Anybody here ever had a gun or knife pulled on them?

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New member
Oct 4, 2009
Not personally. I did have a cousin who got married at gunpoint, though.

The father of the bride held a shotgun to his head through the entire service. Must have been some kind of religious custom.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
GOD created both big powerful men and small weak mean.

but it was Smith and Wesson who made them all equal**

Can't take credit for this but I always liked it .........


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Way back when I was an undergrad and in a building that's no longer a residence hall at MSU, a drunk friend who was about fifty feet away from me threw a steak knife at me.

He was drunk so the knife hit the wall.

He then ran at me and attempted a flying tackle.

I sidestepped and pushed him towards the garbage can.

We laughed.

My brother still feels bad about this


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I am 6'2" 230 pounds and can bench press 405. There are not too many people out there who would try me plus I have been trained to defend my self. I will not run. There are a few people on here who know who I am. They know I am not talking ****.

My grandma can bench 410… you’re weak**


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012

Fun Fact (that may not be a fact and probably is just a made up internet fact): The script had Indiana Jones fighting that dude but Ford was sick and had the runs and pulled out the gun and shot him sort of as a joke and sort of because he didn't feel like doing the scene and Spielberg liked it so much he had them reshoot it and keep it in the movie.

Hugh's Burner Phone

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2017
Back in college I was in the drive through at Krystal back when it was near the old Sack and Save location around 1:30am. While I was in line somebody in the car behind me rolled their window down and started shooting out the window. I have no idea at what, but I did not hang around to find out. I didn't want a Krystal burger nearly as bad as I thought I did 30 seconds earlier.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
I am 6'2" 230 pounds and can bench press 405. There are not too many people out there who would try me plus I have been trained to defend my self. I will not run. There are a few people on here who know who I am. They know I am not talking ****.

I'm 6'3" and about 230 pounds too.

It's called a dad-bod.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Does a sawed-off shotgun to the head count?

I was robbed making a night deposit at the bank with the days Retail deposits. Not pleasant!

Too bad GloryDawg wasn't with you. He would have growled "I've waited my whole life for this! BRING IT!", slapped his own face, ripped his shirt off, flexed, grabbed the sawed-off shotgun and disassembled it in front of the gunman, military pressed the perp before throwing him into a brick wall like a lawn dart, then he would drop the big Hogan leg on him, bend the barrel of the shotgun into makeshift cuffs and flex with his foot on the guy's chest until the cops arrive.

You, no longer in danger, would be expected to play "I Am A Real American" by Rick Derringer through the speaker of your phone as this takes place.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
Yes, my senior year in high school. Ex-boyfriend of my best friend's girlfriend pulled one on my friend and me one night. We were in vehicles and they were cursing one another, then all of a sudden my friend goes quiet, and the ex-boyfriend starts yelling "say something now MFer". I leaned over and said "I'll say something MFer". Then I look and a gun is in my face, and I leaned back and shut the hell up. People that say they'd have taken the gun and shovedit up his *** are full of crap. He finally put the gun up and drove off. Was not a cool experience.
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Active member
Nov 28, 2006
How did you react?

I was chopped in the head with an axe when I was a kid - how did I react? I bled ; My mom (no pics) she flipped out

A neighbor I worked for growing up, fed and watered his fighting roosters and pit bull dogs - he lived in Baton Rouge but came to his MS farm on weekends, to fight - I forgot to feed/water his prized rooster a day or two and he died - I was fired and told I couldn’t fish anymore on his property - 5 years later I had gone fishing during the week - he showed up cracked out pulled his gun out and started shooting at me and my cousin - he went through an entire banana clip on his 22 - how’d I react - I never ran faster in my life or jumped a fence easier to get throw his field and into the woods


