Cease with the Cancel Culture and Censorship

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
@mcdawg22 I’m not asleep but I am amused that you think you’re going to prove a point with this thread. Summer OT Season is upon us the day we finally end this abortion of a baseball season. I can’t imagine why you’d want to start it earlier. But you be you big fella.

@PhredPhantom the rules are rarely applied evenly partly because the mods aren’t on the board all of the time. I’ve seen a political thread midday go up to 75+ posts before I even visit SPS that day. So I then lock it. While I’m still on the board, another political thread might get posted and I lock it almost immediately. This looks unfair but it’s just the timing. Additionally, I don’t login much in the summer. We allow most OT threads to go unchecked and I don’t like reading the board when that’s going on. Then the fall rolls around and we start locking threads because sports are back. Many people get used to the summer OT and get butt hurt in the fall when things get locked. It again looks unfair.

My issue with the politics threads is you get politics thrust upon you at every turn online these days. It’s great to come to SPS and not have to see it. I personally can’t comprehend why anyone wants to talk about it so much.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You must be talking about terms like

-white supremacist

Those kinds of terms?
BTW, I’ve been called an extremist before.
No, not extremist.
Yes, I would include the other two as they are thrown about way too frequently without regard to accuracy.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
No, not extremist.
Yes, I would include the other two as they are thrown about way too frequently without regard to accuracy.
Didn’t think you, as a thrower abouter, would agree with the first one. 😉 (no offense intended)


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
So FoxNews, CNN, Moms for Liberty, NRA, MSNBC, etc etc?
^excludes individual people. Too long of a list in politics and commentary.

FoxNews for sure because they dominate ratings not so sure about CNN and MSNBC because about 10 people watch those channels. That's surface level commerce benefit not power related or geopolitical benefit.

You're still getting caught up in the surface level us against them narrative. Look deeper and wider.

A united country is a strong country and a divided country is weak. A country that hates itself and no longer has faith in its foundation or institutions is on its way to ruin. Who benefits from that?

Crazy Cotton

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
Seriously, unless the political threads divulge into actual threats, I wish the mods would let it ride. This forum is filled with a healthy degree banality and name-calling whether the topic is baseball, women’s golf, or the weather.

Most of the angst peters out after 24 hours anyway. Allow us to hit it and quit it with our latest political hot take.

...or inanely keep it going, raising our own blood pressure and anxiety levels and, thus, culling the heard.

I'm learning from you people -- the value of which remains in question, but it's learning nonetheless.
This is a sports board. Not sure why we need breathless reports on what some geezer saw on his TV that morning.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Didn’t think you, as a thrower abouter, would agree with the first one. 😉 (no offense intended)
I disagree with extremist because it is not a term that has been overused and misused at any soemrt of large scale like the other terms I mentioned and terms you mentioned that I agreed with.

I fully agree with 2 of your 3 examples.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
FoxNews for sure because they dominate ratings not so sure about CNN and MSNBC because about 10 people watch those channels. That's surface level commerce benefit not power related or geopolitical benefit.

You're still getting caught up in the surface level us against them narrative. Look deeper and wider.

A united country is a strong country and a divided country is weak. A country that hates itself and no longer has faith in its foundation or institutions is on its way to ruin. Who benefits from that?
So my guesses were surface level, OK then. Why don't you spell out who/what you refer to when you say it runs wider and deeper?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
@mcdawg22 I’m not asleep but I am amused that you think you’re going to prove a point with this thread. Summer OT Season is upon us the day we finally end this abortion of a baseball season. I can’t imagine why you’d want to start it earlier. But you be you big fella.

@PhredPhantom the rules are rarely applied evenly partly because the mods aren’t on the board all of the time. I’ve seen a political thread midday go up to 75+ posts before I even visit SPS that day. So I then lock it. While I’m still on the board, another political thread might get posted and I lock it almost immediately. This looks unfair but it’s just the timing. Additionally, I don’t login much in the summer. We allow most OT threads to go unchecked and I don’t like reading the board when that’s going on. Then the fall rolls around and we start locking threads because sports are back. Many people get used to the summer OT and get butt hurt in the fall when things get locked. It again looks unfair.

