If either of you two idiots had an IQ higher than the speed limit outside my local elementary school, you'd realize Barry is perhaps the only one who actually has Penn State's best interest at heart. Barry's never been a "joe pa stadium" guy - he's a fiduciary who doesn't want to spend $700m in this interest rate environment with the quickly changing college football landscape. If you can't handle that, then its probably best you let your mom know you're going to be spending less time in the basement going forward.
Gotta agree with you here. Barry was a rude, raving, foul mouthed jerk for quite a while (he may still be, but he doesn't demonstrate that behavior on this board anymore). I give him credit for cleaning up his act in that regard.
He is not anti-football, JoeBot, statue worshiper, etc. He appears to be the only trustee that understands the definition of the word F-I-D-U-C-I-A-R-Y.
He votes based upon what he believes is in the best interest of the university, its students, and its faculty. He actually takes the time to study the proposals and make a decision upon what he thinks is best for PSU. Is he always right? Certainly not, but he does his homework.
People get pi$$ed off because he asks questions such as "why are spending 4 times as much for project X which is almost identical to the same project that was done at (name your B10 school)?"
He is also the ONLY trustee to to report before and after each BOT meeting to advise us (alumni) of what is going to take place, what the proposals are about, and why he voted either yes or no. Not ONE SINGLE other BOT member communicates with the public as does Barry.
If you don't already subscribe to his newsletters, I urge you to do so. You might be amazed at what you can learn about the PSU BOT and the actions they take.