FC: ESPN takes on Penn State once again


Oct 31, 2021
Here is a link to the youtube replay of yesterday's Search Warrant show with Graham Spanier, John Snedden and Dick Anderson. Graham was more candid about the whole fiasco than he has been in the past.



Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
Thanks for posting that. I had never seen that exchange before. MM appears to have upped his dickheadedness post getting paid by PSU. He is a vile human IMO.
That may be true--but getting paid by Penn State isn't part of that. He got paid because the administration at the time forgot a basic rule of terminations. Treat everyone exactly the same. They didn't do that in MM's case vis-a-vis the other assistants who were not retained. That, rightly, got him a pay day. That's HR 101.
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Oct 7, 2021
That may be true--but getting paid by Penn State isn't part of that. He got paid because the administration at the time forgot a basic rule of terminations. Treat everyone exactly the same. They didn't do that in MM's case vis-a-vis the other assistants who were not retained. That, rightly, got him a pay day. That's HR 101.
How so? BOB didnt want him on his staff. Maybe I’ve just forgotten why but BOB was under no obligation to even want him. I disagree that he was terminated as a whistle blower
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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
How so? BOB didnt want him on his staff. Maybe I’ve just forgotten why but BOB was under no obligation to even want him. I disagree that he was terminated as a whistle blower
There were other assistants that BOB did not want as well. They were handled differently (and sightly better, as I recall) than MM was when terminated. That was the issue. It made it look like he was fired for being a whistle blower.
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
There were other assistants that BOB did not want as well. They were handled differently (and sightly better, as I recall) than MM was when terminated. That was the issue. It made it look like he was fired for being a whistle blower.
Obrien out of courtesy interviewed all the staff , However he knew who wanted keep and LJ SR and later Vanderlinden were kept The others Anderson Hall were retiring anyway , Kenney had no shot as did JR were never going to be kept along with Kermit Buggs ,

But MM had no shot either Obrien knew who he wanted He wanted guys that could recruit as well as coach , Only Scrap and LJ and Vanederlinden fit t hat bill , no pun intended


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
Obrien out of courtesy interviewed all the staff , However he knew who wanted keep and LJ SR and later Vanderlinden were kept The others Anderson Hall were retiring anyway , Kenney had no shot as did JR were never going to be kept along with Kermit Buggs ,

But MM had no shot either Obrien knew who he wanted He wanted guys that could recruit as well as coach , Only Scrap and LJ and Vanederlinden fit t hat bill , no pun intended
And ... that's not the issue. The issue was that MM was treated differently compared with the other guys who were also not retained (as I recall, and I may be wrong, he had to give back his phone, car, etc. right away, where the others did not, among other differences). And that's an HR fail. Big time--which goes back to the leadership of the University. That gave MM a case where equal treatment would not have done so.
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Oct 31, 2021
Investigative journalist Ralph Cipriano of bigtrial blog has another excellent blog post on how John Barr and ESPN blew it big time and completely missed the part in their E60 "documentary" on Joe Paterno. Imho Ralph has been the journalist who has done the best job in unraveling the fiasco including over 60 comprehensive, hard hitting articles on the Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal that describe the shenanigans that have occurred and those responsible for this travesty of justice.

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Oct 31, 2021
For those who are interested, here is a replay of yesterday's Search Warrant podcast that is carried live on KGRA radio from 3-4 pm EDT every Wednesday. Search Warrant has devoted the entire hour of the last 3 shows to the Penn State fiasco and look to discuss it on a regular basis going forward. The show is moderated by veteran NCIS special agent John Snedden and the regular guests for the Penn State discussions include investigative journalist Ralph Cipriano and coach Dick Anderson. The theme of yesterdays's show was an autopsy of ESPN's E60 "documentary" on the legacy of Joe Paterno and yesterday's special guest was Dottie Sandusky. Graham Spanier who was on last week couldn't make it due to a last minute family emergency, but will be back in 2 weeks.

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Nov 1, 2021
For those who are interested, here is a replay of yesterday's Search Warrant podcast that is carried live on KGRA radio from 3-4 pm EDT every Wednesday. Search Warrant has devoted the entire hour of the last 3 shows to the Penn State fiasco and look to discuss it on a regular basis going forward. The show is moderated by veteran NCIS special agent John Snedden and the regular guests for the Penn State discussions include investigative journalist Ralph Cipriano and coach Dick Anderson. The theme of yesterdays's show was an autopsy of ESPN's E60 "documentary" on the legacy of Joe Paterno and yesterday's special guest was Dottie Sandusky. Graham Spanier who was on last week couldn't make it due to a last minute family emergency, but will be back in 2 weeks.

Someone should ask Spanier why he felt vulnerable for not reporting horseplay.


Nov 1, 2021
Investigative journalist Ralph Cipriano of bigtrial blog has another excellent blog post on how John Barr and ESPN blew it big time and completely missed the part in their E60 "documentary" on Joe Paterno. Imho Ralph has been the journalist who has done the best job in unraveling the fiasco including over 60 comprehensive, hard hitting articles on the Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal that describe the shenanigans that have occurred and those responsible for this travesty of justice.

What a hack this guy is.


Nov 1, 2021
Pretty compelling , don't you think? On the level of "Na, na, na, na, na, naaaaa"
Okay, @AvgUser and @step.eng69 I'll play a bit.

Ralph says: "And that the Freeh investigation was personally directed by the corrupt Frank Fina,"

The truth: There is no evidence whatsoever that Frank Fina told Freeh what to write. Freeh said when he started the investigation he would work with LE as well. Working with Prosecution witnesses, Freeh showed professional courtesy coordinating with the OAG

Verdict: Misleading and actions of a HACK.

Ralph says: ESPN also interviewed the first alleged victim Aaron Fisher, whom a grand jury didn't believe,

The Truth: The GJ didn't believe victim 1? Huh? They indicted Sandusky for CSA against Victim 1 and he was convicted of such charge!

Verdict: Ralph is mistaken and a HACK

Ralph says: And all five men have testified under oath that Mike McQueary never told them that he witnessed anything sexual going on in the showers. Instead, Paterno, Curley and Schultz characterized what McQueary told them about as "horseplay."

The truth: WOW OH WOW! Several whoopers in here. First, read the testimony of Dr. Dranov at Sandusky's trial. He never asked MM if he saw anything sexual. He just asked him what he saw and MM was very upset and only mentioned the sounds and Dranov backed off. And the horseplay narrative. Total and complete BS. Paterno NEVER used the word "horseplay" in his TWO testimonies that he gave to the OAG and GJ about what MM told him. NEVER. Schultz admitted in his GJ testimony that MM told them about sexually inappropriate behavior by Jerry. That's why the GJ indicted Curley and Schultz for perjury since they told different stories.

Verdict: HACK

Ralph says: Because the corrupt trial judge refused to delay the trial,

The Truth: What evidence does Ralph have that the judge was corrupt? Sandusky was a revered figure in State College and "railroading" him would make no sense. Further Ralphie, ever heard of the Constitution? Check out the sixth amendment. It requires a speedy trial. Not these long drawn out abominations like Spanier who appealed and appealed for years yet still had to serve his time. The attorneys had sufficient time. They just knew their client was guilty as hell and were trying to stall. The trial judge saw that and refused to go along.

Verdict: Ignorant HACK
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