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Yes. At a stoplight on Getwell Rd (originally named Shotwell) just north of Snowden Grove Amphitheater at night (maybe Getwell and Goodman). SUV one car ahead and in the lane to my right rolls down the rear passenger window behind the driver. A massive amount of smoke rolls out. Then a dude sticks his head out, looks at me with a **** eatin grin. I just nod at him. He puts his head back inside then leans out again, this time with a gun and points it directly at me. We just stared at each other for a second. Then he goes back in the car again. I try to take a photo of the tag. Of course my flash goes off. Light turns green, they don’t move, I don’t move, I don’t remember what the car in front of me did, but they were not seen again. SUV pulls through intersection, stops, and motions for me to pull up. I never get even with them. I’m on the phone with 911. SUV takes off. I chase. I’m pissed. 911 operator yells at me to quit following. I tell them I’ll lead the cops to the criminals. She says no one is going to be there anytime soon. I realize I’m not making the best decision at the moment. Operator tells me to go to a dollar general down the road and wait for a cop to come take a statement and get a description. 30+ minutes later, a cop shows up to get the description I’ve already given. She didn’t care. I went home. I almost always have a gun with me. This was one of the times I did not.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
Completely froze.

About 25 years ago, I was riding around with a friend in a very small East TN town when he saw his ex girlfriend drive by. Their breakup was bad and he said she kept a lot of his personal items that she refused to give back. He followed her to a townhouse that she ran into. As we pulled up and he got out to go knock on the door (I just got out of his Jeep and was standing by it) when some guy stepped out and pointed a double barrel shotgun at both of us. The guy with the gun walked my friend backwards to the Jeep and took turns pointing it at both of us, telling us to leave or he would end us. I was frozen.

Interestingly, we went to my cousin’s house after. My cousin was a massive steroid looking bodybuilder and his reaction to the story was to go back to the townhouse. The three of us went to the townhouse again that night. My cousin knocked on the door and was met by the guy with the shotgun raised again. My cousin then said, “Excuse me, my friend’s ex is apparently in your house and she won’t give him back a few of his things. He’s just looking to get his things back and can I use your bathroom, I have to piss.” I think the politeness, my cousin’s size and the ask to use the bathroom completely caught this guy off guard. He lowered the gun, told some other guys in the townhouse my cousin was cool (they had never met) & let my cousin use the bathroom. We ended talking to the guy with the gun. He said the ex-gf ran in the townhouse saying some guys were chasing her and trying to attack her, which is why he pulled the gun in the first place. My friend ended up getting his stuff back that night.

Moral of the story, if someone pulls a gun on you, ask them if you can use their bathroom. It also helps if you can pass as a Mr. Olympia contestant.

Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
You toss the wallet in the air over his head, then pull out your gun and shoot him or her.


New member
Nov 22, 2013
Here’s the Daiquiri World Story:

Went across the bridge one night, when I got there 5 guys from Rayville, La pulled up in a Land Cruiser. They came to Daiquiri World looking for a fight. They tried to start a fight with some patrons of the Long Branch Saloon as soon as they parked the Land Cruiser.

When they got inside, there was an uneasy tension inside the bar because they were not from Vicksburg and they wanted to fight. As the night progressed I saw them playing pool, a buddy and I decided we should go shoot pool with them. We put our quarters on the table and immediately some guy walks over then proceeds to slap all the quarters off the table and asked my buddy and I if we were ready to go. I said we sure are.

I looked back towards the bar and all the usual suspects at Daiquiri World from about 1998 to 2004 saw what happened and followed us outside. My buddy and one Rayville guy square up and start fighting. Another guy from Rayville, starts screaming I know Taekwondo, then out of nowhere someone hollers Taekwondo this and knocks the guy out cold. They drag him and another Rayville guy to a ditch and proceed to beat them.

All hell has broken loose at this point and people from the Long Branch Saloon start spilling out into the parking lot. It is total chaos. I’m just standing there trying not to get cheap shotted wondering what the hell just happened.

