Regarding one in the chamber..... I haven't read the transcripts, but if anyone has access to one of my weapons, I do make sure to let them know there is one in the chamber. Just better to let someone know for sure, than have them assume it's empty. But in general, NEVER assume there isn't a round in the chamber.Because by their own admission, they did. Oats gets up there yesterday with his “we’re fully aware of all the facts, wrong place / wrong time” garbage. Today, Byrne himself says they were NOT aware that Miller was involved with the murder weapon in any way until the detective’s testimony. So they are contradicting themselves, which looks really bad. And if they weren’t aware, you know that damn well means that Miller’s attorney wasn’t aware either. The only other alternative is that everyone knew about Miller’s involvement….but neither the attorney or Bama brass thought it would get out to the public in a court hearing. But there’s no way possible that Oats / Byrne didn’t know absolutely everything that Miller’s attorney knew. Again, a really bad look.
The whole thing just stinks even worse after Byrne’s statement. This is Bama, Miller, and his attorney getting together with a hastily assembled alibi to try to clear him in the court of public opinion. “He was already on his way and he never saw the text message” is something that could likely never be proven or disproven. If he was already on his way, there would have been a previous text message or communication that was testified as to the reason he was at the asked to be at the scene. If he wasn’t handling the gun, there would be little reason for Miles to tell him that there was a bullet in the chamber. It doesn’t add up. But if he’s not being charged with anything, it really doesn’t have to.
Why would you ever hand someone a gun you knew was loaded in the first place? Particularly at the place, time and circumstances he did? It takes a huge suspension of common sense to think he wasn't an accomplice to the murder.Regarding one in the chamber..... I haven't read the transcripts, but if anyone has access to one of my weapons, I do make sure to let them know there is one in the chamber. Just better to let someone know for sure, than have them assume it's empty. But in general, NEVER assume there isn't a round in the chamber.
That's some whiny b|tch talk there, nice job comrade.Maybe Miller should hang a Ukraine Flag by his door. That's all Brandon seems to care about. Never mind 500K get aways on our boarder since he took office. Another 9/11 waiting to happen.
Wearing that is clearly worse than letting someone in the building who hands a gun to a murderer but isn't dressed that way. BBMSouth Carolina fans tried to enter the game last night with jail jumpsuits on and were forced to take off those clothes before they were allowed entry into the game
If I remember reading correctly, the gun was on the back seat and the perp walked up and grabbed it which also sounds strange because how many times are you gonna have a loaded gun sitting on your back seat and allow someone to simply walk up, open the door and grab your gun.Why would you ever hand someone a gun you knew was loaded in the first place? Particularly at the place, time and circumstances he did? It takes a huge suspension of common sense to think he wasn't an accomplice to the murder.
Yea, these 2 links kinda sums it all up real quick.
I'm good helping the Ukraine but don't forget about our boarder. 5.7 million crossing since 2021. Our unprotect boarders are a time bomb waiting to happen.That's some whiny b|tch talk there, nice job comrade.
I'm trying to figger out if the fans were breakin' an unwritten rule sportin' the jump suits. We all know some sports fans, especially the youngsters like to dress up crazy for games which I value as side viewing entertainment. Sounds like the fun police holdin' water for bamer. Reminds me of when bamer played "Son of a Preacher Man" at an Iron Bowl. And isn't it Rice's band that does troll jobs all the time?South Carolina fans tried to enter the game last night with jail jumpsuits on and were forced to take off those clothes before they were allowed entry into the game
You are also assuming the media reported it exactly how it was presented to them. Which is rarely the case in today's world.
Why do the whatabouterists always misspell "border" that way?I'm good helping the Ukraine but don't forget about our boarder. 5.7 million crossing since 2021. Our unprotect boarders are a time bomb waiting to happen.
Well I’d love to read all of the texts and the actual testimony.The testimony is public record. I’m sure its quite easy to fact check.
Because we don't have a border anymore.Why do the whatabouterists always misspell "border" that way?
If I remember reading correctly, the gun was on the back seat and the perp walked up and grabbed it which also sounds strange because how many times are you gonna have a loaded gun sitting on your back seat and allow someone to simply walk up, open the door and grab your gun.
In general, plenty of instances. Off the top of my head,Why would you ever hand someone a gun you knew was loaded in the first place? Particularly at the place, time and circumstances he did? It takes a huge suspension of common sense to think he wasn't an accomplice to the murder.
and there isn't any indication that Miller purposefully blocked the victims car in, then he doesn't look like an accessory.
