I love this illustration

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Have you priced ladders lately. As you increase in ladder height the price doesn’t increase incrementally, it increases exponentially. Only rich people can afford tall ladders. All rich people aren’t short.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Um...what? I envisioned a few different ways you might go with your comically bad take, but this is off the 17ing rails.
Like...what now? What in the hell are you talking about?

It's a simple drawing to illustrate a basic difference between equality vs equity.
The short person having a taller ladder does not negatively impact the taller person.
That's all it illustrates.

It's a long weekend for many, hopefully you have Monday off and can sleep during the 4 days off. Being outraged at everything is exhausting.

Does this taller ladder mean less requirements for some but not others? If not, how do you define this ladder?
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Jul 9, 2006
20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

3 “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went.

“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing.6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’

7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Um...what? I envisioned a few different ways you might go with your comically bad take, but this is off the 17ing rails.
Like...what now? What in the hell are you talking about?

It's a simple drawing to illustrate a basic difference between equality vs equity.
The short person having a taller ladder does not negatively impact the taller person.
That's all it illustrates.

It's a long weekend for many, hopefully you have Monday off and can sleep during the 4 days off. Being outraged at everything is exhausting.
Hahahaha I’m not outraged cupcake.

The left is an illustration of a physiological difference creating a disadvantage in obtaining the goal of capturing fruit.

The right is an illustration of how you overcome those differences. Work hard. Work smart. Etc.

Im glad the person on the right didn’t need the governments help to grab that fruit. She was smart enough to build or buy a taller ladder.

Valuable lesson to be learned there!

Glad you agree with us! We shouldn’t give the ladder to her. We should allow her to get the ladder for herself!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Does this taller ladder mean less requirements for some but not others? If not, how do you define this ladder?
I don't know what this post is asking or what point you are trying to make.

Since just yesterday you said you didn't even know what the word 'equity' means, yet you made countless comments related to the topic, I will just assume the point you are trying to make with the post above is either bad or incorrect.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Hahahaha I’m not outraged cupcake.

The left is an illustration of a physiological difference creating a disadvantage in obtaining the goal of capturing fruit.

The right is an illustration of how you overcome those differences. Work hard. Work smart. Etc.

Im glad the person on the right didn’t need the governments help to grab that fruit. She was smart enough to build or buy a taller ladder.

Valuable lesson to be learned there!

Glad you agree with us! We shouldn’t give the ladder to her. We should allow her to get the ladder for herself!
You are purposely reading too much into the basic drawing.

It is not commentary on government, it is not commentary on giving vs working hard, and it is not commentary on the intelligence of each person.
You, and others, created those narratives as a cathartic way to release outrage.

The picture is simply showing the difference between equality and equity. It does not speak to how those two things came to be.

Again, you aren't starting the second half of the year off strong with this. You have done a lot better than this mailed in attempt.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
You are purposely reading too much into the basic drawing.

It is not commentary on government, it is not commentary on giving vs working hard, and it is not commentary on the intelligence of each person.
You, and others, created those narratives as a cathartic way to release outrage.

The picture is simply showing the difference between equality and equity. It does not speak to how those two things came to be.
Are you telling us how to interpret art now?

I released some outrage today for sure but it was in a hot attic where I found a capitalistic way to make some pretty good extra dough.

Maybe on Tuesday you can look at the flag and remember this is mother 17ing ‘Merica. Home of the free. Land of the brave.

A place where we are all entitled to the PURSUIT of happiness. Pursue being the key word.

But you better believe if you PURSUE it diligently, you’ll find it!


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
I don't know what this post is asking or what point you are trying to make.

Since just yesterday you said you didn't even know what the word 'equity' means, yet you made countless comments related to the topic, I will just assume the point you are trying to make with the post above is either bad or incorrect.
I said I generally thought of equity as assets exceeding liabilities. That makes me a retard?

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Y'all's capacity to argue incessantly and solve nothing is pretty insane.

Yup, that's the word.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You said that I said I didn't know what the word meant.
Well I mean, yeah I really don't think you have a strong understanding of what 'equity' is in this context.
You claimed you prefer the word 'diversity' over 'equity' even tough they mean totally different things. So yeah, it sure seemed like you didn't have a strong grasp on what the term means.

When I pointed out that those two words mean completely different things, you acknowledged my observation as correct and said you usually view 'equity' as value, even though in this context it should be clear that financial value wasn't the way the term was being used.

When someone says they prefer the word 'tired' over the word 'jump', it makes me doubt that they understand what the words even mean.