My issue with the politics threads is you get politics thrust upon you at every turn online these days. It’s great to come to SPS and not have to see it. I personally can’t comprehend why anyone wants to talk about it so much.
I really want to hate you, but I can’t quit you.Of course I’m going to be contrarian and just 17 $h!+ up because I love anarchy! Thread will be unlocked until I get banned!! Power to the Glfr and Drebin


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I don’t think half the country listens to Rush anymore.
I love listening to Rush.

GIF by uDiscoverMusic

I have grown weary of the Q on one side and the Socialists on the other spewing hate in our country and catching the ordinary citizen in the crossfire.

I, for one, would like to ban political talk or give it a forum all it's own. Let's give them a place to go and have the banter.

See... THIS is what happens when you have back-to-back ****** baseball seasons. I blame Lemonis for the invasion of politics. The big thing is we are not going to solve anything here except pissing people off.
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
I really want to hate you, but I can’t quit you.Of course I’m going to be contrarian and just 17 $h!+ up because I love anarchy! Thread will be unlocked until I get banned!! Power to the Glfr and Drebin

gotta add “yourself or someone like you” Matchbox 20


Just press play


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
The constant drip of conspiracy theories that have permeated into our politics over years of spewing the same bullcrap has made governing impossible. I remember the day when democrats and republicans could sit down, give and take, and come up with solutions. Throughout the 1900s, everyone could sit down and compromise. Conservative Talk Radio ended that the second George HW Bush raised taxes. They weaponized a system that was developed to educate, the air waves. No republican since would be tolerated to work across the aisle. If they didn't go along with every crazy *** theory put out there, they were primaried. Hell even the TEA party started off with a clear mission and then was taken over by the radical right. Remember all those republicans that got primaried due to working on Healthcare. I do. They all lost. Then we spent 15 years failing to repeal it, why? Because healthcare reform was needed in the worst way, still is too.
Might want to quit worrying about conspiracy theories and start looking at what your boy biden has been doing the last 20 years. Imbeciles keep crying about what talk radio "conspiracy theorists " are spewing, a lot is being proven truthful, and turning a blind eye to a president who has been on the take from enemy countries for policy influence. But yes, go ahead with your your dumbass belief that talk radio is what hurt this country.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
Might want to quit worrying about conspiracy theories and start looking at what your boy biden has been doing the last 20 years. Imbeciles keep crying about what talk radio "conspiracy theorists " are spewing, a lot is being proven truthful, and turning a blind eye to a president who has been on the take from enemy countries for policy influence. But yes, go ahead with your your dumbass belief that talk radio is what hurt this country.
I've been telling folks the same thing: Biden is on the take and selling our country out to the Ukrainians and the Chinese and the Iranians and the Mexicans.
But then they ask me to provide some documentation and I can't seem to put my finger on something comprehensive that will clearly show these leftist loonies what a danger Biden is to America.
Could you share what you have on what's being proven truthful?


