It says everything about our society, when people would rather sit on their fat arse at home rather than get out and earn some cash at a ballgame. When people would rather take a handout than earn their own it speaks volumes about those people.
If this says anything about society, it says society has learned to hold out for earning opportunities that match value.
Create a pay structure that is attractive and people will get off their fat arses and earn some cash.
I can't believe I am explaining a basic reality of our workforce and economy.
It has been suggested and referenced multiple times here that $15/hour would motivate people to work at a football game.
So using that pay rate and assuming the person lives in Starkville...
- 20min to drive and park.
- 15min or more to get to the stadium.
- arrive 1 hour early to prep.
- serve for 3 hours.
- leave 1 hour after to close up.
- 15min or more to get to car.
- 10min drive home.
6 hours away from home to make $60 net take home pay for a job that is hot, chaotic, and more exhausting than most office jobs.