I saw steeley dan and Lenny kravitz at Ravinia
Park details and highlights from Ravinia's 2023 Schedule
take the train from Glencoe
I’m in Glencoe and can walk to Ravinia. But anybody training to Ravinia from city should get off at Ravinia Park (limited service, but close) or Braeside.
My preferred deep dish is Pequod’s on Clybourn.
Lincoln Park zoo is modest as far as a zoo goes, but “cute,” centrally located, and free. The adjacent conservatory is small and a great destination in winter.
Skyscraper “roof” views are cool if you’re into them, but overrated, IMO.
Museums by my rank are Art Institute, Science & Industry, Field, MoCA.
I don’t do fancy restaurants, so I defer there.
North Ave Beach is worth seeing at its peak, but occasionally gets overrun by delinquent packs of teens.
Mag Mile is meh - just crowded and past it’s prime.
Oak Park Frank Lloyd Wright tours can be cool if you love that stuff.
Wrigley and area has lost its charm - I lived 3 blocks from the park 2005-2012.