Dammit, Dak! Why?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
I think its a terrible move for him, the only positive reactions will be from LGBTQABCXYZ* supporters which will be so very minimal compared to the negative support. He's not hurting for endorsements and could have his pick so why choose that one?
Exactly! Peeper gets it.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
I agree with your post, in general.

The red part is really difficult to get on board with though, because beliefs are pushed on everyone else, and especially children, by both sides. Action, or inaction, on any of the current outrage issues will effectively push beliefs on children.

School library book bans, bathroom identity use, teaching the concept of racial bias though history, supporting trans kids' identity, etc etc- all of this is pushing beliefs on children from both sides. Regardless of how all of us view each issue I mentioned, we are all pushing our beliefs on children. We are pushing our beliefs on children when legislation is passed. We are pushing our beliefs on children when schoolboard members are voted out or others are voted in. We are pushing our beliefs on children when teachers agree to call a child by their preferred name.

As a society, we are constantly pushing our beliefs on children through legislation, through school board fights, and in classrooms. Beliefs from both sides are constantly pushed.
It is completely impossible to not push our beliefs on children. Like not at all possible in any way.
Except that conservatives aren't pushing schools, etc., to actively adopt and force-feed (brainwash) anti LGBTQ+(?). They simply don't want the left using LGBTQ+ radical agendas pushed on their kids. They don't want the left deciding for them what ethics & morals their children should be "taught". Very different approach from the left.

Most conservatives don't have anything personally against anyone for their sexual preferences, etc. We're just fed up with your side trying to force your BS on everyone else even to the point you demand it of us or you will attack us as immoral, unethical, racist, etc., etc.

And please cut-the-crap with the book-banning BS. Schools have always & rightfully regulated what is appropriate for books in school-settings. If the same books are freely available without obstruction in the free marketplace, then they are not "banned". Do you think the NAMBLA manifesto, recruiting/support stuff should be in school libraries, much less classroom curriculum? How about bestiality? Snuff movies? Porn magazines, etc.? Are those examples of "book banning" when they are not allowed in school libraries or not allowed to be used for instruction?
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
I must say I've enjoyed seeing all these evangelicals get in a tizzy and defensive about what I was always told growing up by those evangelicals was a sinful product anyway.
Nah, if you want to see a much better example of people getting in a tizzy, look no further than the liberal meltdown when Musk took over their precious Twitter and made it actually welcoming to non-libs. How fun it was to read the "goodbye diatribes" so many of them posted to announce they were leaving and never coming back once they realized they might actually have to debate and defend their POV's and not have it be nothing more than an echo-chamber for them.

Now that was & is truly the best example of people getting in a tizzy!
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Nov 14, 2012
Nah, if you want to see a much better example of people getting in a tizzy, look no further than the liberal meltdown when Musk took over their precious Twitter and made it actually welcoming to non-libs. How fun it was to read the "goodbye diatribes" so many of them posted to announce they were leaving and never coming back once they realized they might actually have to debate and defend their POV's and not have it be nothing more than an echo-chamber for them.

Now that was & is truly the best example of people getting in a tizzy!
You ever heard the phrase "touch some grass"?
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
So let me get this straight...you want that man to not get paid because of your own closed minded insecurities?

Boy you've unlocked a new level of stupid
No sir, you have. I don't have close-minded insecurities, and I never said I was against Dak getting paid. You just made that BS up to support a really dumb straw-man attack. People like you always seem to equate "disagreeing with you" as "close-mindedness".


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
So it appears a great many of you are making incorrect assumptions...you know the "makes an *** out of you & me" thing.

I don't hate or dislike Dak for this. I still love the guy. I do disagree with him going this route, not because he is hurting for money, couldn't take the financial hit, etc.

But as far as the amount of money he is likely getting paid, consider there may also be a cost in terms of other potential advertising income sources may choose another spokesman not tainted with the "I support Bud Light" stigma. Have we not seen this play out for other celebs who have tried this?

Are we nor seeing others try this and face a pretty big blow to their reputations, etc.? If any of you want to downplay the very real continued GROWING backlash against Bud Light, go right ahead, but the continued escalation of sales hits, market-share loss, etc., being seen suggests you would be wrong to assume this will blow over anytime soon, if ever.