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
I've been telling folks the same thing: Biden is on the take and selling our country out to the Ukrainians and the Chinese and the Iranians and the Mexicans.
But then they ask me to provide some documentation and I can't seem to put my finger on something comprehensive that will clearly show these leftist loonies what a danger Biden is to America.
Could you share what you have on what's being proven truthful?
It's being reported most places, except msm, about their shell companies used to receive and distribute money from foreign countries. Easy to find.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
I've been telling folks the same thing: Biden is on the take and selling our country out to the Ukrainians and the Chinese and the Iranians and the Mexicans.
But then they ask me to provide some documentation and I can't seem to put my finger on something comprehensive that will clearly show these leftist loonies what a danger Biden is to America.
Could you share what you have on what's being proven truthful?
Nothing has been proven in a court of law, but a tangled money trail has been brought to light with records subpoenaed from 8 banks (4 additional banks have yet to respond to their subpoena) But follow the money. The question I want to know is what goods or services were being paid for from each transaction from LLC to LLC to LLC eventually to a Biden family member. Sounds like money laundering 101 to me.
But a quick google and a scroll down from fox news sources to a Washington Times article:
"President Biden’s family was pocketing millions of dollars from foreign nationals in China and corruption-riddled Romania while he was vice president in the Obama administration, bank records show.
The information, discovered amid thousands of bank documents obtained through subpoena by House Republican investigators, showed that the Biden family and their business associates used a “complicated, suspicious” web of more than 20 companies to hide $10 million in payments from foreign nationals. Many of the transactions took place while Mr. Biden was vice president, lawmakers said.
The companies were based in Romania and China, among other countries, and several business associates who paid the Bidens had close ties to the Chinese Communist Party."
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Nothing has been proven in a court of law, but a tangled money trail has been brought to light with records subpoenaed from 8 banks (4 additional banks have yet to respond to their subpoena) But follow the money. The question I want to know is what goods or services were being paid for from each transaction from LLC to LLC to LLC eventually to a Biden family member. Sounds like money laundering 101 to me.
But a quick google and a scroll down from fox news sources to a Washington Times article:
"President Biden’s family was pocketing millions of dollars from foreign nationals in China and corruption-riddled Romania while he was vice president in the Obama administration, bank records show.
The information, discovered amid thousands of bank documents obtained through subpoena by House Republican investigators, showed that the Biden family and their business associates used a “complicated, suspicious” web of more than 20 companies to hide $10 million in payments from foreign nationals. Many of the transactions took place while Mr. Biden was vice president, lawmakers said.
The companies were based in Romania and China, among other countries, and several business associates who paid the Bidens had close ties to the Chinese Communist Party."
This is not a great thing, but it's entirely legal and all too common among our elites. It's not considered corruption (though maybe it should be). As Trump said about gaming his taxes, that makes me smart (not corrupt). In other words, where's the beef? Meanwhile, we have so much worse happening with the Trump family, and the same people who harp about the Bidens see no problem with it. It doesn't work that way. You can't have a problem with a Biden relative grifting a few companies for a few million but have no problem with Jared literally being paid billions by the Saudis. There is no credibility whatsoever in that position.

You literally made the claim that a Biden relative did business with a business that does business with China. No sir, you can't 6-degrees-of-Kevin Bacon it like that.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
This is not a great thing, but it's entirely legal and all too common among our elites. It's not considered corruption (though maybe it should be). As Trump said about gaming his taxes, that makes me smart (not corrupt). In other words, where's the beef? Meanwhile, we have so much worse happening with the Trump family, and the same people who harp about the Bidens see no problem with it. It doesn't work that way. You can't have a problem with a Biden relative grifting a few companies for a few million but have no problem with Jared literally being paid billions by the Saudis. There is no credibility whatsoever in that position.

You literally made the claim that a Biden relative did business with a business that does business with China. No sir, you can't 6-degrees-of-Kevin Bacon it like that.
I'd like to wish Republican leaders good luck in their Biden crime family investigation efforts as it would eliminate Gramps from running again and I'd be pretty okay with that. I'm pro cleaning up Washington's swamp regardless of the source - even in the legal grey areas you alluded to.

Of course, those same leaders would excuse every shady foreign investment and relationship that Trump family had before, during, and and after his presidency and would fall back in line and vote for daddy the 3rd time. They don't really care to clean anything up. The grey areas for personal gain are very likely the reason they arrived in DC in the first place. It's just politics and optics per usual. Take whatever position you must to increase your power and influence.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
You rookies have to play the game. It's 2023. Swallow your pride to get what you want. Look no further than the corporate-controlled media to see what the rules of engagement are. I have 100% embraced the following (and the sooner you do, the sooner you will see change).

1. embrace cancel culture. just know it's a double-edged sword.
2. be hypocritical. it doesn't matter what you said last year, last month, or last week. you have to play "in the now". Feel free to change your mind at any point in time. Things happen quickly and news cycles are short.
3. don't overly entrench yourself on any side of a debate. at some point, you will be left high and dry.
4. just lie. seriously. lie until it gets accepted. 17 it.
5. double down on your lies.
6. the idea of "setting precedence" is antiquated and irrelevant. what happened last week has no bearing on what can happen tomorrow. Again, you MUST live "in the now".
7. reevaluate your allegiance to any politician every 6 weeks. If they aren't living up to their promise, see rule #1.
8. Do NOT under any circumstance be loyal to a politician. 100% of the time they will 17 you. (see rule #3)
9. be selfish. look out for your family and loved ones. you can't make everyone happy.
10. ridicule anything that goes against your moral compass. weirdos need to know they are weirdos.
11. avoid debates revolving around qualitative things like feelings. It's a trap. Don't waste your time on it.
12. there is a 99% chance that your enemy is more steadfast than you. be vigilant.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
You rookies have to play the game. It's 2023. Swallow your pride to get what you want. Look no further than the corporate-controlled media to see what the rules of engagement are. I have 100% embraced the following (and the sooner you do, the sooner you will see change).

