If one were to go 80-90 mph over the speed limit, that would be dangerous. I mean, that's 145-155 mph around these parts.
Yes, as stated before ... the PASSING lane is for passing. It's a "privilege" to be there ... a passing privilege. The default is to be in the middle or right lane (on a 3-lane highway). That's where you travel. If there is someone driving faster than you, you let them pass you, in the passing lane. When the coast is clear, and you want to pass the person in front of you, you can get over into the passing lane, pass that person, and then get back over into the other lane. This is basic driving etiquette. If you can't handle it, hire someone to drive you, Miss Daisy.
No, I don't weave in and out of all 3 lanes. Again, as explained, 80-90 is the cruising speed .... of many/most vehicles on the 3-lane highways around here. It's not the speed of the "zoom-zoom" kids who create danger on the roadways by weaving in and out of traffic.
And here's another note ... the typical method of handling the situation of an a-hole driver such as yourself on the road is to creep slightly closer than normal behind you in the passing lane, so you get the hint. Not so close that you're creating imminent danger ... but close enough a normally functioning and alert driver will see that this person wants to move faster, so I should get out of the way. If you, personally, are creating such logjams that people are flashing headlights and honking at you? That typically means the person in front is a special kind of a-hole - as in, really abusing the passing lane and gumming up traffic for a long stretch of road. That's usually a last resort when someone just can't figure it out (I would never honk on the highway unless there's an imminent threat of an accident, but flashing headlights has happened on very rare occasions).
Again, if you aren't getting this ... the DEFAULT lane is to the right (or middle). The left is a privilege. So, yes, if someone is going faster than you, and wants to continue to do so, you move over, slow down to the speed of the traffic in that lane, allow others to pass, and then get over into the passing lane when it's clear ... and you actually intend on passing someone in a reasonable manner. The default IS NOT to travel in the passing lane, and you'll get over when you're good and ready to do so, and when you feel others are being reasonable and you won't be inconvenienced. Once you actually understand this, you'll be on your way to becoming a decent driver ... and, when other folks like you also figure it out, traffic on the roadways will clear up considerably.