Personally, I never drank Bud Light to begin with because I have always thought it sucked, and always liked Miller Light better when that was my choice. But I admit, even if I did like or drink it before, I would drop them over this and never go back, not for animosity with DM, but because I get that it isn't really about not liking or hating Mulvaney, but that I, like half-the-country are beyond sick & tired of left-wing agendas being shoved down our throats, and in such a way as to suggest we are immoral if we resist this new Maoist-like reeducation bender Democrats are on in their never-ending thirst for unchallenged power.

I am disappointed in Dak on this because I think it was a bad business move, but also because he is almost assuredly going to take a significant reputation hit that may be permanent. Some folks don't care as much about their reputation to place it over greed, and/or the just don't give a damn what other people think. I don't think Dak is one of those.

I think he cares a great deal what others think, and I suspect he isn't doing this for the money (he has plenty of other revenue streams that have given him generational wealth). I could see him actually taking a side thinking he was going to be instrumental in some kind of societal healing or maybe even considers it a social-justice issue.

But IMO it's not a social-justice issue, it's a significant, clear message that moderates & conservatives in particular are done with being relatively passive.... are done with shaking their heads at the lunacy, but thinking it's just not worth fighting over...are done with the ridiculous propaganda machine the MSM has become and are saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!". They (we) realize the left will never stop their assault on us, our ethics & morals, nearly everything we hold dear or sacred if it might buy them 1 additional vote in an election.

People are waking up to the fact that the left does not moderate. They are constantly looking to convince groups or classes of people they are victims and that the only people willing to hear them & help them are democrats. They are waking up to just how big of a threat this has become to our society, our liberties, etc,. and are no longer going to just stand by and hope it all works out on its own.

Trump's greatest appeal is that he fights back and is willing to fight dirty to counter their sleazy tactics. Conservatives finally found someone who didn't need or want to be part of the establishment... finally found someone who doesn't ultimately bend over and/or give in when "punched in the face" as James Carvill so eloquently (and effectively) put it when he helped Bill Clinton & democrats back then.

Whoa, I guess I really went off in another direction here, but dammit, I do think all this stuff ties together. Adn clearly, yes I am among those who are fed up with the left & their increasing lunacy.

Rant over.
So it appears a great many of you are making incorrect assumptions...you know the "makes an *** out of you & me" thing.

I don't hate or dislike Dak for this. I still love the guy. I do disagree with him going this route, not because he is hurting for money, couldn't take the financial hit, etc.

But as far as the amount of money he is likely getting paid, consider there may also be a cost in terms of other potential advertising income sources may choose another spokesman not tainted with the "I support Bud Light" stigma. Have we not seen this play out for other celebs who have tried this?

Are we nor seeing others try this and face a pretty big blow to their reputations, etc.? If any of you want to downplay the very real continued GROWING backlash against Bud Light, go right ahead, but the continued escalation of sales hits, market-share loss, etc., being seen suggests you would be wrong to assume this will blow over anytime soon, if ever.

Personally, I never drank Bud Light to begin with because I have always thought it sucked, and always liked Miller Light better when that was my choice. But I admit, even if I did like or drink it before, I would drop them over this and never go back, not for animosity with DM, but because I get that it isn't really about not liking or hating Mulvaney, but that I, like half-the-country are beyond sick & tired of left-wing agendas being shoved down our throats, and in such a way as to suggest we are immoral if we resist this new Maoist-like reeducation bender Democrats are on in their never-ending thirst for unchallenged power.

I am disappointed in Dak on this because I think it was a bad business move, but also because he is almost assuredly going to take a significant reputation hit that may be permanent. Some folks don't care as much about their reputation to place it over greed, and/or the just don't give a damn what other people think. I don't think Dak is one of those.

I think he cares a great deal what others think, and I suspect he isn't doing this for the money (he has plenty of other revenue streams that have given him generational wealth). I could see him actually taking a side thinking he was going to be instrumental in some kind of societal healing or maybe even considers it a social-justice issue.

