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WATCH: Miami fans catch falling cat with American flag during game

SimonGibbs_UserImageby:Simon Gibbs09/11/21


JT Haugen/Miami/CI/Getty Images.

The No. 22 Miami Hurricanes on Saturday played host to the Appalachian State Mountaineers in Hard Rock Stadium, and the Miami fans — in a remarkable display of audacious, questionable entertainment — appeared to have caught a live cat as it fell from the mezzanine level to the ground level.

No, really.

It looks as though the cat fell, rather than being dropped. But what is seen in the video is clear as day: a cat, dangling from the upper-bowl level of Hard Rock Stadium, falls, only for a fan to catch it. The cat began its descent in a free fall from the top level to the ground level. More Miami fans were waiting for the cat’s landing in the bottom level, and they reeled in the live cat to stop its free fall — using an American flag.

After they caught the cat with an American flag, a Miami fan is seen picking up the cat, holding it above his head and showing the rest of the lower bowl that the cat is still alive and well, to which both Miami and App. State fans in Hard Rock Stadium erupted in cheers.

The fan continued to hold up the cat for fans to cheer, and more spectators came towards the cat for a closer look, each raising their arms higher than and cheering louder than the next person.

During a first quarter in which both teams combined for just 16 points — with Miami clinging to a narrow, 9-7 lead — the fans that caught the cat could very well be the real winners of the first quarter.

The scene of the falling cat took place directly in front of the Miami Hurricanes’ radio booth, and broadcaster Joe Zagacki announced the play-by-play rescue.

It does not appear that the cat was hurt in the fall, as its descent was broken up by the fan’s American flag.