Human trafficking in South Jackson


Active member
Dec 28, 2019
I can't imagine how an intelligent person could possibly say having a wide 17ing open border does not increase drug trafficking and human sex trafficking if they have any knowledge of the Mexican cartels businesses and the fact that they run Mexico. Also using deductive logic you can contemplate it being done intentionally and attempt to find a reason why the left and almost the entire democratic party want it open. Money ? Votes ? There is a reason somewhere there. Not to even mention to mother17ing terrorists coming across as well as Chinese nationalists.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
- Blaming it singularly on Biden is short sighted. Synonymous with blaming everything in Jackson, currently, on Chokwe.
- I made the quip about the S word more to trigger any SJW that might be lurking
- the 24 hours news cycle has done a lot in changing the way we see the world
Team Biden's reversal of Trump's policies and those who support him are SOLELY responsible for the Border Crisis. No admin in our history has 17'd the poor harder thru open borders, inflation & azz raping the fossil fuel Industry.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Team Biden's reversal of Trump's policies and those who support him are SOLELY responsible for the Border Crisis. No admin in our history has 17'd the poor harder thru open borders, inflation & azz raping the fossil fuel Industry.
They made an offer to meet in the middle but the other party decided the situation wasn't dire enough to make any changes whatsoever and felt it better to pocket it for future political purposes. Nobody is serious about fixing border problems - only using it as campaign fodder.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
They made an offer to meet in the middle but the other party decided the situation wasn't dire enough to make any changes whatsoever and felt it better to pocket it for future political purposes. Nobody is serious about fixing border problems - only using it as campaign fodder.
The offer made to repubs was pure horse schit as it still allowed 5K to enter daily. We don't need these aliens as they lower wages for the working poor, make housing our OWN poor more difficult along with taxing our social safety nets of health care and education. Why should productive tax payers be forced to subsidize this insanity? Why should we be the World's Sugar Daddy? Are we not yet satisfied with only $35 Trillion in debt?
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Team Biden's reversal of Trump's policies and those who support him are SOLELY responsible for the Border Crisis. No admin in our history has 17'd the poor harder thru open borders, inflation & azz raping the fossil fuel Industry.
They are obviously fundamentally trying to change the country. Problem is the republicans in congress don't have the guts (or want to) to fight them. It's really a uni party at this point. The Rs simply have to say "not another dollar to foreign wars until the boarder is closed." There'd been a deal a year ago. The public at large won't care if we no longer fund the wars in Ukraine or Gaza.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
They made an offer to meet in the middle but the other party decided the situation wasn't dire enough to make any changes whatsoever and felt it better to pocket it for future political purposes. Nobody is serious about fixing border problems - only using it as campaign fodder.
Yeah. Imagine wanting a strict Border bill that doesn't include several more Billion$ to Ukraine. How dare they...


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
The offer made to repubs was pure horse schit as it still allowed 5K to enter daily. We don't need these aliens as they lower wages for the working poor, make housing our OWN poor more difficult along with taxing our social safety nets of health care and education. Why should productive tax payers be forced to subsidize this insanity? Why should we be the World's Sugar Daddy? Are we not yet satisfied with only $35 Trillion in debt?
It was sponsored by Lankford. Was it perfect for republicans? Probably not, but beggars can't be choosers. Turning it down just demonstrates that the Republican leadership doesn't truly believe the situation is as dire as they attempt to portray it. If it were, they'd have taken a deal, made any kind of progress they could, and campaigned on more changes being necessary. Functioning republics work that way. Rejecting it just showed they care solely about the politics on this one. Time to start questioning the seriousness of those selling the fear but to keep waiting for any efforts at pushing forward. You are going to be waiting for a long time. We are many decades in on this cluster now...


