The number of people I run across nowadays (let's be honest, it's 90% women) who think the only safe drinking water is from plastic bottles is pretty shocking.
17'ing water in plastic containers is more expensive than gasoline by volume. And our last two presidents are Trump and Biden. I have zero confidence in most of my fellow Americans.
Our 13yo had a friend over a couple weeks ago and we overheard a conversation from the kitchen-
our kid- 'do you want some water?'
friend- 'is it from your sink or is it safe?'
our kid- 'its from our...wait what?...its safe. what?'
friend- 'my mom told me I can only drink water that is safe and not from sinks.'
our kid- 'hey guys? Why do we drink unsafe water?'
My wife calmly explained that our water is continually tested, run thru multiple filters, and is safe. The kid chose to not drink anything and be thirsty.
That day I learned of yet another parent that isnt someone I will choose to socialize with at the next school function.
If I find myself in West Africa, I will drink water from those sealed plastic sachet bags. But over here?...unless I move to Jackson MS, I will continue to drink water from my faucet without fear.