I really want interest rates to drop so I can retire. High interest rates effects Define Benefits Plans negatively. I will not be able to retire until that happens. I wish he would lower back to 2020 levels tomorrow but that isn't happening until the year over year gets to 2%. He is going to keep that as the base line. Powell is doing his job, but I think all the green energy policies are keeping energy cost up and that cost is being passed on to the consumers from manufacture. Also, go look at all the mandates and regulations that has been put in place by the Biden administration and it is mind boggling. Prices are not coming down until changes happens. I know the left hates supply side economic but that is how Regan got inflation down and cost of living down when he came into office. Constrict the money on consumers and losing money on manufacturing. They ripped the band aid off and it caused a recession, but it was short and over really fast, and things took off. Powell did the first part, but he can do the second. This crap from the bottom up and middle out isn't working. I am sticking to that. Also, the economy is not as good as you think. 30% of it is Government spending. It is not real, and the stock market is going to take a really big double adjustment. Everyone better be ready for it.