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Mike Norvell details how faith in his team impacts his decisions as a coach

Alex Weberby:Alex Weber09/09/22

Florida State coach Mike Norvell believes in his players. Which means believing in the preparation and practice he puts them through. So that on game day, he can trust his guys to perform to the standard he and the rest of the coaching staff expect.

So when asked about his confidence level in his team during games, Norvell answered that they know they need to play at the level expected from them, and they do. He can trust his Seminoles to come through on game day.

“I mean, our guys understand that we’re gonna be well prepared in all decisions,” he said during his press conference after practice the other day. “There’s gonna be a reason for things that that we do, you know. There’s a lot of factors that go into it.”

So Norvell plans well in advance for game day situations and how to react within them. And he sticks by his decisions and play calls, believing in his players to execute.

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“I mean, you know, ultimately, I’m believing that with the throw, with the player, with all the things, that that’s going to be a touchdown. And, you know, we have multiple options on those plays. So you don’t know exactly where it’s all going to go. But I believe in our guys and the ways they’ve worked.

“Defense, you know, didn’t allow anything. We went into halftime, got the ball, went down and put ourselves in a good position to open it up in the second half. So I mean, you know, those are all things that are thought through by circumstances, situations throughout the game. But like I said, I believe in a team.”

Special teams, offense or defense, Mike Norvell sends his players onto the field confident in their ability to perform.

“Whether it’s running a field goal team out there to kick — I believe we’re gonna protect them and we’re gonna make it. But it’s those things that show up. I mean, they’re all very calculated and it’s through belief in whatever the decision may be. It’s a punt — I believe we’re going to flip the field and the ball’s gonna come out and we’re gonna, etc. All those things apply when it comes to making game-time decisions.”

All this confidence from the head coach has to be a boost to the players.