With that said, I did not call you retarded nor did I hint at it. I instead took time to explain that the words mean different things and left it at that. No name calling occurred.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
To show your support for Equity, you need to post pics of other women, less attactive and less buxom ones and those likely to appear on sports illustrated covers now, right beside her carrying whatever this amazing genetic lottery winning woman is carrying too. If they need a ladder or transwoman or bodybuilder to help them carry whatever she is carrying then that is just how equity works.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
I haven’t read all the comments, so it may have been brought up, but there is a great RUSH song that comes to mind. The Trees.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
Without spatial awareness and unwarranted knowledge of existence, nor context of science or logical perception within the photo, one can only presume after all is said and done, the alpha will collect …..it’s a time and space quest , mass vs volume/ resistance…..I’ll pick the mass with a 3rd leg to survive…….upon fallout vs mediated and elongated romantics of the present colonized territories

the world is a vampire
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Nov 26, 2017
While all of you were debating the meaning and ramifications of 'equity,' Ole Miss has been working to poach our recruits. If you dubmasses were truly free market capitalists, you would be strategizing how to profit from the culture wars.

One of the foundational premises of UMiss is that you are born into worth. Your value is set at birth. The concept of equity would cause the place itself to burst into flames. (It does claim to be a heppin' school though.) Gather ye up three dozen activists to protest on their campus to end their oppressive, subversive, dishonest practices.

Sorry, I had a brain fart. Where would ya'll find three dozen activists in Mississippi? LOL! I will go out onto my fourth floor apartment balcony here in Seattle and scream "equity!, equity,! equity!" From the gathered crowd of 100 plus, I can pick 50 to send to Oxford. Half won't know where Mississippi is, so they will be stranded at the edge of the Puget Sound heading west instead of east. Half of the remaining 50 will get stoned on the way in Colorado.

Thirteen of the remaining 25 will find Jesus at the First Baptist Church of Childress when they stop for food and comfort in north Texas. They will be detoured to evangelical missions in the Congo. Two of the dozen marching forward will suffer some action of ill refute in Memphis. Five will be mesmerized by the beauty of the Grove and lose their white hot hatred of their anti-equity opponents, choosing to realize the true hippy path of love.

Two of them will have to bail because the fall quarter is starting at Evergreen State College and Mom ain't paying that tuition for them to jack around in Mississippi. Two more will have to bail because the Ole Miss coeds were so beautiful that they were led into iniquity by the smaller head. That leaves us one activist.

The one activist left has jumped over so many hoops that he/she/they is probably a capitalist at heart. Give 'em a cowbell and call it a day.

Work hard, love each other, and offer a hand up where you can. Ya'll are all blessed.

tldr - here's a nice left coast video to show you pervs that USCw isn't the only PAC 12 school with talent:

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
While all of you were debating the meaning and ramifications of 'equity,' Ole Miss has been working to poach our recruits. If you dubmasses were truly free market capitalists, you would be strategizing how to profit from the culture wars.

One of the foundational premises of UMiss is that you are born into worth. Your value is set at birth. The concept of equity would cause the place itself to burst into flames. (It does claim to be a heppin' school though.) Gather ye up three dozen activists to protest on their campus to end their oppressive, subversive, dishonest practices.

Sorry, I had a brain fart. Where would ya'll find three dozen activists in Mississippi? LOL! I will go out onto my fourth floor apartment balcony here in Seattle and scream "equity!, equity,! equity!" From the gathered crowd of 100 plus, I can pick 50 to send to Oxford. Half won't know where Mississippi is, so they will be stranded at the edge of the Puget Sound heading west instead of east. Half of the remaining 50 will get stoned on the way in Colorado.

Thirteen of the remaining 25 will find Jesus at the First Baptist Church of Childress when they stop for food and comfort in north Texas. They will be detoured to evangelical missions in the Congo. Two of the dozen marching forward will suffer some action of ill refute in Memphis. Five will be mesmerized by the beauty of the Grove and lose their white hot hatred of their anti-equity opponents, choosing to realize the true hippy path of love.

Two of them will have to bail because the fall quarter is starting at Evergreen State College and Mom ain't paying that tuition for them to jack around in Mississippi. Two more will have to bail because the Ole Miss coeds were so beautiful that they were led into iniquity by the smaller head. That leaves us one activist.

The one activist left has jumped over so many hoops that he/she/they is probably a capitalist at heart. Give 'em a cowbell and call it a day.

Work hard, love each other, and offer a hand up where you can. Ya'll are all blessed.

tldr - here's a nice left coast video to show you pervs that USCw isn't the only PAC 12 school with talent:

You should maybe limit your intake of Adderall after midnight.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
While all of you were debating the meaning and ramifications of 'equity,' Ole Miss has been working to poach our recruits. If you dubmasses were truly free market capitalists, you would be strategizing how to profit from the culture wars.

One of the foundational premises of UMiss is that you are born into worth. Your value is set at birth. The concept of equity would cause the place itself to burst into flames. (It does claim to be a heppin' school though.) Gather ye up three dozen activists to protest on their campus to end their oppressive, subversive, dishonest practices.

