Miller’s entire two pronged defense is a) he didn’t know what the gun would be used for and/or b) he didn’t know that the gun was in the car.
Miller’s entire two pronged defense is a) he didn’t know what the gun would be used for and/or b) he didn’t know that the gun was in the car.
The predominant argument I’m seeing is that since Miller didn’t know the intentions of the shooter, he can’t be charged. Yes, the argument is being made that he didn’t know the gun was in the car but this has no impact on whether or not he’ll be charged. It’s only good for the coach’s CYA for playing him the other day. My own interpretation of where Occam’s Razor falls is that Miller knew the gun was in the car.Miller’s entire two pronged defense is a) he didn’t know what the gun would be used for and/or b) he didn’t know that the gun was in the car.
College sure has changed since I matriculated 50 years agoThe predominant argument I’m seeing is that since Miller didn’t know the intentions of the shooter, he can’t be charged. Yes, the argument is being made that he didn’t know the gun was in the car but this has no impact on whether or not he’ll be charged. It’s only good for the coach’s CYA for playing him the other day.
Suppose A calls B and asks B to bring A’s gun to him. When B brings the gun to A and A proceeds to shoot C, B is potentially liable only if he had reason to believe that A would shoot C. “Hey B, this is A. Bring my joint, I’m going to waste that mf C” would do it.
Indubitably.College sure has changed since I matriculated 50 years ago
The predominant argument I’m seeing is that since Miller didn’t know the intentions of the shooter, he can’t be charged. Yes, the argument is being made that he didn’t know the gun was in the car but this has no impact on whether or not he’ll be charged. It’s only good for the coach’s CYA for playing him the other day. My own interpretation of where Occam’s Razor falls is that Miller knew the gun was in the car.
Suppose A calls B and asks B to bring A’s gun to him. When B brings the gun to A and A proceeds to shoot C, B is potentially liable only if he had reason to believe that A would shoot C. “Hey B, this is A. Bring my joint, I’m going to waste that mf C” would do it.
How do you not fire the head coach after the pregame intro gun pat down ?
Click on the video feed to see the introI haven’t seen the intro but, if true, that alone should get him suspended a game or 2 IMO.
With all the eyes on him this week after this all came out on Thursday/ Friday he has a ‘gun pat down’ intro to start the game today? Seriously?
Talk about not having any sense of responsibility/ accountability, or just respect for the victim and what happened (that he was a part of). It appears to all be a joke to him and his coach just keeps turning a blind eye.
our part of it anywayAll I can say, this seems to be one hell of a screwed-up world we’re living in.
Hah, thanks! I literally looked away for a second while listening to the coach and missed the pat down replay.Click on the video feed to see the intro
How do you not fire the head coach after the pregame intro gun pat down ?
In the player introductions for today’s Alabama game Miller had his teammates do a pat down.
For what this is worth, apparently Miller’s “pat down” introduction has been a regular thing this year. Why a coach would allow this, beats me.
It’s not like he’s asking him to bring his wallet or car keys. What else did he think would happen? Pistol cleaning party at 2am downtown? He’s an accomplice pleading ignorance.
In today's new and improved society once considered common courtesy and social norms of actions are gone....replaced by anything goes, me first, and dog eat dog ideals are the accepted behavior. But what do i know....i am brainwashed by values of "Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent"....and i have no idea what "woke" is or means.Because playing basketball and representing a university is not a court of law. The concept of guilty until innocent only applies to court. I would hope Penn State would not turn a blind eye to a criminal later delivering a murder weapon.
Bama athletic department with loss of institutional control. I wonder how many scholorships they'll have to forfeit? Fines?
“I set the alarm for 7 but I woke 15 minutes early!”In today's new and improved society once considered common courtesy and social norms of actions are gone....replaced by anything goes, me first, and dog eat dog ideals are the accepted behavior. But what do i know....i am brainwashed by values of "Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent"....and i have no idea what "woke" is or means.