in regards to this is that it would be more of a persuasion for Jack to retire from play by play. And more so with football than basketball. I think we can all agree that his basketball broadcasts have been much better than the football games, aside from "Randy" Stewart, particularly dealing with his view of the action, which is much better in basketball arenas.
I, too, have heard this rumor from people in the know, but it was only in terms of the transition, not firing Jack Cristil. What AD in his right mind would give any indication that he was considering FIRING a legend like Jack? If anything, I think Sir Cristil and GB will sit down and have a talk about the future, without any limitations on Jack's stay, just to get a gauge of where things are as State makes a transition, a very lucrative transition, of companies that handle our broadcasts. Hell, if anything, Jack just needs to realize he's nearing a point where his broadcasts take away from the years and years of top notch play by play he's known and loved for.
Money talks, but Jack's words are worth gold in Starkville. If he wants to stay, he'll stay. But that shouldn't stop GB from exploring his options and working to have a back-up in place should Jack decide to hang it up or, God forbid, leave this planet... and rightfully ascend into Heaven's play by play booth.