Appreciate your work in the Oncology field.
I have cancer.
And to make your assessment more like this morning is to say a local doctor tells me it looks alot like cancer....but sends me to the specialist in Oncology. When I get there, the spokesperson for the center tells me "It is not cancer".
Only to then later find out I have cancer, after all the facts are in.
So why start me off telling me I don't have cancer, and then to screw with me by then telling me yes it is cancer and we knew it all along but did not want to initially alarm you.
That is the correct analogy of this morning with the FBI.
I can’t argue with this. If the guy came out and said definitively “this is not terrorism” than that would be just as bad as me saying “this isn’t cancer” before I had the facts.
If that is the case I would still hope this is more incompetence by a local branch more than a coordinated effort to cover up something.