So lets put all the emotion to the side. Now, here's what we have. A new telecommunications partner that is upping our coverage area, exposure, and paying us several million more over the lifetime of its contract than what we had been getting. I heard closer to 10 over the term of the deal. That is damn near in hitting the lottery with our budget. Now, all that has been sigend dated and the new income source will begin soon. Here's where it gets good, currently Jack and Jim work for a competing communications company. So, they have 2 options, resigning from one and come with MSU or stay with the old group and be on there own wihtout the rights to broadcast MSU events. Now, I am not saying this is or is not what has happened but it is very likely that is the case. So GB is going to make MSU 10 million additonal dollars over 5 years....Is Jack Cristal worth that? Is Jim? Is Greg? There is sides to everything that some people refuse to look at.........