1. embrace cancel culture. just know it's a double-edged sword.
2. be hypocritical. it doesn't matter what you said last year, last month, or last week. you have to play "in the now". Feel free to change your mind at any point in time. Things happen quickly and news cycles are short.
3. don't overly entrench yourself on any side of a debate. at some point, you will be left high and dry.
4. just lie. seriously. lie until it gets accepted. 17 it.
5. double down on your lies.
6. the idea of "setting precedence" is antiquated and irrelevant. what happened last week has no bearing on what can happen tomorrow. Again, you MUST live "in the now".
7. reevaluate your allegiance to any politician every 6 weeks. If they aren't living up to their promise, see rule #1.
8. Do NOT under any circumstance be loyal to a politician. 100% of the time they will 17 you. (see rule #3)
9. be selfish. look out for your family and loved ones. you can't make everyone happy.
10. ridicule anything that goes against your moral compass. weirdos need to know they are weirdos.
11. avoid debates revolving around qualitative things like feelings. It's a trap. Don't waste your time on it.
12. there is a 99% chance that your enemy is more steadfast than you. be vigilant.
I feel like you are attacking me and that hurts my feelings. I must debate you now shockmaster.
The Industrial Revolution changed the face of the modern novel forever. Discuss, citing specific examples.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
You rookies have to play the game. It's 2023. Swallow your pride to get what you want. Look no further than the corporate-controlled media to see what the rules of engagement are. I have 100% embraced the following (and the sooner you do, the sooner you will see change).

1. embrace cancel culture. just know it's a double-edged sword.
2. be hypocritical. it doesn't matter what you said last year, last month, or last week. you have to play "in the now". Feel free to change your mind at any point in time. Things happen quickly and news cycles are short.
3. don't overly entrench yourself on any side of a debate. at some point, you will be left high and dry.
4. just lie. seriously. lie until it gets accepted. 17 it.
5. double down on your lies.
6. the idea of "setting precedence" is antiquated and irrelevant. what happened last week has no bearing on what can happen tomorrow. Again, you MUST live "in the now".
7. reevaluate your allegiance to any politician every 6 weeks. If they aren't living up to their promise, see rule #1.
8. Do NOT under any circumstance be loyal to a politician. 100% of the time they will 17 you. (see rule #3)
9. be selfish. look out for your family and loved ones. you can't make everyone happy.
10. ridicule anything that goes against your moral compass. weirdos need to know they are weirdos.
11. avoid debates revolving around qualitative things like feelings. It's a trap. Don't waste your time on it.
12. there is a 99% chance that your enemy is more steadfast than you. be vigilant.
Also solid advice for climbing the corporate executive ladder.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
"What do you expect? As long as half our entire country listens to Rush..." Lord McBuckehead

Blaming a guy that died over 2 years ago for "slowly destroying our country w/ one conspiracy theory after another".


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Thursday Thoughts. Was Martin Luther the OG of cancel culture? That dude cancelled a whole religion.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
I personally can’t comprehend why anyone wants to talk about it so much.
You and me both, brother. You and me both

There is nothing on god’s green earth that has the power to reduce a respectable middle aged man to a whiny, pissing in his pants, 3 yr old little ***** as quickly as politics. And I don’t get angry about it. I just genuinely feel sorry for them
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Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
Hahahahahahahahhaha. Electing judges? That works out TERRIBLY in every state that does so and would mark the end of democracy. Mississippi judges, as a general rule, are incompetent, lazy, and responsive to the political opinions/money folks in the local jurisdiction they are in. That’s exactly what judges are not supposed to be. They are supposed to be insulated from political pressure, opinions, presidents, governors, and MOST of all, the general public.

