He's got my vote

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
My late, super rich uncle gave to both sides in several elections unless the outcome was obvious. He was a conservative Dem when those types were the majority. He switched to being Republican late in life because that was good for business. He wasn't all that political. He liked making money and he was generous with it as well. He made money when Dems were in the state house and the White House and when Republicans were there too.
So DJT is your uncle?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
View attachment 442916
I'm not voting for another Democrat. Last time I did they turned into party line liberals.
If there is a more punchable face in the world, I don't want to see it. He's a terrible human who is endorsed by the idiot who testified under oath yesterday that he was too busy being president in 2021 to be running the his own organization. I'd stump for Bennie before I voted for Tate (OK, that was over the top, I'd never stump for Bennie!). Luckily I don't have to, there is a pretty decent human running against him. I'll take any decent human these days and that isn't Tate.

ETA: Do you know how hard it is for me not to be hypocritical about calling childish names and just call him Tate? Hard, very hard.


Active member
Apr 20, 2009
Presley is nothing but a hillbilly liberal. "when I wuz young my mumma couldut keep tha liiights on." Pssshtt.,...

Whatever Brandon. Enjoy being another democrat who can't win a statewide vote in MS. Maybe him and Jim Hood can swordfight for the honor of "the last blue dog democrat in the south". John Bell might want to join in as well.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
If a candidate fails on their first major political decision, which party do I run for, then how can you trust any other decision he/she makes?
IKR. the insurrection, anti-constitution party or the other one. I kinda prefer we stick with the party that isn't already discussing dictatorial/strong man tactics if re-elected. I'll be actively voting against MAGA cancer until eradicated. It's more important that we have a democracy to argue over than worry about policy right now. So far, I've not run into a single MAGA supporter who watched the 1/6 hearings, read the evidence against Trump, or watches him bumble around on stage making speeches that any sane person could see are completely unhinged. It is the biggest head in the sand, fingers in the ears response I've ever seen by adults that prior to this I would have considered intelligent people. It's a cult with no basis in reality. Chris Christie, of whom I'm no fan, nailed it when addressing the MAGAs at a recent speech:

"Your anger, your anger, your anger against the truth is reprehensible. When you think about the problems, when you think about the problems that our country and this world is facing, when you think about that, this type of pettiness, this type of pettiness is beneath. Beneath the process of electing a president. And and as people and as people watch today. As people watch today, if your arguments are so strong, if your arguments are so great and mine are so bad, then just keep quiet. Let me make my awful arguments and then you can just reject them out of hand. But the problem is the problem is the problem is you fear the truth."


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
When I see him in Jax State and Alcorn State swag, he's got my vote. I do love a panderer.

Anyway, John Bel's been a good, quiet effective governor of Louisiana. He's no liberal. He's center-left. He's just not conservative enough for the anti-vax super patriotic bald eagle-loving freedom lovers who buy gold and my pillows and listen to angry, dimwitted talk radio guys. He's an Airborne Ranger and likely has little future in the Dem Party because he's too conservative for them, especially on abortion.
We need a lot more people like John Bel Williams in politics. Both Republicans and Democrats.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
You may want to check out Jon Bell Edwards the LA gov'ner. He is not AOC, but more liberal than you expect from a southern governor.
Exactly. Remember that Covid BS and the Democratic led states remaining shut down, putting in stupid regulations, and taking total control? Yeah, I do. I used to vote for a candidate instead of by party, and I probably voted for more Democrats than Republicans until about 10 or so years ago. The Democrat Party is not the party of even 20 years ago. They've gone off the deep edge, and I'll never vote for another Democrat. Period. End of story.


