Is it even possible to stay sober? And to not party?


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Sep 18, 2004
Scared Homer Simpson GIF by reactionseditor
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2021
As I get older I'm trying to be more healthy and cut out drinking and such (insert your drug of choice). This got me thinking about if there really is a world out there without mind-altering substances. I know there is (Baptists) but I cannot imagine life that way, and I grew up that way. It's just so foreign to me now.

And further, is it possible to go through your younger years/college without partying? I'm not really joking here, I mean I would love all my kids to be church-going perfect citizens, but are you prepping them for a meltdown?

I'd like to hear from people that are totally substance-free. What are the things you do to have fun? How can you have fun without day-drinking? One of the greatest joys in life.

Also - not talking about pain management here...I'm talking about recreation.

Goat, it's possible but damnit, it's not nearly as fun.......


Dec 23, 2023
Damn guys,
Slap me down and call me stupid..
I would have bet my life that 92% of posters on this board were full time, card carrying, waiting on 5pm , drunk as a monkey, alcoholics


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2017
I gave it up as part of a commitment to church 3 years ago. I was a 1-2 drink person a couple of nights a week. Cold turkey quit. It’s not really hard after a month or two. Echoing what others have said I do like the way my body feels off it. I do miss the social aspect of it but you can get that in other ways. It’s much easier to maintain a healthier body without alcohol, just don’t fill up on trash food in its place. I do enjoy trash food like the rest but in moderation.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I hung it up 4 years ago. I’m 47. Just got tired of feeling crappy. Even after 2-3 beers I would feel sluggish for a day or two. So if I drank a couple times a week I was never 100% at any point. Either drinking or recovering from it.

When you quit, it takes about 30 days to start to wake up. 6 months your mind starts to sharpen and after a year or so, you realize that you’ve been less than yourself for the entire time that you’ve been using alcohol. It truly is poison that has done more damage to humans than any other substance. If it were invented today, there is no way it would be legal.

As for staying sober, yeah it takes some effort at first if your drinking has been habitual. For me it was Pavlovian in the sense that most of my social activities also included alcohol so I had to fight that innate urge for a while but it wears off pretty quickly. Also, there is a fear that it will be awkward around your friends when you tell them you don’t drink anymore. But you’ll quickly realize that no one really cares and the people that do aren’t really friends anyway.

Good luck if you are serious about wanting to quit. It’s like waking up from the matrix if you do. You’ll become aware of the fact that everything is built around alcohol in our culture both in the US and around the world. It’s crazy.
Man this resonates, especially the hangovers. I mean it’s obvious I think there’s a problem or I wouldn't have made this post.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2010
Was never a hard party guy even in college. Pretty mild social life. Beer and occasional liquor drinks off and on, but rarely to excess. Summers in theatre -- I got pretty bad off once and I learned my lesson well. Never felt like that again

Adult life -- enjoy wine and the occasional martini. Not really a Scotch guy. If I'm working a cruise, I'll have a cocktail in the evening.
Have had less and less as I passed 50, although during the main lockdown early in the pandemic I drank more wine than usual.
Bought some beer in December or January and it took me at least a month to get through the sixpack. It's just not top of mind.

I drink mostly water and coffee. Occasionally some sweet tea, maybe a coke here and there.
Oh, and I drink milk with cookies or late night snacks.

I thought I was definitely on the mild side of the scale but I'm apparently a boozer compared to the board.
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Active member
Sep 30, 2022
I made the decision significantly lower my alcohol consumption last year. No real reason besides I just didn't enjoy it that much anymore. I'll still have a beer here and there when I'm out. Think 1-2 a month. Occasionally a finger or two of bourbon once in a blue moon.

Now I will take an edible once or twice a week. I live in a legal state.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I hung it up 4 years ago. I’m 47. Just got tired of feeling crappy. Even after 2-3 beers I would feel sluggish for a day or two. So if I drank a couple times a week I was never 100% at any point. Either drinking or recovering from it.

When you quit, it takes about 30 days to start to wake up. 6 months your mind starts to sharpen and after a year or so, you realize that you’ve been less than yourself for the entire time that you’ve been using alcohol. It truly is poison that has done more damage to humans than any other substance. If it were invented today, there is no way it would be legal.

