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Nick Saban's story of his grandchild and AFLAC duck topped by Alabama office call

Sean Labarby:Sean Labar11/05/21


Nick Saban has been featured in AFLAC commcercials for quite a while.

During his weekly appearance in on the Hey Coach & the Nick Saban show, the Alabama coach shared a hilarious story that was relayed to him involving one of his grandchildren and the AFLAC duck.

“Terry tells me a story, we have a little person in our family, I won’t mention any names,” Saban said with a grin. “They were going through like in school, with things like ‘what does the cow say?”

Then Saban did the classic impression of the cow.

“Moooo is what the cow says,” Saban belted out emphatically.

This is where the story takes a hilarious, unexpected turn

“They got to the duck, and it was “what does the duck say,” and the little girl said, “AFLAC.”

The crowd obviously erupted in laughter, but they had no idea an even better story was coming.

Holly Rowe shares story of fans bashing Nick Saban due to commercials

ESPN’s Holly Rowe sat in on this week’s episode of the show, and right after the Crimson Tide front man shared his hilarious AFLAC story, she had an even better one to follow up with.

“I was waiting at the reception area as they got ready for practice,” Rowe began.

“And the kids there, working at the reception desk told me about the phone calls they get during games. And they come in and check the voicemails. I don’t know if any of you in here are calling that number, but stop it. But somebody during the Texas A&M game called in and said they think the coach should stop shooting the AFLAC commercials during the game and just coach the team. They didn’t understand he had already shot the commercials before. I thought that was pretty dang funny.”

Nick Saban chimed in immediately.

“Yeah, in the summer time when I’m on vacation, that’s when I do it,” Nick Saban clarified. “So then, Ms. Terry is mad at me for doing it then because I’m supposed to be on vacation. So I can’t win if I’m losing, huh?

Rowe also shared a wild story about how while working as an analyst for the Utah Jazz this week, she realized Saban has had a profound impact on how Jazz head coach Quin Snyder leads his team.

“And he’s got written up on the board, ‘fourth and one.’ And he starts talking about how Nick Saban has changed how he’s coaching his team this year because they’re gonna coach in September and October and November with the sense of urgency that every day is fourth and one. So when they get to game seven of a playoff series in the NBA, they will be ready because they’ve been living like it’s fourth and one every day.”

Nick Saban is influencing the hearts and minds of both young and old, that’s for sure.