Active member
Apr 20, 2009
IKR. the insurrection, anti-constitution party or the other one. I kinda prefer we stick with the party that isn't already discussing dictatorial/strong man tactics if re-elected. I'll be actively voting against MAGA cancer until eradicated. It's more important that we have a democracy to argue over than worry about policy right now. So far, I've not run into a single MAGA supporter who watched the 1/6 hearings, read the evidence against Trump, or watches him bumble around on stage making speeches that any sane person could see are completely unhinged. It is the biggest head in the sand, fingers in the ears response I've ever seen by adults that prior to this I would have considered intelligent people. It's a cult with no basis in reality. Chris Christie, of whom I'm no fan, nailed it when addressing the MAGAs at a recent speech:

"Your anger, your anger, your anger against the truth is reprehensible. When you think about the problems, when you think about the problems that our country and this world is facing, when you think about that, this type of pettiness, this type of pettiness is beneath. Beneath the process of electing a president. And and as people and as people watch today. As people watch today, if your arguments are so strong, if your arguments are so great and mine are so bad, then just keep quiet. Let me make my awful arguments and then you can just reject them out of hand. But the problem is the problem is the problem is you fear the truth."
We got it dude. The disease is real.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
So DJT is your uncle?
Good one. He was actually more moral and ethical than DJT, never had 91 criminal charges against him, and contributed to his community and state without requiring a lot of ***-kissing or a loyalty oath. He understood how politics worked and he didn't get all aroused by others who told him he should be angry about something that largely didn't affect him and prepare for the apocalypse by buying dried foods that last decades.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
We got it dude.
I doubt you do. I doubt you've looked at one single shred of evidence, acknowledged that at both the 1/6 trials AND the Jack Smith prosecution, nearly everyone testifying is Republican, or acknowledged that the strongest voices against Trump are those who served in his administration and saw his craziness up close. The problem with people in a cult is they only listen to the cult leader, ignore the reality that stares at them in the face, and choose to believe the guy who lies to them non-stop. The other problem is that you can't reason with them or get them to look at anything other than what the leader says. It makes no sense at all that somehow the entire world, evidence, history of behavior and lying is wrong and Trump is right. Zero. Yet here we are.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Exactly. Remember that Covid BS and the Democratic led states remaining shut down, putting in stupid regulations, and taking total control? Yeah, I do. I used to vote for a candidate instead of by party, and I probably voted for more Democrats than Republicans until about 10 or so years ago. The Democrat Party is not the party of even 20 years ago. They've gone off the deep edge, and I'll never vote for another Democrat. Period. End of story.
OMG, I was totally controlled. Oh noes. How did I ever survive in a state where Trump was president and I was controlled by a southern Dem governor. Luckily I had a sufficient number of gold bars and freeze-dried mac and cheese to eat. FYI, Trump shut down the government, deferred to Fauci for Covid policy and DeSantis was one of the first to open up his state. Trump also, fortunately, supported a policy that gave us an effective vaccine. But his supporters love him for other reasons and don't give DeSantis much support. Not all Democrats are the same. Maybe notice what's going on and how west coast Democrats are the craziest and east coast Democrats typically are center left. Southern Dems are moderates. Northern Republicans, btw, are different from their Deep South brethren. And both parties have crazies like Tlaib, MGT and Boebert. AOC is becoming a traditional liberal Dem. Admittedly, Boebert is the crazy hot chick we'd do if young and single and then dump when she'd become a pain. She'd likely be the one who keys our car then sets it on fire after making a public scene after being dumped. But those crazy hot chicks are appealing, at least temporarily. Freedom


Active member
Apr 20, 2009
I doubt you do. I doubt you've looked at one single shred of evidence, acknowledged that at both the 1/6 trials AND the Jack Smith prosecution, nearly everyone testifying is Republican, or acknowledged that the strongest voices against Trump are those who served in his administration and saw his craziness up close. The problem with people in a cult is they only listen to the cult leader, ignore the reality that stares at them in the face, and choose to believe the guy who lies to them non-stop. The other problem is that you can't reason with them or get them to look at anything other than what the leader says. It makes no sense at all that somehow the entire world, evidence, history of behavior and lying is wrong and Trump is right. Zero. Yet here we are.
Some of us have a life. I could give two ***** about Trump, In fact, I wish he would ride into the sunset and you diseased morons would quit spending all your time talking about him.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I never understood people that voted for someone they don’t like just because of party, especially in a southern governor’s race. It’s not like the other candidate is going to be AOC.
Meh, the party platform is the party platform.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
If there is a more punchable face in the world, I don't want to see it. He's a terrible human who is endorsed by the idiot who testified under oath yesterday that he was too busy being president in 2021 to be running the his own organization. I'd stump for Bennie before I voted for Tate (OK, that was over the top, I'd never stump for Bennie!). Luckily I don't have to, there is a pretty decent human running against him. I'll take any decent human these days and that isn't Tate.

