Stop by our tailgate in the HC east lot next to the stadium. Look for the guy in my avatar.
My son & I have been working on this cheese spread for the last two weeks..stop by and try the spread on fresh rye.
Here’s our recipe:
Behold, a special kind of cheese which is made by taking a regular pecorino cheese, sawing off the rind, dumping it outside in the sun, and leaving it to rot.
Then, the flies come.
They land in the cheese, and lay eggs.
The larvae hatch and thousands of maggots begin to chomp their way through the cheese, leaving behind acid from their digestive systems that allegedly gives the cheese its special soft texture.
Et voila, dinner is served.
Afficionados prefer to eat the cheese while the maggots are still alive and kicking(literally) - although if you prefer you can seal your rotting slab of insect-infested cheese in a bag and wait for the lack of oxygen to suffocate the maggots - when you no longer hear them jumping around inside the bag, you can conclude that they’re dead, pull out the cheese, and bon appetit.
Officially, it is banned, but unofficially it is still made and consumed