sounds to me like Powe has a WHOLE lot more going on than just dyslexia. (2) Most people with dyslexia are able to get a legit high school diploma and get into college without any difficulty.

As far as our football team, (3) all I know is our players can read, and none of them took three years and a ton of red tape to get in. Other than a couple of JUCO's like Dominic Douglas and Anthony Johnson, who I guess isn't on the team right now went to Hargrave. I'm not saying that we've got Rhodes scholars, but by damn they can read. And all of them have a <17> high school diploma.

And if Powe is so smart, why the hell couldn't he get in on the (4) first try like all the other thousands of people with dyslexia? The man was on a damn certificate track. You don't put someone with just dyslexia on a certificate track. Just because you have dyslexia, it doesn't mean that you can't read at all.

Bottom line: This guy shouldn't be in college and the only reason he is is because he can play DT. That's the only reason why Ole Miss is going through this. If he was 5'10, 210 and could run a 4.8 40, do you really think Ole Miss would be going through this? But no, you come over here and act like Ole Miss is doing something philanthropic for this guy, and the only thing Ole Miss really cares about is if his fat *** helps you win football games.

</p>1) Is it several or one? You're using contradictory nouns of how many people it actually was.

...AND since your sample appears to be 1 student...

2) This is not true, mainly due to the fact that those with ANY disease or disability are affected in different ways. Some are more affected others, as the symptoms are more severe. Thanks for the blanket statement that shows your complete lack of knowledge on this subject.

3) Really? You've worked with every player and know that all of them can read? And define being able to read. I don't consider being able to read on a 4th grade level while in college as "being able to read." Sure, they CAN read, but at an absolutely unacceptable level for a college student. Any other student from anywhere, MSU included, would be ridiculed by the masses here (and elsewhere) as a "retard," or some such other discriminatory remark. An example is the recruit Jeremy Bibbs a few years back, since I had direct contact with him. He was recruited by everybody in the state of MS and some other SEC schools, and he had the GPA to get into school. But the kid could barely complete a sentence, which is part of the reason why he couldn't make higher than a 9 on the ACT in 3 tries. He eventually got arrested for dealing drugs, but that has nothing to do with his reading ability.

4) Actually, they don't ALL make it on the first try. But once again, thanks for the blanket statements which allow you to show your true ignorance.

This is in no way a defense of Powe, as I believe the guy should have been at a JUCO, and the maniac that Ed Orgeron is possibly single-handedly ruined this guy's football career.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Thanks for the proofreading. But to answer your question- I have taught several high school kids with dyslexia. I only taught one year, but I do have a degree in special education from State (Yes, seriously, Insert lame Internet joke here), before I went into the health care field.

As far as "the blanket statement", you pretty much have to since dyslexia encompasses people of all levels of intellect. It would have been far more inaccurate to say "all". When you look at the sample of population of people with mod, severe, profound forms of MR- which is very small in the general population vs. the amount of people with a mild form of MR- people with only dyslexia would fall into this category- a majority of people with just pure, straight up dyslexia are able to perform at an acceptable level in college with some modifications, or even no modifications at all. In this case, I highly suspect that we are talking about a lot more than just dyslexia.

As far as our football team aGAIN I know that they can read because every year our players have to be cleared- just like everyone else- and the ones that can't make it aren't on the team. Why? Because it's in the newspaper in the form of so and so didn't qualify because ___. (ACT score, grades, etc.) Since you seem so confident that some of our players can't read, why don't you name one player that is currently on our team that can't? How do we know Jerrell Powe can't read- becuase his <17> mama said he couldn't. aGAIN if he could, why the hell would it take three years of red tape to get him in school?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
bubs77 said:

... playing the "we's mays have stoolpid stoodints, but you's has stoopid stoodints too" card. Yawn, we heard it with Donte Jones and Marcus Bullard BACK IN 19 AND 96!!! Attention, Bubs. Why don't you work hard at trying to defend your school, or at least seeing that your school doesn't admit retards, in the future, instead of projecting.</p>


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
saddawg said:
2 things dubmass.

1 Wilder was a grayshirt

2 Wilder could read coming out of HS

Slight difference. If Senor Powe was at State, I'd say the same things about him. He <span style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">COULD NOT READ</span> coming out of HS. There is no way he passed legit classes at OM, State, Bama or any damn where. Marcus Broyles , his HS coach, said he could not read coming out of HS. No rumor, no second hand info, I heard him say it.

</p>I'm pretty sure he'd be Summa *** Laude at Bammer

Ole Miss Grad

No matter what anyone says, Powe can read.....end of story

Powe was qualified last year. The NCAA didn't deny him. He's jumping through this last hurdle due to Ole Miss and the SEC.

