I get this but picking a school cause you love the campus, moms is a grad, it’s close to home so dad can come to home games. These romantic things are now replaced by amateurs getting salaries. But you’re pro kid, good for you. I am (was) pro my school.What romance was that? It was romantic when institutions and coaches, and arena operators, and nearby business owners, and tv networks, and recruiting services were stuffing their pockets with gobs of money based off the successes or failures of a bunch of 17-22 year olds, many of whom were going to school solely for the chance to play a sport ... and each decision to change the makeup of the recruiting process/sport was meant to drive more money into those pockets ... but now that those kids have a chance to get a little bit of that money ... all of a sudden, the "romance" is dead? Exploiting kids and young adults for massive amounts of cash isn't "romantic."
Perhaps they should implement an across the board pay structure so money doesn’t become the ultimate motivation. Like a salary cap.