Colin Simmons

Texas Longhorns
As a Recruit
Personal Life
Duncanville coach Reginald Samples has built one of the top football factories in the country, and he annually sends a long list of players to the next level. So, it speaks volumes when he gushes about Colin Simmons. “He’s quick off the ball like EDGE rushers have to be,” Samples said. “He is relentless. He doesn’t give up. People know that he has a lot of sacks. He’s very disruptive, and he continues to do it game after game.” That included in 2022 when he set the Texas UIL state sack record and captured defensive MVP honors in the state title game against Galena Park North Shore. “I’m the heart of the defense, if I’m not sparking them up no one does,” Simmons said.
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Colin Simmon's physical tools and on-field athleticism reminds us of former five-star, Nolan Smith Like Smith, Simmons is a pass rusher with first-step quickness and effort in pursuit. Both were around the same size at the same stage.