This whole 'living document' vs 'strict constructionist' debate is such BS.
From more than 30 years ago, talks about interpreting/ignoring the 4th Amendment when its convenient.
Once again there is an opening on the U.S.
From over 50 years ago, and it talks about examples from over 100 years ago.
A Lewis article, The Same Justice Can Be Both a 'Strict' and a 'Loose' Constructionist, discusses how various justices have approached task of interpreting Const; cites some opinions of Justices Holmes, Frankfurter and Black; concludes that Const has survived because it was written in open...
There are absolutely countless examples this century of 'strict constructionism(originalism)' being totally ignored when it suits a person or case. Originalism rose in popularity back in the 70s as a result of the Warren Court being seen, by those who disliked rulings, as too freewheeling. Rulings werent supposed to interpret prior case law or written law and instead, rulings were only supposed to be based on the words that were written(and ignore what was unwritten). This is quite idealistic, and it sounds great to most people. Its hot trash in application since so much of what Originalists base their views on is, in fact, interpretation of prior case law or written law.
Interpretation is not Originalism, no matter how much wiggling and justifying is done to claim otherwise.