I turn and see a security guard from the LBS walking around and out of nowhere someone hits the guy in the eye with the bottom half of the Bud Light bottle. The bottle does not break, but the security guards hits the ground holding his face. He stands up almost immediately and his eye is dangling from the socket. He spots the guy that hit him and starts chasing him. The hitter gets into a F250 and locks himself in the truck. The 1.5 eyed security guard proceeds to try and bust the window out of the F250. The owner of the F250 walks, over, unlocks the truck, and says you can have him just don’t 17 up my truck.

My attention then turns to the Land Cruiser and I see two of the guys from Rayville dragging the other 3 guys to said Land Cruiser. They get in and back out of their parking spot and the back passenger window rolls down. Some one points a pistol out of the window and start shooting indiscriminately through the parking lot. A buddy of comes up and yells they they are shooting so I grab him to ground and get under a car. About that time, some guy comes running out of the LBS with a Dirty Hairy shiny revolver and starts unloading rounds at the Land Crusier.

I heard the next weekend that the Tallulah cops pulled over the Land Cruiser after leaving the LBS. Allegedly, the driver was given a DUI and there were bullet holes in the Land Cruiser.

Morale of the story: If someone starts shooting in your direction or at you, hit the ground and get under a vehicle.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
Gun. 10th grade. I was walking to my parents’ car after a game that I attended. Girlfriend was with me. A group of guys were in front of us and one hung back. I knew something was about to happen. When opening the door for her (I was once a gentleman), I heard him laugh. He was standing at the front of the vehicle pointing a pistol at my head. I closed the door for her. She crawled over the seat to the back. I walked around the vehicle and opened the driver side door. He still stood there grinning and pointing the gun at me. When I closed the door he turned and started walking away. I cranked the vehicle, sat there a second, and then backed down into the school parking lot. My dad just fussed at me for not running the ******* down.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
Been caught in the crossfire twice. Once at One Block East in Greenville and other time at Daiquiri World. Both times I dove under a vehicle.

Seeing a knife pulled at Daiquiri World was a rite of passage for those growing up across the river from that **** hole.
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
How big a boy are you?

I'll tear into yer *** like a dad gum corduroy into a hemorrhoid
I'ma wipe the floor with yer ***, then whup it again for not gettin' in the corners real good
I'll be on you like a wet fart on silk undies


Sep 3, 2008
Summer of 1971 in my company area at Ft Sam Houston, TX. Was getting ready to fly home and had my month's pay in the company safe. I decided to go downtown San Antonio to buy my plane ticket. Got over to company HQ and got my money from the Officer of the Day. At that time, more than a few solders had been robbed on Post by Local thugs, who had easy access, since Ft Sam was an open base. In any case, we had been told to only travel in groups of two or more and I was by myself, walking to the bus stop.

I was walking down a sidewalk between two buildings and a guy came past me, then another came around the corner. When he got to me, he said, "You got a Cool?" I said no I don't smoke. Then he said, "Then give me all your money". My reflexes were almost too quick. When I spun around to run, the first guy was behind me with a shiney pistol pointed at me. Pretty quick, the smoker guy had his pistol out. They took my wallet with $237.00. my military ID, bla bla bla. They made me lay down, and ran away. After they ran away, I went back to the company HQ and the OD called the MPs, who talked to me for about 1 minute, treated me like crap, and told me it was 100% my fault for being alone.

A few days later, two guys shot a solder, during a robbery and killed him. To my knowledge, they never caught anyone. They (MPs) certainly never talked to me again. I guess I was guilty of being young and foolish. And really lucky,

Added. I read the comment from the guy close to the top who is waiting hopefully that someone will try to rob him someday. In 1971, I was 6' 3", 185 pounds. I could do 100 pushups, 30 chin ups, carry a buddy in fireman's carry maybe a mile at a military trot. I could run a 5 minute mile with a 30 pound pack and my weapon at port arms. In my mind, I was a trained killer, who knew and respected (had no doubt of) my abilities. All of this is to say I was young and foolish and extremely lucky I wasn't killed that night.
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Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
You gonna pull a knife on ME!?



Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
Never had one pulled on me. Closest thing gun related was being near a guy that started shooting at a party one night. Half a dozen or so of us were sitting in the bed of a truck at one of those infamous Mississippi field parties. Couple of guys next to the truck start fighting and fall against side of the truck. Next thing we know someone with them starts shooting. Half of us fell flat in the bed (that’s what I did) and the rest jumped out and took off running. When the shooting stopped I jumped over the opposite side and ran too.

I saw the guy with the gun when I jumped out - he was standing just behind the truck. I guess he wasn’t really trying to hit anyone because no one got shot and there’s no way he could have missed if he’d been trying to really shoot someone. It didn’t really scare me at the moment - my response was to take cover and to gtfo of there.

This was 20 years ago before the mass shootings became common - I never thought for a second I was being shot at, just knew someone right near me was shooting. I’d probably be a lot more scared if it happened today.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
Live look-in at GloryDawg’s self-defense training class:



Aug 27, 2014
I'll tear into yer *** like a dad gum corduroy into a hemorrhoid
I'ma wipe the floor with yer ***, then whup it again for not gettin' in the corners real good
I'll be on you like a wet fart on silk undies

Imma be on you like rust on a horse trough.


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
I’m 6’0”, 225lb, can bench 225lb, am a blue belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu, made a [redacted] on the English section of my ACT, went to Buffalo Wild Wings last Friday for a date night, make chili in the fall with a little Hershey’s powder as a key ingredient, got my official 3.0 pickleball rating tonight but was told to play in a 3.5 league anyway, finished The Left Hand of Darkness yesterday and thought it was serviceable but nothing special, am pretty good at Friday Fourplay, buy whiskey from grocery stores on the reg, enjoy a nice showing of Muppet Christmas Carol

So my question for you is…. Who’s the Bigger Boy Now?!?!?!


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
Gun 3 times. Once in Meridian, once in Starkville, once in Miami. All 3 Roberry attempts. Played it cool and laughed at them and told them they were sol. Well there's more to each one than that, but that's the gist of it.
Jan 31, 2012
I once worked at a public library in a major US city. The local homeless shelters would bus homeless people to the library and they would hang out all day. As such we had our own police force in the building. One day a guy is acting up hollering and being a jerk and I told him to quiet down or I was calling the cops. He pulled a knife out and cussed me up and down. I calmly picked up the phone and dialed the cops who came within a minute, just enough time for him to throw the knife in the trash. I told the cops he had a knife and it was in the trash and he looked at me and sincerely said "Aw man, why you gotta do that" as if we were old pals and I had broke his heart.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Here’s the Daiquiri World Story:

Went across the bridge one night, when I got there 5 guys from Rayville, La pulled up in a Land Cruiser. They came to Daiquiri World looking for a fight. They tried to start a fight with some patrons of the Long Branch Saloon as soon as they parked the Land Cruiser.

When they got inside, there was an uneasy tension inside the bar because they were not from Vicksburg and they wanted to fight. As the night progressed I saw them playing pool, a buddy and I decided we should go shoot pool with them. We put our quarters on the table and immediately some guy walks over then proceeds to slap all the quarters off the table and asked my buddy and I if we were ready to go. I said we sure are.

I looked back towards the bar and all the usual suspects at Daiquiri World from about 1998 to 2004 saw what happened and followed us outside. My buddy and one Rayville guy square up and start fighting. Another guy from Rayville, starts screaming I know Taekwondo, then out of nowhere someone hollers Taekwondo this and knocks the guy out cold. They drag him and another Rayville guy to a ditch and proceed to beat them.

All hell has broken loose at this point and people from the Long Branch Saloon start spilling out into the parking lot. It is total chaos. I’m just standing there trying not to get cheap shotted wondering what the hell just happened.