He is not certified to suit up yet, the SEC has to sign off.

He has more classes to take.

It's far from certain he's 'in'.

I could say more specifically, as could some others participating in this thread, but at that point I'd be saying things that would infringe on privileged information.....and this is not the time or place for that.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Movement for all caps post = bannation, retroactive to sixpack's birthday.

Can I get a 2nd?


New member
Jun 25, 2006
The infamous letter he wrote to the NCAA after getting him some smart. (with translation)

Estimado NCAA,
se llama Jerrell Powe. Yo no leía demasiado bueno, pero entonces aprendí que podría leer mexicano verdadero bueno. Traté de entrar la escuela con ayuda de los mormones y Hargrave Academia Militar. Ahora que soy un erudito mexicano, yo sueño de majoring en mexicano. Ole Señorita tiene un Departamento y el Entrenador O mexicano bueno sabe al maestro verdadero bueno. Juego al fútbol también. Cuando usted puede ver por mi expediente, Eso llena a mi madre dijo acerca de mí no puede leer es sandeces. Aunque yo no pueda pasar inglés en Instituto de Waynesboro, yo ahora puedo leer y poder escribir a mexicano en un nivel avanzado. Por lo tanto yo estaré entrando Ole Señorita como una persona de otro país. Permítame por favor en escuela tan yo puedo un día va a casa y enseña los niños pequeños que no pueden leer inglés bueno cómo leer a mexicano.


Jerrell "El Gato Grande" Powe

Dear NCAA,
My name is Jerrell Powe. I used to not read too good, but then I learned that I could read Mexican real good. I tried to get in school with help from the Mormons and Hargrave Military Academy. Now that I am a mexican scholar, I have a dream of majoring in Mexican. Ole Miss has a good Mexican Department and Coach O knows the teacher real good. I also play football.
As you can see by my transcript, That stuff my mother said about me not being able to read is ********. Although I couldn't pass English at Waynesboro High School, I now can read and write mexican at an advanced level. Therefore I will be entering Ole Miss as a person from another country. Please let me in school so I can one day go home and teach little kids who can't read english good how to read mexican.


Jerrell "The Big Cat" Powe


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Now will you just shut the @%@* up about it? Jesus man, you would seriously think that msu's football is primarily comprised of Rhodes Scholars or something. We get it todd, we should be embarrassed. Thanks.


Feb 24, 2008
You do realize that in order to be admitted to ANY university in the state of MS, you MUST have a high school diploma.
Actually, you only need to complete a handful of high school degree required. Even the failure to complete those courses can be counteracted by other criteria.
</a><a title="" href="">

**edited to hyperlink the url


New member
Jun 25, 2006
You people are so predictable. I swear half the people put **** up on here just to see ya'll come running to defend the ole alma mater.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
You want me to name those that can't read? Like I said, what is your definition of being able to read? I gave you mine, as I don't think reading at a 4th grade level is acceptable for any graduate of HS, athletically gifted or not.

And there are kids on both teams with this problem.

And, dyslexia isn't a form of MR.

Ole Miss Grad

Where are the rules?

Would you actually break the law before breaking a rule?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003

And at one time, he could not read. But I hope he gets into school if he has proven he can handle college. And by making a certain GPA - I think he has. If he got help to get there or not is really not up for discussion because it happens everywhere.
There was no cheating," Crager said. "There was no too much. There is never too much with a child in school." Crager said she met with Powe after Wayne County football coach Marcus Boyles asked her to help the defensive tackle earn enough credits to go to college. Crager said she suggested a variety of online courses through the independent studies program at Brigham Young University in Utah. She said those classes, coupled with a year at Hargrave Military Academy in Virginia, would help him meet eligibility requirements. Crager said on the second day of the tutoring sessions she discovered Powe couldn't read. "I said, 'Jerrell, you can't read, can you?' He just looked at me and dropped his head," Crager said. Crager said her next stop was the school office, where she discovered Powe had been in learning disabled classes since the second grade. "He just floated along since then and never learned to read," Crager said.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
hotdigitydog said:
who can't read/write in school. You can say he is learning disabled and all that other ******** all day long, but the bottom line is he is a retard.

In the words of his mother, "Jerrel a good boy, he just can't read"............

Ole Miss is not obligated to him. They don't owe him **** at this point with the exception of letting him in school if he is otherwise eligible. That doesn't mean they have to let him play one down of football.</p>

</p> U seem to THINK u know alot about the situation, but in reality, u are making yourself look the fool by your remarks. Powe can read, although I'm beginning to think u can't. U dogs keep acting like idiots over this, great read.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
that's all most people would know about the situation. Hell, I wish Khayat hadn't tried so hard to keep him out. I hope he plays next year, though I won't believe it til he's in the stat column.