Sorry, I had a brain fart. Where would ya'll find three dozen activists in Mississippi? LOL! I will go out onto my fourth floor apartment balcony here in Seattle and scream "equity!, equity,! equity!" From the gathered crowd of 100 plus, I can pick 50 to send to Oxford. Half won't know where Mississippi is, so they will be stranded at the edge of the Puget Sound heading west instead of east. Half of the remaining 50 will get stoned on the way in Colorado.

Thirteen of the remaining 25 will find Jesus at the First Baptist Church of Childress when they stop for food and comfort in north Texas. They will be detoured to evangelical missions in the Congo. Two of the dozen marching forward will suffer some action of ill refute in Memphis. Five will be mesmerized by the beauty of the Grove and lose their white hot hatred of their anti-equity opponents, choosing to realize the true hippy path of love.

Two of them will have to bail because the fall quarter is starting at Evergreen State College and Mom ain't paying that tuition for them to jack around in Mississippi. Two more will have to bail because the Ole Miss coeds were so beautiful that they were led into iniquity by the smaller head. That leaves us one activist.

The one activist left has jumped over so many hoops that he/she/they is probably a capitalist at heart. Give 'em a cowbell and call it a day.

Work hard, love each other, and offer a hand up where you can. Ya'll are all blessed.

tldr - here's a nice left coast video to show you pervs that USCw isn't the only PAC 12 school with talent:

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atomic dawg

Apr 4, 2019
Um...what? I envisioned a few different ways you might go with your comically bad take, but this is off the 17ing rails.
Like...what now? What in the hell are you talking about?

It's a simple drawing to illustrate a basic difference between equality vs equity.
The short person having a taller ladder does not negatively impact the taller person.
That's all it illustrates.

It's a long weekend for many, hopefully you have Monday off and can sleep during the 4 days off. Being outraged at everything is exhausting.
The illustration recognizes that equality and equity are two different ideas. The question is does one work in opposition to the other?

Equality seems to seek equality of opportunity. Everyone has an equal opportunity to take apples off the tree. You just have to work to get the apples. Some work harder than others to get them. Some get more creative. Some learn to climb the tree. Maybe a short person designs an apple grabber patents it and makes even more apples than a taller person.But the idea is they all have an equal opportunity.
Equity seems to seek equality of outcome. Everyone is assured they get apples. But somehow that doesn’t sound equal. Who paid for the taller ladder? …because a taller ladder will cost more. Was it bought with apples from the shorter ladder? If we make it equitable for everyone to get apples are apples even worth as much anymore? Probably not.

I don’t have answers. I just don’t believe there is anything simple about it.

For the record… I think Bama and LSU should share some NIL money and some 5 star players.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Does this taller ladder mean less requirements for some but not others? If not, how do you define this ladder?
Did you watch the video that I posted, that very clearly articulated what it means to have a head start in life or no? It’s way better than arguing over ladder height. Particularly when lots of folks weren’t allowed in the ladder store for hundreds of years…
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Particularly when lots of folks weren’t allowed in the ladder store for hundreds of years…
People have been trying to out climb or prohibit others from climbing ladders since Cain killed able. Humans are greedy, or interested in survival, and have always tried to make their own path the best.
Your video highlighted how good choices help people and their offspring climb taller ladders. Instead of focusing on teaching people who are lower on the ladder to climb more efficiently, some people just blame the efficient climbers for doing things the right way. Throw whatever stones you want at me, but my great grandparents did things the wrong way, and all of my grandparents started off way lower than anyone in your video. My grandparents are the generation in my family that started climbing efficiently.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Did you watch the video that I posted, that very clearly articulated what it means to have a head start in life or no? It’s way better than arguing over ladder height. Particularly when lots of folks weren’t allowed in the ladder store for hundreds of years…

Is there a ladder store with all the ladders?

That would be cool as ****.

Is it near A Complete Flag Source? Two birds, one stone and all that...


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
People have been trying to out climb or prohibit others from climbing ladders since Cain killed able. Humans are greedy, or interested in survival, and have always tried to make their own path the best.
Your video highlighted how good choices help people and their offspring climb taller ladders. Instead of focusing on teaching people who are lower on the ladder to climb more efficiently, some people just blame the efficient climbers for doing things the right way. Throw whatever stones you want at me, but my great grandparents did things the wrong way, and all of my grandparents started off way lower than anyone in your video. My grandparents are the generation in my family that started climbing efficiently.
I completely agree about how people climb ladders. When things are going good people don’t climb the ladder as fast as when their back is against the wall. Everyone else is down, and I’m the only one standing, let me lolligag up this ladder to grab success. But if Edge has his hand on the belt, Jeff Hardy all of the sudden can jump from a rope 8 feet away, land on the 3rd from the top rung, knock Edge off and then do a Swanton on Christian. It’s really quite telling.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Well I mean, yeah I really don't think you have a strong understanding of what 'equity' is in this context.
You claimed you prefer the word 'diversity' over 'equity' even tough they mean totally different things. So yeah, it sure seemed like you didn't have a strong grasp on what the term means.