Anyone who believes judges should be elected has absolutely no clue.
We elect judges in Alabama which is why we got um....Roy Moore.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Nothing has been proven in a court of law, but a tangled money trail has been brought to light with records subpoenaed from 8 banks (4 additional banks have yet to respond to their subpoena) But follow the money. The question I want to know is what goods or services were being paid for from each transaction from LLC to LLC to LLC eventually to a Biden family member. Sounds like money laundering 101 to me.
But a quick google and a scroll down from fox news sources to a Washington Times article:
"President Biden’s family was pocketing millions of dollars from foreign nationals in China and corruption-riddled Romania while he was vice president in the Obama administration, bank records show.
The information, discovered amid thousands of bank documents obtained through subpoena by House Republican investigators, showed that the Biden family and their business associates used a “complicated, suspicious” web of more than 20 companies to hide $10 million in payments from foreign nationals. Many of the transactions took place while Mr. Biden was vice president, lawmakers said.
The companies were based in Romania and China, among other countries, and several business associates who paid the Bidens had close ties to the Chinese Communist Party."
You do know that the Washington Times is not a legitimate news outlet, right? They peddle conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.
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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Thursday Thoughts. Was Martin Luther the OG of cancel culture? That dude cancelled a whole religion.
I know this is meant to be humorous but it is an example of how the term "cancel culture" is used incorrectly. Because the Roman Catholic church is still very much in existence.

But it does remind me of one of my all-time favorite jokes. What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A roamin' catholic.

Stand-Up Lol GIF by Muppet Wiki
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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Only a virtue signaling snowflake groomer who thinks J6 was a treasonous insurrection when it was actually a peaceful tour would plead for that term to be retired. Dont be a groomer, groomer!***

I cant *** that comment enough. For the masses- it should be clear that I am totally joking and just using a lot of meaningless trendy words.
I'm not joking when I remind you that Alec Baldwin has killed more people than the J6 tourists


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
I know this is meant to be humorous but it is an example of how the term "cancel culture" is used incorrectly. Because the Roman Catholic church is still very much in existence.

But it does remind me of one of my all-time favorite jokes. What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A roamin' catholic.

Stand-Up Lol GIF by Muppet Wiki
Waka Waka
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
You do know that the Washington Times is not a legitimate news outlet, right? The peddle conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.
That's what my leftie friends point out as well: they say the WT is run by the Moonies and owned by the Unification Movement.
If you read the article that was shared above, the writer walks everything back, admitting lack of proof on any of the accusations. Weird.
Can we find another source (recognized by all sides as semi-credible) that can help me own the libs!


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
You rookies have to play the game. It's 2023. Swallow your pride to get what you want. Look no further than the corporate-controlled media to see what the rules of engagement are. I have 100% embraced the following (and the sooner you do, the sooner you will see change).

1. embrace cancel culture. just know it's a double-edged sword.
2. be hypocritical. it doesn't matter what you said last year, last month, or last week. you have to play "in the now". Feel free to change your mind at any point in time. Things happen quickly and news cycles are short.
3. don't overly entrench yourself on any side of a debate. at some point, you will be left high and dry.
4. just lie. seriously. lie until it gets accepted. 17 it.
5. double down on your lies.
6. the idea of "setting precedence" is antiquated and irrelevant. what happened last week has no bearing on what can happen tomorrow. Again, you MUST live "in the now".
7. reevaluate your allegiance to any politician every 6 weeks. If they aren't living up to their promise, see rule #1.
8. Do NOT under any circumstance be loyal to a politician. 100% of the time they will 17 you. (see rule #3)
9. be selfish. look out for your family and loved ones. you can't make everyone happy.
10. ridicule anything that goes against your moral compass. weirdos need to know they are weirdos.
11. avoid debates revolving around qualitative things like feelings. It's a trap. Don't waste your time on it.
12. there is a 99% chance that your enemy is more steadfast than you. be vigilant.
This should be printed on the back of the unofficial SPS T Shirt.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm not joking when I remind you that Alec Baldwin has killed more people than the J6 tourists
Again, that post was me just jokingly using a lot of currently popular phrases. I even clarified that in the post.

As for your point, OK then- good to know. I am not sure why it matters how many people died in the event, but your point that nobody was directly killed because of the morons who stormed the Cap is noted.
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