But IMO it's not a social-justice issue, it's a significant, clear message that moderates & conservatives in particular are done with being relatively passive.... are done with shaking their heads at the lunacy, but thinking it's just not worth fighting over...are done with the ridiculous propaganda machine the MSM has become and are saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!". They (we) realize the left will never stop their assault on us, our ethics & morals, nearly everything we hold dear or sacred if it might buy them 1 additional vote in an election.

People are waking up to the fact that the left does not moderate. They are constantly looking to convince groups or classes of people they are victims and that the only people willing to hear them & help them are democrats. They are waking up to just how big of a threat this has become to our society, our liberties, etc,. and are no longer going to just stand by and hope it all works out on its own.

Trump's greatest appeal is that he fights back and is willing to fight dirty to counter their sleazy tactics. Conservatives finally found someone who didn't need or want to be part of the establishment... finally found someone who doesn't ultimately bend over and/or give in when "punched in the face" as James Carvill so eloquently (and effectively) put it when he helped Bill Clinton & democrats back then.

Whoa, I guess I really went off in another direction here, but dammit, I do think all this stuff ties together. Adn clearly, yes I am among those who are fed up with the left & their increasing lunacy.

Rant over.
Are the libs really hurting you this badly? There's a lot characters/trends in politics that I find annoying and disagree with but ultimately are easily ignored after I find my mood being impacted. The above seems a bit dramatic. Like when I see the Gadsden Flag vanity plates on $80k luxury pickups. Can't help but think "man, are you really that tread on? Someone is bilking you"

I think we've enjoyed a very lengthy period of freedom and comfort in this country that a lot of people are simply trying to convince themselves they are a victim to have something to get fired up about. Like some kind of weird comfort guilt. We've got it made in the shade in this country - especially in context of left vs right. Feeling victimized as a liberal or conservative is about as made up as it can be seeing we are about 50/50 and the parties keep handing power back and forth to each other. Victimized political thought wouldn't have so much power and influence if they truly were victims. People are just too damn sensitive when others get loud about things they disagree with and it's amplified now bc technology allows it to be in your face more often. We simply see more of what's out there beyond our day to day largely insulated lives. And a lot of us grow that into bogey men that are out to get us - with the help of the media and politicians who love to preach "they are out to get you and change your life! Vote for me or click this article!" Nothing new under the sun except the ease in which this can happen with internet, social media, cable "news", etc.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Personally, I never drank Bud Light to begin with because I have always thought it sucked, and always liked Miller Light better when that was my choice. But I admit, even if I did like or drink it before, I would drop them over this and never go back, not for animosity with DM, but because I get that it isn't really about not liking or hating Mulvaney, but that I, like half-the-country are beyond sick & tired of left-wing agendas being shoved down our throats, and in such a way as to suggest we are immoral if we resist this new Maoist-like reeducation bender Democrats are on in their never-ending thirst for unchallenged power.
Left wing agenda? Dude, a for profit publicly traded company was trying to do what it exists to do- try and sell their product to more markets. Thats as free market as it gets- its the opposite of whatever the 17 a 'Maoist-like reeducation bender' is.
Further, Bud Light did nothing out of the ordinary for a large production company in general or even specific to their market. A bunch of other mainstream/large beers have actively advertised with and/or supported lgbtq+ people and events. And a bunch of large retailers and large production companies advertise both with and to the lgbtq+ community. Its dumb to not market to a community because you are leaving money on the table.
This is literally the reason publicly traded companies exist- to maximized shareholder value. And that means getting your products into new markets or expanding growing markets.

Seriously, wt17 is 'Maoist-like reeducation bender'?

Its bizzaro world when a company tries to increase sales and revenues and the right loses their collective asses over that.