As for staying sober, yeah it takes some effort at first if your drinking has been habitual. For me it was Pavlovian in the sense that most of my social activities also included alcohol so I had to fight that innate urge for a while but it wears off pretty quickly. Also, there is a fear that it will be awkward around your friends when you tell them you don’t drink anymore. But you’ll quickly realize that no one really cares and the people that do aren’t really friends anyway.

Good luck if you are serious about wanting to quit. It’s like waking up from the matrix if you do. You’ll become aware of the fact that everything is built around alcohol in our culture both in the US and around the world. It’s crazy.
I started a CPAP this year to try to end the constant fatigue I was experiencing. Still working on getting 7 hours a night, which is half the battle. The improvements there, the ending of the constant bad feeling, made plain the worse I felt after only a little drinking, how even a little completely fractures your sleep and compounds that problem if you have it. Maybe I'll pick it back up in retirement or when the kids are old enough (a decade?) that I can sleep in on weekends again. Until then, I just can't afford it. I've been dabbling into non-alcoholic concoctions that I like for the late night drink. Simply lemonade and cranberry cocktail is a fave. Maybe I'll add a dash of leftover bitters next time.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
I think if people are honest, they would say the only reason they drink is for the buzz. None of it tastes better than non-alcoholic alternatives. At least that’s the been the case for me. As dorn mentioned, one day (early 30’s) I realized I felt like crap after a night of drinking and that’s when I basically quit.
On the other hand, I did shoot my best round of golf in a long time (74) a couple of years ago while I was severely hungover. It was the last time I was hungover and I haven’t played that good since. Maybe I should drink more?
Honestly I do enjoy going to breweries. I don't drink watered down shite. I don't drink a case just to drink either. I like trying different flavors of darks and browns different ales. All of it has flavor. Some of the dark ones are pretty stout. I also usually only have 2-3 most time I go. Don't really drink hard liquor any more. Used to really like bourbon but body can't really take it any more. Still enjoy a good margarita on the rocks. To me dark craft beer or a margarita is better than soda or sweet tea. I'm also not drinking every day or drinking 3-4 margaritas or like I said a case. As another said moderation is key. If you just drinking to get drunk then that's when it becomes a problem.


Dec 23, 2023
Bunch of pusses in this tread, I'm pushing 60, drink whiskey by the gallon, never back down and love a good challenge
Hell damn yes.
I’ve seen so many bourbon connoisseurs on this damn page
(Okay insert here where you call me a dumb *** shark loving piece of trash)
But this is lame *** and certainly not what most of you post on football days with expensive liquor choices


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
I drink 1-2 several nights a week. I decided to take a couple days off to see if I’d sleep better, and it’s now been 6 in a row, and I feel great. Have also mixed in NA beer this year and drink that a lot. The options have gotten better than the O’Douls days, and for me a lot of drinking is a signal that I’m done working for the day.


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Little research in this thread reveals that the average Sixpacker is 1 or 2 beers away from being a teetotaler. Previous research of the average Sixpacker reveals an average BMI over 30. Methinks the average Sixpacker denounces one unhealthy vice to indulge in other unhealthy vices.

** kinda


Active member
Nov 6, 2022
Explosive diarrhea and headaches after even a small amount of alcohol was a very effective deterrent for me. It’s probably been 20 years since I had a drink, and it was only an occasional thing before that. Plus, I hated the taste of all of it.

I often wish I liked beer because it seems like fun to be able to try all the different flavors and styles. Unfortunately, it all tasted the same to me.

I have chosen to let Diet Coke slowly destroy me, instead.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Explosive diarrhea and headaches after even a small amount of alcohol was a very effective deterrent for me. It’s probably been 20 years since I had a drink, and it was only an occasional thing before that. Plus, I hated the taste of all of it.

I often wish I liked beer because it seems like fun to be able to try all the different flavors and styles. Unfortunately, it all tasted the same to me.

