FC/OT: Beaver stadium video boards…


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
They were posting scores on the lower strip during the entire BG game…
They have posted them for a long time.

And from most vantage points, they are extremely difficult to read. Yes, if you carry binoculars it makes it way easier but by and large it is really bad.

Additionally, from our POV and everyone in our section agrees, the new graphics on the big board during the game are really lousy as well.

Is this all worth bitching about? Since you can’t get a signal to look anything up on your phone, yes it is. You would think they understand people are interested in more than what’s going on down on the field during every break in the action.

But, Weis Markets has a brand new slightly larger ribbon for boosting five day old meat……
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
Is that the new Chinese grocery store I heard was moving into town?? It’s funny how an apostrophe typo can change everything.
Thanks for pointing that out! Yes, it’s amazing what spell check/ auto correct can do to a thought on an IPad.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
Congrats on being the first negative Nancy.
There is no doubt they need to bring in as much advertising revenue as possible. They also bring in a tidy sum from their fanbase. Giving / showing a little love to the fans is not unreasonable. I am pretty certain they are aware of this common complaint.
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