I am disappointed in Dak on this because I think it was a bad business move, but also because he is almost assuredly going to take a significant reputation hit that may be permanent.
I didnt know Dak is a BudLight sponsor before this thread. I bet a ton of people dont know. And I bet that of everyone who does know, almost none care.
This reputation will take a hit? Unless he is beating a woman, diddling a kid, fighting with cops, or something actually illegal/dumb like those examples- his reputation will be fine. Advertising for one of America's largest beers isnt like those examples.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Except that conservatives aren't pushing schools, etc., to actively adopt and force-feed (brainwash) anti LGBTQ+(?). They simply don't want the left using LGBTQ+ radical agendas pushed on their kids. They don't want the left deciding for them what ethics & morals their children should be "taught". Very different approach from the left.

Most conservatives don't have anything personally against anyone for their sexual preferences, etc. We're just fed up with your side trying to force your BS on everyone else even to the point you demand it of us or you will attack us as immoral, unethical, racist, etc., etc.

And please cut-the-crap with the book-banning BS. Schools have always & rightfully regulated what is appropriate for books in school-settings.

Wow, you really missed what I was saying.
If the right doesnt want children to be subjected to a 'radical agenda' created by the left, then the right is also pushing their beliefs on children. I understand you are struggling to accept this as reality, but it is. Each side has beliefs. Each side has a perception of what the other side's beliefs are. Each side pushes for their beliefs to be implemented. This means that BOTH SIDES are pushing their beliefs on children.

^ I am not claiming the left is 'correct' and the right is 'wrong' by posting what I typed above. It is just a basic analysis of reality- any time a group pushes for something to be added or even removed from schools, they are pushing their beliefs on children.

As for the book banning being BS, far right media calls it book banning. Multiple governors have called it book banning. Multiple state legislators have called it book banning. If you dislike that term, take it up with many of the people who created and passed legislation.
I have now read multiple books that Moms for Liberty groups demanded be removed from school libraries in my metro. I have read excerpts and synopses from some others that were challenged. A few were definitely questionable. A lot were confusingly void of anything I would hesitate to let my kids read when they were 6 or 7. Like they were so perfectly fine that I had to google around to find out what was specifically offensive. Thats what happens when an outraged group with mob mentality blindly pushes their agenda and talking points out - people end up demanding books that dont even have anything offensive in them be removed.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I don't drink Bud Light although I've had a few over the years. I did like the backlash to that minstrel-show fraud pretending to be the biggest stereotype of a 14-year-old girl picked by some nitwit SJW marketing boss as the new face of the brand. That was pretty awesome. That's how it's done. Don't just post memes to own the libz. Punish them financially. Dak can do what he wants. I still like Dak.
Same here, although I've drank a good many Bud Lights and will continue to do so when convenient. I want to be clear that I care nothing about this particular issue. But I did enjoy the backlash due to their stupidity. It was needed, to help cancel out all the liberal cancel-ings that have happened over the years. I say let them all eat each other, and keep the balance. Many of the wokes are so out in left field, they have no idea how mainstream America sees things. Time to wake up to reality.

It's about as funny as seeing people fight out these issues in school board meetings. Why not teach everything and let the kids decide based on their own logic? Trust me, it doesn't take much to figure out what's going on with most of it.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
So it appears a great many of you are making incorrect assumptions...you know the "makes an *** out of you & me" thing.

I don't hate or dislike Dak for this. I still love the guy. I do disagree with him going this route, not because he is hurting for money, couldn't take the financial hit, etc.

But as far as the amount of money he is likely getting paid, consider there may also be a cost in terms of other potential advertising income sources may choose another spokesman not tainted with the "I support Bud Light" stigma. Have we not seen this play out for other celebs who have tried this?

Are we nor seeing others try this and face a pretty big blow to their reputations, etc.? If any of you want to downplay the very real continued GROWING backlash against Bud Light, go right ahead, but the continued escalation of sales hits, market-share loss, etc., being seen suggests you would be wrong to assume this will blow over anytime soon, if ever.

Personally, I never drank Bud Light to begin with because I have always thought it sucked, and always liked Miller Light better when that was my choice. But I admit, even if I did like or drink it before, I would drop them over this and never go back, not for animosity with DM, but because I get that it isn't really about not liking or hating Mulvaney, but that I, like half-the-country are beyond sick & tired of left-wing agendas being shoved down our throats, and in such a way as to suggest we are immoral if we resist this new Maoist-like reeducation bender Democrats are on in their never-ending thirst for unchallenged power.

