Conner Weigman shows well at the Elite 11 Finals
Charles Power•
Weigman finished Day 1 of the Elite 11 Finals on a high note, winning the Cover 2 Hole Shot challenge. The two-sport standout delivered several high-difficulty passes with proper trajectory and good velocity. He had a bit of an up-and-down day prior to the finale. This isn’t really Weigman’s ideal setting – he’s more of a live 11-on-11 player at this point. It’s apparent that he has a few mechanical areas to improve. He plays on his toes at times and would generate more force in his throws by keeping his cleats in the ground throughout the throwing motion. Despite that, the Houston area product had a strong overall showing and got better as the week progressed. Weigman heated up on the final day of the event, nearly leading a comeback in the 7-on-7 tournament’s championship game. He made several tight-window throws, showing strong anticipation and processing skills. We didn’t get an even snapshot of all quarterbacks in 7-on-7 as games took plays on two fields concurrently. From the snapshot we saw, Weigman appeared to process and get the ball out the best of the finalists.