ETA: Do you know how hard it is for me not to be hypocritical about calling childish names and just call him Tate? Hard, very hard.
But you have no problem calling folks racist who are critical of Selmon?

Tell Me More Jeff Goldblum GIF by National Geographic Channel

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I pretty much vote straight Republican (state and national level). Nobody is perfect, but I'm going to vote conservative to at least slow the train down when it hits a sea of blue. Come at me bro.

The future is no doubt blue. But when that happens, I'll still be voting for the more conservative blue.

No need to go any deeper than that. Trying to convince people to vote on the issues is simply trying to get them to vote the way you want them to vote. There are dozens of 'issues' and I will not agree with all of them.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
My wife and I received two each from some "Voter Fairness" organization in Fayetteville AR. Both were very derogatory to Reeves. My sister received them too. I would have gladly posted pictures if I hadn't sh*t canned them. Out of state interference at its finest.
Back in '08, out of state money flooded into my state because the fundamentalist religious right wanted to remove 3 state supreme court justices that were up for re-election because those justices were part of the court that allowed same-sex marriage to exist in Iowa.

- It was bonkers to see the awful campaigns that attacked these people at a personal level- they are just state justices.
- The money then left the state and moved on. I honestly doubt that many who were on board with the change realized that it was all created with out of state interest.
- My state did not turn into some gay orgy and decency did not leave once people of the same sex were legally recognized as married. Seriously, it was all just a spiteful reaction since policy didnt change and society didnt crumble like they claimed. Again, I honestly doubt that many who were so furious and angry at the time have looked back and viewed it all as an overreaction fueled by outside money.
- I look back at that period of time 15 years ago and am shocked that it was a simpler time. In the moment it was bizzaro world and seemed like we couldnt get any more unhinged. Yet here we are.

^ yes I realize I just complained about outside money that came from the right. That is just a prominent example that I lived thru which has fundamentally changed my state from a governmental perspective since we are now clearly further right than we were before the ruling.
Out of state money(interference) can really change things. I am unsure if it is inherently good or bad, but I dislike that it can come in, change things, and then just pack up and leave. It makes those who live there work thru the impact and changes.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Look at this thread. What a sad year for State football.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
For the uninitiated, what is MFL?
It was already mentioned, but Moms for Liberty.
There are multiple school board candidates who are spouses of candidates that lost in the last election and were outwardly extreme in their rhetoric. Wolf in sheep's clothing this time around- as if the spouse will actually care about a school board's full list of responsibilities. They tempered their views in order to sneak thru elections and will be just as bonkers once they are elected.

Time for more single issue school board members who are worthless when it comes to almost everything else besides the one boogeyman issue they are afraid of and think is going to 'infect' kids.
Up here, I view school board elections as more critical than even the governor's election. School board elections and state legislature elections, in my eyes, hold more power than who happens to live in the Governor's Mansion.

And to be clear, I couldnt care less if school board members are R or D. I care if they are interested in and willing to serve the school district in all needed ways and work towards educating all students in a safe and enriching environment. Genuinely caring and doing that work can absolutely take place whether someone has an R or a D after their name.
I just have no time or patience for single issue members that are running because they are swept up in current hot button social scare issues.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Back in '08, out of state money flooded into my state because the fundamentalist religious right wanted to remove 3 state supreme court justices that were up for re-election because those justices were part of the court that allowed same-sex marriage to exist in Iowa.

- It was bonkers to see the awful campaigns that attacked these people at a personal level- they are just state justices.
- The money then left the state and moved on. I honestly doubt that many who were on board with the change realized that it was all created with out of state interest.
- My state did not turn into some gay orgy and decency did not leave once people of the same sex were legally recognized as married. Seriously, it was all just a spiteful reaction since policy didnt change and society didnt crumble like they claimed. Again, I honestly doubt that many who were so furious and angry at the time have looked back and viewed it all as an overreaction fueled by outside money.
- I look back at that period of time 15 years ago and am shocked that it was a simpler time. In the moment it was bizzaro world and seemed like we couldnt get any more unhinged. Yet here we are.