I have chosen to let Diet Coke slowly destroy me, instead.
Don't worry, the craft beer scene is so 2013. It appears to be playing itself out.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2008
For anyone interested, i bought a 12 pack of bud select 55. Thought it was same old bud select in a new can. After several i was surprised i didn’t feel as expected but was pissing the same amount as usual while drinking beer. Come to find out it’s only 2.5% ABV. So anyone looking to cut back and not go cold Turkey or non alcoholic, give it a try. Tastes just like water!


Oct 6, 2010
Damn I’ve never related so much to a Goat post. I’m def a cocktail guy myself but at 40 it’s slowed tremendously. I did Sober October last year and can see myself doing that again. The last 7-8 I give up liquor & beer for Lent (still have sone of the first miracle). In those times I don’t drink I’m fine. No issues. Feel good.

But I couldn’t imagine being beachside on vacation and not having a cold one. A nice dinner without a glass of wine. I’m in the booze to enhance camp but don’t get so bad you won’t enjoy the experience itself.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2022
Drinking has never been a big part of my life, but I would casually drink when I was around other people drinking. I'll put it this way: I never turned down a beer, and I enjoyed cocktails with friends, but I also didn't keep a supply of alcohol in my house to drink alone.

Then I met my wife. She is sober and comes from a family of alcoholics. It was an easy decision to give up alcohol when I'm around her (which is most of the time). I'm open to alcohol when I'm not around her, but I've found that I don't even drink in those situations anymore. I can't even remember the last time I consumed alcohol. I just don't miss it.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is once you have a good reason to stop drinking, it is more possible than you think. You just have to find that reason.


Active member
Mar 31, 2021
this is my vice. Milk with cookies, preferably cookie dough.
Sounds like there are at least 3 of us in the milk+sweet brotherhood before bed. Done it every night since I can remember of my +65 year life. I traveled a good bit internationally at one point and always took on the challenge of finding a C/grocery store near the hotel to find cold milk. Actually had a pretty good hit rate. Then came the challenge of trying to read what kind of "milk" it was and finally paying for it given you ae deep in the local scene at that point. Recall the biggest challenge was a small town in Japan but found a tiny C-store and what looked like the dairy case, saw 2% on a bottle and might have had a picture of a cow. Found what looked like something sweet then held out the money I had and they took what was needed. Fun times.

As to the OP, I drink more than I should (beer only) because I like to drink beer but have simply stopped worrying about it (followed by a couple glasses of milk of course) but likely not the insightful input being requested. Seems there are many on here who have chosen to worry about it and quit or reduce and are glad they did for a number of reasons. We all know what's not good for us and certainly when done in excess. Just a matter of reaching the worry=will level.
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May 5, 2009
I never understood the "drink to party" folks. I enjoy bourbon and 8-12% ABV beer. I never drink enough to get drunk. But I only drink in the evenings when I know there will be no social demands/engagement. Alcohol tends to puts me to sleep almost immediately, and inhibits meaningful conversation and the ability to have fun.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I think if people are honest, they would say the only reason they drink is for the buzz. None of it tastes better than non-alcoholic alternatives. At least that’s the been the case for me. As dorn mentioned, one day (early 30’s) I realized I felt like crap after a night of drinking and that’s when I basically quit.
On the other hand, I did shoot my best round of golf in a long time (74) a couple of years ago while I was severely hungover. It was the last time I was hungover and I haven’t played that good since. Maybe I should drink more?
Pretty much every alcohol is an acquired taste, but I think most people that drink acquire a taste for their particular favorite(s). I like the taste of bourbon. I like to have a drink of bourbon to cap off the day even when I know I'm only going to have one and not get a buzz. Same thing with red wine. I don't like it to the same extent by itself, but if I'm having a steak or italian food with a red gravy or sauce, I'm going to want a glass of red with it, even if I'm only going to have one.