I am disappointed in Dak on this because I think it was a bad business move, but also because he is almost assuredly going to take a significant reputation hit that may be permanent. Some folks don't care as much about their reputation to place it over greed, and/or the just don't give a damn what other people think. I don't think Dak is one of those.

I think he cares a great deal what others think, and I suspect he isn't doing this for the money (he has plenty of other revenue streams that have given him generational wealth). I could see him actually taking a side thinking he was going to be instrumental in some kind of societal healing or maybe even considers it a social-justice issue.

But IMO it's not a social-justice issue, it's a significant, clear message that moderates & conservatives in particular are done with being relatively passive.... are done with shaking their heads at the lunacy, but thinking it's just not worth fighting over...are done with the ridiculous propaganda machine the MSM has become and are saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!". They (we) realize the left will never stop their assault on us, our ethics & morals, nearly everything we hold dear or sacred if it might buy them 1 additional vote in an election.

People are waking up to the fact that the left does not moderate. They are constantly looking to convince groups or classes of people they are victims and that the only people willing to hear them & help them are democrats. They are waking up to just how big of a threat this has become to our society, our liberties, etc,. and are no longer going to just stand by and hope it all works out on its own.

Trump's greatest appeal is that he fights back and is willing to fight dirty to counter their sleazy tactics. Conservatives finally found someone who didn't need or want to be part of the establishment... finally found someone who doesn't ultimately bend over and/or give in when "punched in the face" as James Carvill so eloquently (and effectively) put it when he helped Bill Clinton & democrats back then.

Whoa, I guess I really went off in another direction here, but dammit, I do think all this stuff ties together. Adn clearly, yes I am among those who are fed up with the left & their increasing lunacy.

Rant over.

I just did a Twitter search to see if Dak is getting hammered and his reputation may be suffering. This is the top result. People make fun of youā€¦. I highly doubt Dak cares too much if youā€™re disappointed in him. Judging from this thread and lack of discussion Twitter, no one gives a ****.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Same here, although I've drank a good many Bud Lights and will continue to do so when convenient. I want to be clear that I care nothing about this particular issue. But I did enjoy the backlash due to their stupidity. It was needed, to help cancel out all the liberal cancel-ings that have happened over the years. I say let them all eat each other, and keep the balance. Many of the wokes are so out in left field, they have no idea how mainstream America sees things. Time to wake up to reality.

It's about as funny as seeing people fight out these issues in school board meetings. Why not teach everything and let the kids decide based on their own logic? Trust me, it doesn't take much to figure out what's going on with most of it.
Yep. There was a time (at least in my childhood experience) where parents asked their kids about what their kids are learning in school and they had discussions about it. If you expect a curriculum to cater to your every preference, or even leave out any perceived controversial subject, you aren't setting your child up for success and independence. We can't helicopter our kids forever so you need to prepare them to assess and talk things through with their teachers and people outside of school. Like you said - it's pretty easy to keep up if you pay attention.

Im sure someone is going to bring up sex stuff. Anyone have any direct controversy with that in your kids' school systems? I don't. Feels like one of those bogey man deals. Not saying something I don't agree with isn't happening at all but I don't get the feeling it's a big risk and is mostly internet bait for the twitter heroes.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
You think this boycott stuff is about validation? Man are you ever missing the point.
Yeah, I must be crazy. I just do me and buy what I want and don't buy what I don't want. Years ago, I had someone look sideways at me for going to Home Depot. I was apparently missing some current culture war that I should have been in angst about. Regardless, I understand the postion of most of these folks. They proclaim Judeo-Christian values and that obviously results in them trying to starve people of of a paycheck who don't agree with them. Just like their WWJD bracelet suggests that they should act...


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
So it appears a great many of you are making incorrect assumptions...you know the "makes an *** out of you & me" thing.

I don't hate or dislike Dak for this. I still love the guy. I do disagree with him going this route, not because he is hurting for money, couldn't take the financial hit, etc.

