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Tommy Rees shares thoughts on Brian Kelly's abrupt departure

photos -jpgby:Ashton Pollard12/14/21


Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images

It all happened very fast. In a 24-hour period, former Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly went from golfing with Irish coaches and alums after a win over rival Stanford to being the head coach at LSU.

Along with him during the decision-making process, although admittedly not in on the details, was Irish offensive coordinator Tommy Rees. He joined “The Ryen Russillo Podcast,” on Friday and offered his candid opinions on Kelly’s controversial treatment of the situation.

“I don’t think there’s an easy way to handle it, right? I don’t know what the best way to do it would be,” Rees said. “I guess he could have just flown back if he knew it was all going down. But if the deal falls through or something happens in the last minute then he’s staying at Notre Dame.”

Kelly visited a recruit’s house in California just moments before accepting the deal in Baton Rouge. While the staff with him was not aware of the details of the situation at the time, Rees said something was “off” on that Monday. 

“So I guess he could have flown back and not gone to the recruits house and seen the team first? I mean, I guess that’d be the only alternative. But like, I don’t think the deal was done yet.”

An additional controversial element of Kelly’s quick departure from the team he had coached since 2010 was an early morning, very brief meeting back in South Bend. According to Rees, Kelly wishes the exit had unfolded differently.

“I know for a fact he was upset with how things got leaked and came out,” Rees said. “I mean, that’s just the way it is now though, right? I know he wanted to get in front of the team and tell the team.

“Shoot, he flew through the night essentially. I mean, he probably left Orange County at nine o’clock, which is midnight back home. He probably got back 10 minutes before he met with the team. It’s not like he was sleeping in and doing all that, like he was trying to get there as soon as he could get with those guys. So, I don’t hold any negativity towards the whole situation.”

Rees not pleased with one element of the team’s response

The invitation to the meeting was texted to the team from the head coach after it was already public that he would be leaving. Unsurprisingly, in a world of constant communication and social media, the text got out. Rees was not pleased with his team on that front. 

“I was a little disappointed that our guys would leak stuff to be honest with you,” Rees said. “That’s our business. We’re a family here. I wasn’t pumped about that.”

All in all, it seems there is no ill will between Rees and his former boss, who offered him the same job in Baton Rouge. Of course, Rees will remain in South Bend. It will be his third year as offensive coordinator, his sixth year as an assistant coach and his tenth year at Notre Dame. Rees was an Irish quarterback from 2010-2013.