South Carolina fans tried to enter the game last night with jail jumpsuits on and were forced to take off those clothes before they were allowed entry into the game
You comment about the windshield and shots doesn't make any sense as written, but generally any evidence that contradicted the claims in the article and that supported a claim Miller intended to block the car in, which would at least indicate some intent to partake in aggressive activities, even if he did not know the extent of the illegality. I don't think "we only intended to scare him, I didn't know he was going to shoot him" is a defense against accessory to murder if you did intend to say, falsely imprison somebody. Not positive, but if you willingly engage in criminal activity, I don't think you get to claim you were only down for Crime A and didn't know your partner was going to escalate to Crime B.You mean like the kind of indication like, say, another car being driven by another player also being there next to Miller and also blocking the guy in? Or, an indication like bullet holes going through the front of Miller’s windshield, even though the shots fired at the victim’s vehicle were from another direction? Those kinds of indications?
And judgesBama peeps are just acting like defense attorneys now.
If that exact same scenario played out to anyone of us on this board do you think we would be charged with an accessory and the prosecutor would try to prove it. My guess is we would all be charged. The problem is getting a grand jury full of Bama fans to issue a true bill.Not sure if this facts in this are true, but if they are, it would make a lot more sense as to why he hasn't been charged. From reading stories, it sounded like Miller went and got Miles's gun, and brought it to him. But it sounds like Miles left the gun in the car earlier, and asked him to bring it to him. Coming out with a gun, leaving it in the car to go to the bar, and asking for it back at the end of the night doesn't raise nearly the red flags. Still stupid to want a gun after being at a bar, but not so obvious that it was for ill intent, as it mostly would be if Miller had been asked to go get the gun from a home and bring it to Miles after Midnight.
Why Alabama's Brandon Miller has not been charged with a crime
Brandon Miller delivered a gun to what turned into a fatal shooting, but attorneys say that's not enough to prove
I certainly wouldn't just assume these facts are true, but they are at least plausible and if true would make not charging Miller perfectly sensible. If Miles left the gun in Millers car and then got the gun out of the car himself, and there isn't any indication that Miller purposefully blocked the victims car in, then he doesn't look like an accessory.
Surf or skate?I'm good helping the Ukraine but don't forget about our boarder. 5.7 million crossing since 2021. Our unprotect boarders are a time bomb waiting to happen.
Prosecutors could get an indictment even in bama land if they wanted to.If that exact same scenario played out to anyone of us on this board do you think we would be charged with an accessory and the prosecutor would try to prove it. My guess is we would all be charged. The problem is getting a grand jury full of Bama fans to issue a true bill.
Given those texts, you would be in jail headed to Parchman. So would I.Prosecutors could get an indictment even in bama land if they wanted to.
But to answer your question, what is the same scenario? If I had a friend with me that had a gun and left it in my car and I brought the car back, he pulled the gun out of my car, handed it to someone else who then shot somebody, I probably wouldn’t be charged unless politics got involved in the decision. Not owning or touching a gun and not having any obvious indication of intent would make it a tough case for a prosecutor.
But probably the main difference in the “same” scenario is whoever was in my car would have been somebody that would have had a lot of people shocked they would use a gun. It wouldn’t be a 20 year old male.
You would have been arrested. The detectives has stated the Miller knew his friend was drunk and to bring him his gun. So you’re telling me if you took a gun to a drunk friend whom you had to know was in a verbal altercation you’d walk away without charges. Not a chance in this world. This is all about AL basketball is greater than a young woman’s life. The fact that we as a society have fallen this far is very sad.Prosecutors could get an indictment even in bama land if they wanted to.
But to answer your question, what is the same scenario? If I had a friend with me that had a gun and left it in my car and I brought the car back, he pulled the gun out of my car, handed it to someone else who then shot somebody, I probably wouldn’t be charged unless politics got involved in the decision. Not owning or touching a gun and not having any obvious indication of intent would make it a tough case for a prosecutor.
But probably the main difference in the “same” scenario is whoever was in my car would have been somebody that would have had a lot of people shocked they would use a gun. It wouldn’t be a 20 year old male.
You comment about the windshield and shots doesn't make any sense as written
Well yes, if you change the facts, the results can change.You would have been arrested. The detectives has stated the Miller knew his friend was drunk and to bring him his gun. So you’re telling me if you took a gun to a drunk friend whom you had to know was in a verbal altercation you’d walk away without charges. Not a chance in this world. This is all about AL basketball is greater than a young woman’s life. The fact that we as a society have fallen this far is very sad.
Ummm. Simmons video showed slightly being rough with a girl that was out of control.Remember when Alabama was recruiting Jeffrey Simmons? Then he signed with us. The news came out about the fight and Alabama fans were screaming for us to drop him immediately or we would have a black eye for recruiting him. They said we didn't do the right thing. Well, I can see slight similarities here except the shoe is on the other foot. Constitutionally you are innocent until proven guilty. I would hate to see someone pay a price for something they didn't do.
Remember when Alabama was recruiting Jeffrey Simmons? Then he signed with us. The news came out about the fight and Alabama fans were screaming for us to drop him immediately or we would have a black eye for recruiting him. They said we didn't do the right thing. Well, I can see slight similarities here except the shoe is on the other foot. Constitutionally you are innocent until proven guilty. I would hate to see someone pay a price for something they didn't do.