Hey SPS. Longtime reader, first time poster. In a few weeks, my wife and I will be having our first child. My company has a new parental leave policy that is really awesome for the dads(new age equality = not so bad). Anyways, I'm thinking my wife wouldn't be too big of a fan of me taking advantage of the time off and working on my golf game while the baby sleeps so what else would be better time spent than by smoking glorious cuts of meat? I'm open to any and all meat smoking recipes and fatherly advice!
Here is what worked for me and my wife.
1. Do not keep your house quiet for the baby. Make all your normal noise.
2. Start sleep training you baby from day 1. Get on a schedule. That means both the baby and the parents.
2a. Baby goes to sleep at 8 pm. They take naps at the same time every day. Get the schedule worked out. The baby will sleep depending on how much food they are getting. Don't worry if you have to supplement breast feeding with formula to get the calories in the baby. If they are waking up quickly, it is because they are not getting enough to eat. Figure out the bed time routine now. I am a night owl, my wife goes to bed early. At 7:30 the baby was fed by the breast and then my wife pumped. She then went to bed at 8. I stayed up playing xbox and whatever until 12 am. I then took what she pumped and woke the baby up, changed them, and fed them. I immediately went to sleep (12:30) and was "off duty" until it was time for me to wake up to go to work.
This had two benefits. First, my wife got a solid 8+ hours in from 8-4. I got a solid 6.5 hours in from 12:30-7 am.
3. Remember, your wife will be with the baby non-stop for a while. Make sure you give her a clear time every couple of days that she can straight get away from the house. I would give my wife off Saturdays and let her do whatever she wanted. Make sure you allow your wife to have time away from everything and everyone. Especially the first couple of months.
4. Do not shake a baby. Regardless of how much they are driving you crazy. Sit the baby down and let them cry for a minute if you are getting frustrated.
5. You will not know what you are doing, just be there, roll up your sleaves, and help out. Remember, you wife doesn't know what she is doing either.
Protect your sleep, be thoughtful to you wife's time, and half the battle is just being there and helping as much as you can.