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
The fact that you're making this political is a shame. This was a problem in this area before Biden or Trump ever showed up. It has been a problem for a long time and it will continue to be a problem as long as people keep turning their heads and arguing with each other.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Yeah. Imagine wanting a strict Border bill that doesn't include several more Billion$ to Ukraine. How dare they...
Compromise is necessary when you don't control the White House, filibuster-proof senate, and house. That's just the way it is. You can't cry every time the party you SHARE power with wants something yours doesn't. Participation in the process doesn't guarantee a win despite what our participation trophy society tried to sell us.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
They are obviously fundamentally trying to change the country. Problem is the republicans in congress don't have the guts (or want to) to fight them. It's really a uni party at this point. The Rs simply have to say "not another dollar to foreign wars until the boarder is closed." There'd been a deal a year ago. The public at large won't care if we no longer fund the war on Ukraine or Gaza.
Yep. The repubs woulda smoked the dems had they stood their ground and said "No money for Ukraine unless Trump's border policies are put back in place". It woulda shown balls that the vast majority of voters woulda resonated with but they not shockingly went the nutless wonder route. I kinda feel sorry for the average Ukrainian but they don't have enough soldiers to beat Russia. I hate Pootin' but he's just been 17in' around thus far laughing his azz off as we waste more trillions on an unwinnable conflict. And while I'm at it, I'll throw In a 17 Bush Jr for Iraq and his rules of engagement in Afghanistan, 17 Obama for Egypt, Syria & Libya, 17 Trump for not getting the 17 outta Syria and 17 Team Biden for the Afghan withdrawal.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Yep. The repubs woulda smoked the dems had they stood their ground and said "No money for Ukraine unless Trump's border policies are put back in place". It woulda shown balls that the vast majority of voters woulda resonated with but they not shockingly went the nutless wonder route. I kinda feel sorry for the average Ukrainian but they don't have enough soldiers to beat Russia. I hate Pootin' but he's just been 17in' around thus far laughing his azz off as we waste more trillions on an unwinnable conflict. And while I'm at it, I'll throw In a 17 Bush Jr for Iraq and his rules of engagement in Afghanistan, 17 Obama for Egypt, Syria & Libya, 17 Trump for not getting the 17 outta Syria and 17 Team Biden for the Afghan withdrawal.
if folks didn't already believe in the "uni party" the scenario above should certainly convince them.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Yep. The repubs woulda smoked the dems had they stood their ground and said "No money for Ukraine unless Trump's border policies are put back in place". It woulda shown balls that the vast majority of voters woulda resonated with but they not shockingly went the nutless wonder route. I kinda feel sorry for the average Ukrainian but they don't have enough soldiers to beat Russia. I hate Pootin' but he's just been 17in' around thus far laughing his azz off as we waste more trillions on an unwinnable conflict. And while I'm at it, I'll throw In a 17 Bush Jr for Iraq and his rules of engagement in Afghanistan, 17 Obama for Egypt, Syria & Libya, 17 Trump for not getting the 17 outta Syria and 17 Team Biden for the Afghan withdrawal.
You can only do that when you have the numbers to do so. They have razor thin margins in the house and the moderates don't agree with that take. I know certain republicans have been mathematically challenged in recent history thinking you win with less, but you don't get your way unless you have the votes. Very simple concept. When you don' have to comprise. Or obstruct and cross your fingers. I would vote for a compromiser 10/10 times (regardless of party) over a my way or highway approach. It is very very rare those types can be productive in our type of govt. My patience with stubborn ideologues or politicians obsessed with chaos or throwing a wrench in the gears has run out.

Big Dawg81

Oct 7, 2019
Government and Entertainment(movies, TV, music?) are supporting human trafficking?
Are they financially supporting it? Are they promoting it through movies where the trafficker gets away or songs where the trafficker is the hero?