^ yes I realize I just complained about outside money that came from the right. That is just a prominent example that I lived thru which has fundamentally changed my state from a governmental perspective since we are now clearly further right than we were before the ruling.
Out of state money(interference) can really change things. I am unsure if it is inherently good or bad, but I dislike that it can come in, change things, and then just pack up and leave. It makes those who live there work thru the impact and changes.
recommended reading if you want to better understand how the country ended up where we are:

Jesus and John Wayne

The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover

Both of these are solid reads. Combined, you can kind of see how the religious leader's quest for power commingled religion and politics in a way that is terribly detrimental.

The first is a historian writing and well cited. It perfectly describes what I saw unfold during my upbringing and in my churches. The latter is a religion prof that is also well cited and so far, reads more informationally than opinion. I'm not done with it but so far, he's using FBI records to tell a story, and he has not yet told me what to think about it.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm going to start a political thread and call out Glfr for jumping in is like baiting for rats and freaking out when they show up in the trap.

When you invite the fat girl out to dinner, don't be shocked when you get the bill.
Damn, I was just called a rat and a fat girl.

Thats the harshest thing Ive been called on here in years, and that includes the insane ramblings and name calling by Pain and Drebin.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Some of us have a life. I could give two ***** about Trump, In fact, I wish he would ride into the sunset and you diseased morons would quit spending all your time talking about him.
That would be possible if the diseased morons that want him to be president again would give up the lib owning act. There are actual republicans out there to choose from waiting for people to get over their Trump addiction. GOP just can't quit him. At this point it looks like the only thing that may solve the problem is his cholesterol.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
recommended reading if you want to better understand how the country ended up where we are:

Jesus and John Wayne

The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover

Both of these are solid reads. Combined, you can kind of see how the religious leader's quest for power commingled religion and politics in a way that is terribly detrimental.

The first is a historian writing and well cited. It perfectly describes what I saw unfold during my upbringing and in my churches. The latter is a religion prof that is also well cited and so far, reads more informationally than opinion. I'm not done with it but so far, he's using FBI records to tell a story, and he has not yet told me what to think about it.
What you have to ask yourself is this - what is actually worse for society? A bunch of Republicans sitting in a Baptist church eating casseroles and voting to legislate morality? Or a bunch of Democrats rioting and screaming and voting for less strict laws on crime?

It's not as complicated as you make it out to be.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I called nobody racist. I implied that race could be a factor. I don't think that is impossible, even if it is uncomfortable.
You did much more than that. You created this narrative that there is 'vitriol' toward him, when there's really not. Then you drew some false equivalency to insinuate that the vitriol toward him is much worse than it was for his predecessors, and then suggested that because he's black, that could be the reason for this mysterious vitriol.

For the record:

- there is not a lot of vitriol thrown at Selmon. A handful of out-of-the-loop posters on a message board does not constitute 'vitriol.'
- His predecessors all received far worse, and pretty much from the beginning. Stricklin got killed early. Cohen got killed early. Templeton was a punch line for years.
- Race is not a factor and suggesting it could be a factor is racist AF. There are idiots everywhere but this is 2023. Broad, institutional racism only exists in the minds of left wingers trying to rile up other left wingers to win elections.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Back in '08, out of state money flooded into my state because the fundamentalist religious right wanted to remove 3 state supreme court justices that were up for re-election because those justices were part of the court that allowed same-sex marriage to exist in Iowa.

- It was bonkers to see the awful campaigns that attacked these people at a personal level- they are just state justices.
- The money then left the state and moved on. I honestly doubt that many who were on board with the change realized that it was all created with out of state interest.
- My state did not turn into some gay orgy and decency did not leave once people of the same sex were legally recognized as married. Seriously, it was all just a spiteful reaction since policy didnt change and society didnt crumble like they claimed. Again, I honestly doubt that many who were so furious and angry at the time have looked back and viewed it all as an overreaction fueled by outside money.
- I look back at that period of time 15 years ago and am shocked that it was a simpler time. In the moment it was bizzaro world and seemed like we couldnt get any more unhinged. Yet here we are.

