TGDR***Your posts in this thread aren't aging well.
Actually, Kiffin does have an offensive system. He doesn't 'adapt', that's why he couldn't use John Rhys Plumlee. Mullen didn't adapt, he needed a QB run threat. Tyson Lee, Tyler Russell, remember those guys? Good players but playing out of scheme. That said, don't start nitpicking words, I understand everyone adapts to a certain extent, but big picture, you know I am correct. Do I think Kiffin and Mullen are full on offensive system coaches, probably not, somewhere in the middle. But they absolutely had specific offenses that they ran.
The Air Raid and triple option are the opposite of poor ole moo u concepts. Complete opposite. Those are thinking outside the box and going against the grain.
You are the lame brain who is stuck in the old school. Mayun LeTs Go Be LiKe BaMa
(too goat, didn’t read)