I dont follow your comment, so contrary to your claim- I guess we all dont know.
Do you live under a rock? Jeffrey Epstein? Sean “Piddy Puff Daddy” Combs.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
You can only do that when you have the numbers to do so. They have razor thin margins in the house and the moderates don't agree with that take. I know certain republicans have been mathematically challenged in recent history thinking you win with less, but you don't get your way unless you have the votes. Very simple concept. When you don' have to comprise. Or obstruct and cross your fingers. I would vote for a compromiser 10/10 times (regardless of party) over a my way or highway approach. It is very very rare those types can be productive in our type of govt. My patience with stubborn ideologues or politicians obsessed with chaos or throwing a wrench in the gears has run out.
You can only do that when you have the numbers to do so. They have razor thin margins in the house and the moderates don't agree with that take. I know certain republicans have been mathematically challenged in recent history thinking you win with less, but you don't get your way unless you have the votes. Very simple concept. When you don' have to comprise. Or obstruct and cross your fingers. I would vote for a compromiser 10/10 times (regardless of party) over a my way or highway approach. It is very very rare those types can be productive in our type of govt. My patience with stubborn ideologues or politicians obsessed with chaos or throwing a wrench in the gears has run out.
Insisting our border is more important than Ukraine's is not being an ideologue; just common sense. Shout it as loud as you can from the highest mountain top for all to hear cuz extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Congrats on achieving neither of your objectives then. Thats what happens when you reward theatrics in Congress and those shooting for the cable news sound bites over head down pragmatists that get as much of your objectives done as possible.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Do you live under a rock? Jeffrey Epstein? Sean “Piddy Puff Daddy” Combs.
Again, the individuals who are guilty of atrocities should be punished.
Just because there are some bad apples within a bushel doesn't mean the entire bushel is bad.

Same goes for groups of workers such as athletes, electricians, military, doctors, etc.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
We don't have a uniparty, not even close. After all, Biden changed Trump's policies and he's certainly not appointing conservative judges throughout the federal judiciary. We have elites in both parties that don't really want to reduce immigration much and Republicans haven't been required to do so by their electorate. Republicans are slowly beginning to change on this but for some time it was a party focused on tax cuts, easy access to guns, restrictions on abortions and foreign military interventions. The last one is beginning to change but the business wing of the party is more powerful than the populist wing. There really hasn't been a concerted, activist effort focusing on immigration restrictions until recently. It's weird because Republicans were pro-war for some time and the base didn't seem to realize that being that way meant we also brought in lots of migrants and refugees from war zones and they brought their family and friends in through chain migration. We even have a diversity lottery for immigration. You couldn't even count on Republicans to end affirmative action and discrimination against their voters. Tax cuts, easy access to guns and restrictions on abortion seemed enough along with owning the libz on talk radio and social media and saying freedom, patriotism and the Constitution a lot.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Must suck to have such an acute case of TDS that wraps you into a blind world that secures you from Realville. No matter how many police, border patrol and HHS reports come out, your play the Mayorkas Game of lies, stupidity and filibusters. You care more about politics than child sex slavery.

Mayorkas game of lies? I have continually said there is an issue at the border, it's a broken system on many fronts, and a full overhaul is needed.

If so many reports come out to support your initial claim, why did you spend multiple subsequent posts linking video and articles that don't support your claim?

I am still waiting for numbers that show an exponential increase in human trafficking and child sex slavery due to Biden's border policies.
There are reports that show illegal crossings are up. There are reports that show amnesty requests are up. But where is the support of your claim?
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I can't imagine how an intelligent person could possibly say having a wide 17ing open border does not increase drug trafficking and human sex trafficking if they have any knowledge of the Mexican cartels businesses and the fact that they run Mexico. Also using deductive logic you can contemplate it being done intentionally and attempt to find a reason why the left and almost the entire democratic party want it open. Money ? Votes ? There is a reason somewhere there. Not to even mention to mother17ing terrorists coming across as well as Chinese nationalists.
I would accept documentation that trafficking and child sex slavery is up, and it is due to increased illegal border crossings.
I just haven't seen a report to confirm this.
And since I haven't seen a report that confirms an increase of any measure, I definitely haven't seen a report that confirms it has increased exponentially(the initial claim).

F17S- this place is dumb as balls. Over and again it's 'well it should be obvious!' or 'how can you not think that?' even though no information to confirm things is offered.