^ yes I realize I just complained about outside money that came from the right. That is just a prominent example that I lived thru which has fundamentally changed my state from a governmental perspective since we are now clearly further right than we were before the ruling.
Out of state money(interference) can really change things. I am unsure if it is inherently good or bad, but I dislike that it can come in, change things, and then just pack up and leave. It makes those who live there work thru the impact and changes.
Is your state more or less conservative than it was 15 years ago ?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Exactly. Remember that Covid BS and the Democratic led states remaining shut down, putting in stupid regulations, and taking total control? Yeah, I do. I used to vote for a candidate instead of by party, and I probably voted for more Democrats than Republicans until about 10 or so years ago. The Democrat Party is not the party of even 20 years ago. They've gone off the deep edge, and I'll never vote for another Democrat. Period. End of story.
I agree, the Democratic Party is not the party of 20 years ago. The Republican Party is also not the party of 20 years ago.
20 years ago, Republicans were proud to unconditionally support the military, and would berate anyone who they viewed as not fully unconditionally supporting anything related to the military. Now we have countless soundbites from all sorts of Conservative leaders where they are straight up calling military leaders dumb, corrupt, cowards, and more.

20 years is an absolute lifetime ago and many major players in both parties seem more interested in playing 'gotcha' and winning the twitter clip game than actually leading and working to help Americans at the local, state, or national level. Perhaps it would have been the same 20 years ago if social media and immediate connection existed back then at the level it exists today, I am not sure.

But regardless, yeah what we all have to deal with now is totally different from 20 years ago. Its a different game entirely. Its like comparing shot clock era to pre-shot clock. Totally different game. Or comparing pre-3pt game to post 3pt game.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
What you have to ask yourself is this - what is actually worse for society? A bunch of Republicans sitting in a Baptist church eating casseroles and voting to legislate morality? Or a bunch of Democrats rioting and screaming and voting for less strict laws on crime?

It's not as complicated as you make it out to be.
Those of us who grew up in the 70s know about the Evils of certain casseroles… **

Evil. Positively Evil. **
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
For the record:

- there is not a lot of vitriol thrown at Selmon. A handful of out-of-the-loop posters on a message board does not constitute 'vitriol.'
- His predecessors all received far worse, and pretty much from the beginning. Stricklin got killed early. Cohen got killed early. Templeton was a punch line for years.
- Race is not a factor and suggesting it could be a factor is racist AF. There are idiots everywhere but this is 2023. Broad, institutional racism only exists in the minds of left wingers trying to rile up other left wingers to win elections.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
recommended reading if you want to better understand how the country ended up where we are:

Jesus and John Wayne

The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover

Both of these are solid reads. Combined, you can kind of see how the religious leader's quest for power commingled religion and politics in a way that is terribly detrimental.

The first is a historian writing and well cited. It perfectly describes what I saw unfold during my upbringing and in my churches. The latter is a religion prof that is also well cited and so far, reads more informationally than opinion. I'm not done with it but so far, he's using FBI records to tell a story, and he has not yet told me what to think about it.
I have to read a book for work- its called The Advantage and is all about organizational health.
17 that, I graduated and am done reading! <--*** should follow this, but...

I got a subscription to Audible for the book I have to read and just checked- your two are in Audible. I just added both to my list. Seriously, thanks- I figure if this is works, I wont have to search around for new podcasts as often!


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
What you have to ask yourself is this - what is actually worse for society? A bunch of Republicans sitting in a Baptist church eating casseroles and voting to legislate morality? Or a bunch of Democrats rioting and screaming and voting for less strict laws on crime?

It's not as complicated as you make it out to be.
It's not as simple as you make it out to be

Many of your "bunch of Republicans" want to force me to think, act, and believe their way. They want to legislate what I can watch, who I can vote for, what I can read, and what must be taught in the schools my children attend.

This country was founded on freedom of and from religion. Just because your religion tells you what you can or can't do doesn't mean you can force me into those same beliefs.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
It's not as simple as you make it out to be

Many of your "bunch or Republicans" want to force me to think, act, and believe their way. They want to legislate what I can watch, who I can vote for, what I can read, and what must be taught in the schools my children attend.

This country was founded on freedom of and from religion. Just because your religion tells you what you can or can't do doesn't mean you can force me into those same beliefs.
You're going to have to provide evidence of what you're being forced to think, act, and believe.
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