I turn and see a security guard from the LBS walking around and out of nowhere someone hits the guy in the eye with the bottom half of the Bud Light bottle. The bottle does not break, but the security guards hits the ground holding his face. He stands up almost immediately and his eye is dangling from the socket. He spots the guy that hit him and starts chasing him. The hitter gets into a F250 and locks himself in the truck. The 1.5 eyed security guard proceeds to try and bust the window out of the F250. The owner of the F250 walks, over, unlocks the truck, and says you can have him just don’t 17 up my truck.

My attention then turns to the Land Cruiser and I see two of the guys from Rayville dragging the other 3 guys to said Land Cruiser. They get in and back out of their parking spot and the back passenger window rolls down. Some one points a pistol out of the window and start shooting indiscriminately through the parking lot. A buddy of comes up and yells they they are shooting so I grab him to ground and get under a car. About that time, some guy comes running out of the LBS with a Dirty Hairy shiny revolver and starts unloading rounds at the Land Crusier.

I heard the next weekend that the Tallulah cops pulled over the Land Cruiser after leaving the LBS. Allegedly, the driver was given a DUI and there were bullet holes in the Land Cruiser.

Morale of the story: If someone starts shooting in your direction or at you, hit the ground and get under a vehicle.

I feel like there are so many morals you passed over to put that as the moral.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Gun. 10th grade. I was walking to my parents’ car after a game that I attended. Girlfriend was with me. A group of guys were in front of us and one hung back. I knew something was about to happen. When opening the door for her (I was once a gentleman), I heard him laugh. He was standing at the front of the vehicle pointing a pistol at my head. I closed the door for her. She crawled over the seat to the back. I walked around the vehicle and opened the driver side door. He still stood there grinning and pointing the gun at me. When I closed the door he turned and started walking away. I cranked the vehicle, sat there a second, and then backed down into the school parking lot. My dad just fussed at me for not running the ******* down.

That's my thought also. Was there beef between y'all or was he just a drunk or crazy *** hole pointing a gun at random people?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Daquiri World was the perfect example of the common enemy scenario. WC and Vicksburg could have played the night before and every Vicksburg resident in that bar could be at each other’s throats. But if some outsider started **** with a Warren County resident it was all hands on deck. It was always quite remarkable to me how much an ******* from Brandon starting **** with a River Rat would bring the whole town together. What’s even crazier is it was like that times 100 at PJ’s.

Go Budaw

Aug 22, 2012
Yes. At a stoplight on Getwell Rd (originally named Shotwell) just north of Snowden Grove Amphitheater at night (maybe Getwell and Goodman). SUV one car ahead and in the lane to my right rolls down the rear passenger window behind the driver. A massive amount of smoke rolls out. Then a dude sticks his head out, looks at me with a **** eatin grin. I just nod at him. He puts his head back inside then leans out again, this time with a gun and points it directly at me. We just stared at each other for a second. Then he goes back in the car again. I try to take a photo of the tag. Of course my flash goes off. Light turns green, they don’t move, I don’t move, I don’t remember what the car in front of me did, but they were not seen again. SUV pulls through intersection, stops, and motions for me to pull up. I never get even with them. I’m on the phone with 911. SUV takes off. I chase. I’m pissed. 911 operator yells at me to quit following. I tell them I’ll lead the cops to the criminals. She says no one is going to be there anytime soon. I realize I’m not making the best decision at the moment. Operator tells me to go to a dollar general down the road and wait for a cop to come take a statement and get a description. 30+ minutes later, a cop shows up to get the description I’ve already given. She didn’t care. I went home. I almost always have a gun with me. This was one of the times I did not.

Honestly, it’s probably better that you didn’t. One person pulling a gun as a nothing more than a flex is scary AF, but not something you can’t walk away from if you keep your cool. But if they’re just trying to get some cheap wanna-be gangster street cred….and you react and pull yours, it could have gone down a whole different way.
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