I am through talking to anybody who has a picture of his sister in a camouflage bikini, catching catfish with a bow and arrow. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Do you ever find yourself looking at a mirror thinking damn I am not a redneck, but deep down you know you really are. That type of denial has plagued you guys for years and will do so in the future as long as Ole Miss is still a college. There is nothing wrong with being a second rate institution. You'd figure that by now you guys could have learned to cope with that. When any coach at Mississippi A & M produces a super bowl MVP and defensive rookie of the year, I will change my attitude.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
WillemWallace said:
You want me to name those that can't read? Like I said, what is your definition of being able to read? I gave you mine, as I don't think reading at a 4th grade level is acceptable for any graduate of HS, athletically gifted or not.

And there are kids on both teams with this problem.

And, dyslexia isn't a form of MR.

</p>I'll tell you my definition of being able to read is to be able to meet the qualifications for entrance into the University and to be cleared by the NCAA. Pretty much all of our players that are on our team right now have met that criteria. Ole Miss has one that they are having to jump through 56 hoops to get through, and he has yet to still be declared eligible. No one else has had to do this. And I'm sure you're right that there are probably players on both teams with dyslexia, but only one of them has had to jump through 56 hoops to get eligible.

And, I never said that dyslexia was a form of MR. I am saying that Powe has MR.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Your hero Po does NOT have a high school diploma, yet you are here praising him for becoming ELIGIBLE. Explain that one to me you f'n Einstein.

You Ole Miss pricks are so god damn predictable. Go suck off a Nutt.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
If you were more of a redneck you could tell the difference in a catfish and a carp. However I'm sure you can tell me what kinda sweater I need to tie around my neck to go with my red J.Crew pants. You and your ilk are the reason why so many Ole Miss girls came to State on the weekends and spent their time there with their ankles behind their ears.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
you not allude to knowing anything about the matter than tell us you do, but you can't tell us what it is.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I'll be the first to admit that Powe's case is extreme in comparison to most, but at the end of the day it's not any different than many college athletes, especially in football. I'd venture to say that most SEC schools (not named Vanderbilt) have close to half of their team comprised of players that would not be in school if not for football. For some, it's because they wouldn't have made the grades without football. For others, it's simply because they'd have no reason to go to college without football. Powe's case is more laughable than most, but at the end of the day, it's just another non-college material athlete trying to play football.

For a good portion of D-1 athletes, the only reason they attend classes is because classes are required to keep playing football. They aren't in school hoping to get degrees and better themselves. They are in school because it's the next level of football on the way to a possible NFL contract. That's why so many of these guys quit school the minute they play the final game of their college career, because classes are no longer of use to them.

And for those acting high and mighty (both MSU and OM fans), give me a break. The only reason I care about Powe is because he might be able to help my team win. The only reason you care about Powe is because he might be able to help my team win. The only reason you care about Anthony Dixon, Robert Elliott, Wesley Carroll, Derek Pegues, or any of your other players is because they can help your team win. If they didn't have football talent, you wouldn't care one bit whether or not they enrolled at MSU to try to get a degree. Same goes for Ole Miss fans that champion the learning disabled. The only reason we care is because it applies to players that might help us win.

At the end of the day, the only thing any of us care about is whether our Saturdays in the fall are fun because we're winning. I'm not ashamed to admit that.

By the way, no one on here has mentioned the fact that your starting RB, Dixon, wouldn't be in school if not for Orgeron's tactics/plan. Obviously though, none of you care that he had to go the "unconventional route" to eligibility. Had he not been a football player, he probably wouldn't have graduated high school, yet he's a college student now because of his football talents and because of the "plan".


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
bubs77 said:
I am through talking to anybody who has a picture of his sister in a camouflage bikini, catching catfish with a bow and arrow. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Do you ever find yourself looking at a mirror thinking damn I am not a redneck, but deep down you know you really are. That type of denial has plagued you guys for years and will do so in the future as long as Ole Miss is still a college. There is nothing wrong with being a second rate institution. You'd figure that by now you guys could have learned to cope with that. When any coach at Mississippi A & M produces a super bowl MVP and defensive rookie of the year, I will change my attitude.

OM has one super bowl MVP(who only went there because of his father) and one defensive rookie of the year and you idiots act like OM is some kind of football factory. Figures</p>


New member
May 1, 2006
Where do I begin?