I wish Biden wasn't running for reelection.
I don't like how Biden AND Congress have handled the border crossing crisis since post covid-shots when most everything opened back up everywhere.
It's comical that I am accused of TDS when I am not even discussing Trump in this thread. I just want claims to be defended. Why is that so absurd?


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
We don't have a uniparty, not even close. After all, Biden changed Trump's policies and he's certainly not appointing conservative judges throughout the federal judiciary. We have elites in both parties that don't really want to reduce immigration much and Republicans haven't been required to do so by their electorate. Republicans are slowly beginning to change on this but for some time it was a party focused on tax cuts, easy access to guns, restrictions on abortions and foreign military interventions. The last one is beginning to change but the business wing of the party is more powerful than the populist wing. There really hasn't been a concerted, activist effort focusing on immigration restrictions until recently. It's weird because Republicans were pro-war for some time and the base didn't seem to realize that being that way meant we also brought in lots of migrants and refugees from war zones and they brought their family and friends in through chain migration. We even have a diversity lottery for immigration. You couldn't even count on Republicans to end affirmative action and discrimination against their voters. Tax cuts, easy access to guns and restrictions on abortion seemed enough along with owning the libz on talk radio and social media and saying freedom, patriotism and the Constitution a lot.
Trump is not a republican, he marches to his own drums. He was a democrat until he saw how easy it would be to coin up some phrases/craft an image and win the election from the republican side. RINOs and moderate democrats are the same, albeit with different PR strategies.


Active member
Mar 26, 2019
Team Biden's reversal of Trump's policies and those who support him are SOLELY responsible for the Border Crisis. No admin in our history has 17'd the poor harder thru open borders, inflation & azz raping the fossil fuel Industry.
I didn’t say he isn’t to blame. I said he’s not the only one at fault. Words mean things.
Mass, illegal immigration is bad, but do you think these organized criminals are humping it in across a wide open border? These guys have financial backers, accountants, “travel agents”….these aren’t 17’n ignorant drug mules picked up by the cartels, dude. Take a deep breath and stop looking at the trees…look at the forest
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
Again, the individuals who are guilty of atrocities should be punished.
Just because there are some bad apples within a bushel doesn't mean the entire bushel is bad.

Same goes for groups of workers such as athletes, electricians, military, doctors, etc.
Mayorkas game of lies? I have continually said there is an issue at the border, it's a broken system on many fronts, and a full overhaul is needed.

If so many reports come out to support your initial claim, why did you spend multiple subsequent posts linking video and articles that don't support your claim?

I am still waiting for numbers that show an exponential increase in human trafficking and child sex slavery due to Biden's border policies.
There are reports that show illegal crossings are up. There are reports that show amnesty requests are up. But where is the support of your claim?
Many child sex slaves freed from captivity are from South of the border and more Unaccompanied children are crossing thanks to Team Biden. More busts are

I didn’t say he isn’t to blame. I said he’s not the only one at fault. Words mean things.
Mass, illegal immigration is bad, but do you think these organized criminals are humping it in across a wide open border? These guys have financial backers, accountants, “travel agents”….these aren’t 17’n ignorant drug mules picked up by the cartels, dude. Take a deep breath and stop looking at the trees…look at the forest
Team Biden's words mean Absolute Dick cuz they're all lies. Their Actions regarding reversing Trump's border policies are Azz 17ing us all except rich folks in gated communities. China Owns Team Biden that's why Chinese illegals used to be a handful a year and recently 25K crossed in 2 months. So we get deadly fentanyl and Chinese spy balloons.


Nov 29, 2010
Team Biden's words mean Absolute Dick cuz they're all lies. Their Actions regarding reversing Trump's border policies are Azz 17ing us all except rich folks in gated communities. China Owns Team Biden that's why Chinese illegals used to be a handful a year and recently 25K crossed in 2 months. So we get deadly fentanyl and Chinese spy balloons.
Only option…..


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