When I pointed out that those two words mean completely different things, you acknowledged my observation as correct and said you usually view 'equity' as value, even though in this context it should be clear that financial value wasn't the way the term was being used.

When someone says they prefer the word 'tired' over the word 'jump', it makes me doubt that they understand what the words even mean.

With that said, I did not call you retarded nor did I hint at it. I instead took time to explain that the words mean different things and left it at that. No name calling occurred.
a: justice according to natural law or right
specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism

Certainly looks like the person on the right and middle were shown bias or favoritism


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I really wish Lemonis would drop his commitment to equity and stop letting other SEC baseball teams to finish ahead of State after winning that Natty. I don't think LSU has that same commitment to Equity.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
I really wish Lemonis would drop his commitment to equity and stop letting other SEC baseball teams to finish ahead of State after winning that Natty. I don't think LSU has that same commitment to Equity.
You get a 15 ERA. You get a 15 ERA. Everyone gets a 15 ERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 26, 2017
The United States and her ideals have flourished because capitalism/free market economics most closely resemble human nature. It seems like the good-hearted folks who don't like the results of that are trying hard to find a different way of doing things. Surely, we can and do tweak our system so that everyone has a chance to fulfill their potential.

I appreciate the image in the original post because it helps me understand the modern concept of "equity," which has been noted previously as a business/accounting concept indicating the difference between assets and liabilities. If modern day activists want to drive home their ideals, they might be best suited to find new terms to represent their ideas rather than co-opting existing terms. (I was embarrassed to say that I am "progressive" when that means something different today.)

@mstateglfr and @paindonthurt have more in common than they realize, and God bless you both for trying so hard. Maybe ya'll can flex a little less and bend a little more....


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
The United States and her ideals have flourished because capitalism/free market economics most closely resemble human nature. It seems like the good-hearted folks who don't like the results of that are trying hard to find a different way of doing things. Surely, we can and do tweak our system so that everyone has a chance to fulfill their potential.

I appreciate the image in the original post because it helps me understand the modern concept of "equity," which has been noted previously as a business/accounting concept indicating the difference between assets and liabilities. If modern day activists want to drive home their ideals, they might be best suited to find new terms to represent their ideas rather than co-opting existing terms. (I was embarrassed to say that I am "progressive" when that means something different today.)

@mstateglfr and @paindonthurt have more in common than they realize, and God bless you both for trying so hard. Maybe ya'll can flex a little less and bend a little more....
I’m willing to bend and flex on a lot of things.

Nothing wrong with progress aka being progressive. But as you noted the modern progressive isn’t really making “progress”.

I refuse to bend and flex on things that don’t make sense long term.
Now if you have a short term fix that changes to a long term fix that makes sense? Sure.

The problem with both sides though is they all think short term and it’s not about what’s good for the country it’s about getting re-elected. Both sides meaning republicans and democrats in federal government.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Did you watch the video that I posted, that very clearly articulated what it means to have a head start in life or no? It’s way better than arguing over ladder height. Particularly when lots of folks weren’t allowed in the ladder store for hundreds of years…
But now they DO have the ladder. No sense in punishing those who had nothing to with sins of the past or giving stuff to those who haven't been harmed. It's time to move on and quit pretending a cultural evolution hasn't been going on in this country the last 50 years. The future's ahead of us while our racist past continues to fade away in our rearview mirror. Time to let it go as history that we can't allow to come back.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
I avoided this video for so long when it first made the rounds a few years back but it's very good. Does a great job of explaining the old expression we've probably all heard that says "born on third and thought you hit a triple."

So, you should definitely give it a watch. And then, if you're the church-going type, go read Matthew 25:40-45 or Proverbs 14:31 or any of the other passages that show us how we should treat those who have less than us.

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
But now they DO have the ladder. No sense in punishing those who had nothing to with sins of the past or giving stuff to those who haven't been harmed. It's time to move on and quit pretending a cultural evolution hasn't been going on in this country the last 50 years. The future's ahead of us while our racist past continues to fade away in our rearview mirror. Time to let it go as history that we can't allow to come back.
We have made progress. Nothing as substantial as a country’s entire historical culture turns in less than a generation nor do the ripple effects of those hundreds of years of abuse. We can also see today the death throws, I hope, of racist jealously of having to share power with people different than who has always been in power. I just watched a Trump rally video interview of a lady attending by one of the far right OANish “news outlets” where she said basically to get rid of certain people who were different and to put the “deep state” people “on a train”. Then she covered her mouth being cute like she just said something mildly off color that she shouldn’t have…
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