Ole Miss and State produce pretty much the same amount of pro football players. Defensive rookie of the year. I love San Fran and think Willis is an awesome player, but come on. Touting defensive rookie of the year as a reason you are superior? That's just idiotic. How many games did you win while Willis was playing? That's what I thought. Eli I'll grant you, although he was a legacy and your school hired his older brother's OC in order to sign him. Not exactly a case to prove superiority either. Furthermore you say when any coach here produces players like these, which is funny because the coach responsible for signing those two players was canned after his first losing season, OM claimed it wasn't going to settle for mediocrity, and then you guys hired the biggest bafoon in SEC history and he wound up getting canned after his 3rd season. You then hired a coach that is the equivalent to Cutcliffe. When the fanbase at OM doesn't fire him after 5-6 years for failing to win more than 7-8 games a season, I will change my attitude.

I always laugh when someone from MS refers to someone else from MS as a redneck. You do realize that this whole state is considered redneck and backwards to all that don't live here don't you. To outsiders there is no distinction made between Ole Miss and State people, heck they can't even keep or school straight most of the time. What's even funnier is we are referred to as a redneck school when we have the better racial and ethnic makeup of students and had our first AA student enrolled with very little fanfair.

As far as Powe goes, if he has done his coursework he should be allowed in. I'm frankly tired of the whole Powe thing, I wish they'd either admit him or tell him no for good. I frankly don't care one way or the other, I'm just tired of hearing about it. Powe certainly wouldn't be the first idiot to suit up and play SEC football. I believe he is a good example of two things: 1) the way high school football at some schools in MS is treated with such reverance as to allow people like Powe to be skimmed along through school without learning anything in order to use his services on Friday night, with no regard for his future and 2) the way some families treat education, putting absolutely no priority on it and taking no personal responsibility for it. His teachers, coaches, and family should be ashamed that they allowed the young man to be as poorly educated as he was when his high school career came to a close.</p>

The Lord Humongous

New member
Mar 1, 2008
RebelBruiser said:
but at the end of the day, it's just another non-college material athlete trying to play football.
Bruiser's right a point. Powe is maybe one of the very worst examples of just another non-college material athlete...right down at the bottom of that group...but he's still in the group.

I've read all the stuff that's come down the pike on Powe like most of you. Some of you choose not to believe the reporter that sat with him while Jerrell read to him and did just fine...all so you can smartly answer smart-*** hypocritical reb fans...geesh.

There's no need to keep hammering the "he can't read" part. It's not necessary. The facts stand on their own. He so obviously doesn't belong in college...and if I were a betting man I'd have a large chunk of change bet that Khayat will still find some way to keep Powe OFF the football field to further his grand illusion that UM is somehow comparable to Texas or Virginia academically.

Why stoop to the level of dipshit Ole Miss fans and keep blindly hammering the "he can't read" crap when it's so blatantly obvious he can read?...maybe not better than my Jr. High student...or elementary student...but the kid CAN at least read. He just has NO business in college.

Frankly, I think the public embarrasment factor (caused by none other than Khayat himself...which is really the best part) ought to be so great for UM folks that they'd all crawl back in their holes quietly...but there's no shaming a UM homer.


Jun 11, 2007
bubs77 said:
I am through talking to anybody who has a picture of his sister in a camouflage bikini, catching catfish with a bow and arrow. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Do you ever find yourself looking at a mirror thinking damn I am not a redneck, but deep down you know you really are. That type of denial has plagued you guys for years and will do so in the future as long as Ole Miss is still a college. There is nothing wrong with being a second rate institution. You'd figure that by now you guys could have learned to cope with that. When any coach at Mississippi A & M produces a super bowl MVP and defensive rookie of the year, I will change my attitude.

I was slightly embarrased by the stupid **** our fans are in this thread saying, but then the single worst post anyone has ever made was posted, making the stupid **** our fans are posting not look all that stupid anymore. Thanks bubs!</p>


Jun 11, 2007
Stormrider81 said:
What's even funnier is we are referred to as a redneck school when we have the better racial and ethnic makeup of students and had our first AA student enrolled with very little fanfair.</p>

Don't forget, we're not the ones who sing Dixie and wave Confederate flags either, but then again, I guess we do drive tractors.</p>


New member
Jan 23, 2007
I think Powe is damn near retarded. In fact, by the clinical definition (if indeed retarded is a clinical term), he might actually BE retarded. But, I also think we have a history of players who are just that damn dumb. I think almost everyone does. Take Forrest Gump. Wait, that was fictional. How about Ray Ray Bivens instead? It's just that those guys had someone to manage their academic records better, and their idiocy was not so well documented.

There is a long history of signing idiots to college teams so that they can be used for their athletic prowess. I don't see much that is different about this case except that the process is so public, which offers us insight that is normally shrouded from us. And seeing our OM friends trip through the process offers amusement as well.
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