But as far as the amount of money he is likely getting paid, consider there may also be a cost in terms of other potential advertising income sources may choose another spokesman not tainted with the "I support Bud Light" stigma. Have we not seen this play out for other celebs who have tried this?

Are we nor seeing others try this and face a pretty big blow to their reputations, etc.? If any of you want to downplay the very real continued GROWING backlash against Bud Light, go right ahead, but the continued escalation of sales hits, market-share loss, etc., being seen suggests you would be wrong to assume this will blow over anytime soon, if ever.

Personally, I never drank Bud Light to begin with because I have always thought it sucked, and always liked Miller Light better when that was my choice. But I admit, even if I did like or drink it before, I would drop them over this and never go back, not for animosity with DM, but because I get that it isn't really about not liking or hating Mulvaney, but that I, like half-the-country are beyond sick & tired of left-wing agendas being shoved down our throats, and in such a way as to suggest we are immoral if we resist this new Maoist-like reeducation bender Democrats are on in their never-ending thirst for unchallenged power.

I am disappointed in Dak on this because I think it was a bad business move, but also because he is almost assuredly going to take a significant reputation hit that may be permanent. Some folks don't care as much about their reputation to place it over greed, and/or the just don't give a damn what other people think. I don't think Dak is one of those.

I think he cares a great deal what others think, and I suspect he isn't doing this for the money (he has plenty of other revenue streams that have given him generational wealth). I could see him actually taking a side thinking he was going to be instrumental in some kind of societal healing or maybe even considers it a social-justice issue.

But IMO it's not a social-justice issue, it's a significant, clear message that moderates & conservatives in particular are done with being relatively passive.... are done with shaking their heads at the lunacy, but thinking it's just not worth fighting over...are done with the ridiculous propaganda machine the MSM has become and are saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!". They (we) realize the left will never stop their assault on us, our ethics & morals, nearly everything we hold dear or sacred if it might buy them 1 additional vote in an election.

People are waking up to the fact that the left does not moderate. They are constantly looking to convince groups or classes of people they are victims and that the only people willing to hear them & help them are democrats. They are waking up to just how big of a threat this has become to our society, our liberties, etc,. and are no longer going to just stand by and hope it all works out on its own.

Trump's greatest appeal is that he fights back and is willing to fight dirty to counter their sleazy tactics. Conservatives finally found someone who didn't need or want to be part of the establishment... finally found someone who doesn't ultimately bend over and/or give in when "punched in the face" as James Carvill so eloquently (and effectively) put it when he helped Bill Clinton & democrats back then.

Whoa, I guess I really went off in another direction here, but dammit, I do think all this stuff ties together. Adn clearly, yes I am among those who are fed up with the left & their increasing lunacy.

Rant over.
Anybody in any business understand that it is a business. Bud Light paid Dak to advertise for them. That's normal. His marketability will not be impacted by that. I'd say the fact that Bud Light thinks enough of his impact to try to use him to pull out of this tailspin speaks just the opposite. Any future sponsor will look at Dak and see if he is marketable and if so, they will pay him too. I'd bet DS's newest big screen that he loses absolutely nothing measurable reputationally.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007

I just did a Twitter search to see if Dak is getting hammered and his reputation may be suffering. This is the top result. People make fun of youā€¦. I highly doubt Dak cares too much if youā€™re disappointed in him. Judging from this thread and lack of discussion Twitter, no one gives a ****.

Dave Chapelle GIF by MOODMAN


May 24, 2023
Why risk your great reputation, fan-following, etc., by jumping on board the toxic Bud Light sinking ship? Can't imagine this works out good for him in the long run. You know it will absolutely turn a large chunk of fans against him.

Sorry, but really dumb move. If his agent ok'd this, that agent should be fired.
Money. Lots of itā€¦..


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
It seems like the people who are super mad at Bud Light for having a transgender person make an Instagram post about them ought to be happy that now Bud Light is using a fairly safe and non-controversial endorser like Dak Prescott. But instead some are still mad?

Who should they be using if not Dak? It looks like Bud Light bent over backwards just for you, going in the total opposite direction just to appease you ... and it's still not good enough for you?
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