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Kansas football analyst Matt Lubick diagnosed with leukemia, discusses upcoming prognosis

On3 imageby:Andrew Graham10/13/23


NCAA Football: Oregon Spring Game
Scott Olmos-USA TODAY Sports

Kansas football analyst Matt Lubick has been diagnosed with leukemia and is getting further treatment for the illness in Denver, according to ESPN’s Pete Thamel. Lubick shared his diagnosis and the backstory with ESPN recently.

Lubick has checked in to the Anschutz Center for Advanced Medicine, a part of the University of Colorado Cancer Center just outside of Denver. He told ESPN that he’s still undergoing an array of tests to determine the best course of treatment, which will proceed promptly after this round of diagnostics.

“The texts and support mean more than you can know. It’s been spiritually uplifting and energized me. There’s a purpose to this and I’ve gotten some meaning through the suffering. It’s humbling to know you’ve impacted people’s lives,” Lubick said to ESPN.

And despite the life-altering diagnosis, Lubick has continued his role as an analyst for the Kansas football program, a job that was on a remote basis to begin with.

Lubick has continued working on breakdowns and recently spoke on a video call with the Kansas offensive staff to discuss specific looks in the coming game.

It’s something he’s found has kept him grounded during a trying personal episode.

“That was rewarding,” Lubick said. “You don’t have to work during this stuff. I do it for therapy. The Kansas staff being so loving and caring and supportive has given me strength and given me purpose. It’s been therapeutic for me to keep mind off stuff.”

Lubick first learned of his illness when he didn’t feel right after a 16-mile training run for a marathon. After going to the doctor, his white blood cell count was discovered to be so low that Lubick was told to avoid others until doctors could learn what was happening — lest he be exposed to a disease while his immune system was not functioning properly.

He was eventually diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia last Friday and moved into the hospital this week, according to ESPN.

Lubick was hired by Kansas in July 2022. He’s also worked as an assistant coach or analyst at Washington, Oregon, Nebraska and a laundry list of other programs.

“I was crushed, but I knew what to do and I was prepared. I’m grateful for the profession. You have to be prepared and deal with adversity. Life challenges are opportunities to grow. That’s what I’ve been telling my players for the last 20 years, and now I have to live my advice,” Lubick said.