Active member
May 28, 2007
I drank pretty heavily in college and throughout my 20's. Over the years that slowed down on its own with marriage (actually that probably caused a slight increase) raising kids and a career. I'll be 60 this year and nowadays I like my bourbon with a good cigar and then only when the weather is comfortable to me. We play poker a couple of times a month and I usually have a couple of glasses with an ice ball and that's it. I haven't been hung over since the 90's. Never liked beer and had to cut out the wines I enjoyed because of diabetes. Unless the doctor finds something different, I'll probably always enjoy Woodford.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
As I get older I'm trying to be more healthy and cut out drinking and such (insert your drug of choice). This got me thinking about if there really is a world out there without mind-altering substances. I know there is (Baptists) but I cannot imagine life that way, and I grew up that way. It's just so foreign to me now.

And further, is it possible to go through your younger years/college without partying? I'm not really joking here, I mean I would love all my kids to be church-going perfect citizens, but are you prepping them for a meltdown?

I'd like to hear from people that are totally substance-free. What are the things you do to have fun? How can you have fun without day-drinking? One of the greatest joys in life.

Also - not talking about pain management here...I'm talking about recreation.
I started a variation of a program called 75 Hard the day after Christmas. I recommend it.

It's about lifestyle changes, not really about particular diets. Here are the key tenets:

- no soft drinks or sodas for 75 days
- no alcohol for 75 days
- pick a diet - doesn't matter what - just pick something and stick to it. I've done portion control and intermittent fasting
- drink a gallon of water per day
- do two 45 minute workouts per day, every day. Make sure one of them is outdoors. This has been easy for me - go the gym in the morning and go for a walk in the evening
- phone detox - put your phone down for two one hour blocks every day
- commit to reading 10 pages of anything non-fiction every day - helps to clear your mind

Tomorrow is the 75th day (I started on Christmas day). I've lost 30 pounds and feel better than I ever have. And I don't feel like I've killed myself. I feel so good about it that I'm going to continue doing it.

I enjoy a good bourbon pour and I may have one tomorrow night to celebrate 75 days. But I haven't missed it.

I recommend it. Glad to provide additional info/experience to anyone who wants to talk about it.
Last edited:


Active member
Nov 17, 2022
As I get older I'm trying to be more healthy and cut out drinking and such (insert your drug of choice). This got me thinking about if there really is a world out there without mind-altering substances. I know there is (Baptists) but I cannot imagine life that way, and I grew up that way. It's just so foreign to me now.

And further, is it possible to go through your younger years/college without partying? I'm not really joking here, I mean I would love all my kids to be church-going perfect citizens, but are you prepping them for a meltdown?

I'd like to hear from people that are totally substance-free. What are the things you do to have fun? How can you have fun without day-drinking? One of the greatest joys in life.

Also - not talking about pain management here...I'm talking about recreation.
It’s started to take me 2-3 days to recover from the hangxiety if I drink enough to have fun.
If I drink in moderation I just feel sleepy.


Active member
Nov 28, 2006
I can count on 1 hand the number of times and dark beers I’ve had in the last year and likely the same for about 15 years

reasons - I had my 1st child and that walk from the OR to the room made crystal clear my purpose

oldest just turned 15 - he has gotten up with me at 330a nearly everyday to lift since he turned 12 - he knows the drill - he’s not up I leave his rear (for that think I may force him)

after work, I’m either at the baseball facility or field with him and/or his younger brother working on their craft - some nights we get in late

so all that to say - I’m tired enough as it is and don’t need or want anything that slows me down or makes me feel more worn down

plus I like being “present” when I’m with my friends and family

another reason- I’ve seen what drugs and alcohol abuse can do to people you thought were bullet proof

another another reason- it makes it much easier to walk away from the emotional toll that MSU places on you
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Nov 4, 2014
Looks like everybody is different. Some handle alcohol with no issues. Some handle it with repercussions of various severity. Some can't handle it.

Now, let's do women.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I can count on 1 hand the number of times and dark beers I’ve had in the last year and likely the same for about 15 years

reasons - I had my 1st child and that walk from the OR to the room made crystal clear my purpose

oldest just turned 15 - he has gotten up with me at 330a nearly everyday to lift since he turned 12 - he knows the drill - he’s not up I leave his rear (for that think I may force him)

after work, I’m either at the baseball facility or field with him and/or his younger brother working on their craft - some nights we get in late

so all that to say - I’m tired enough as it is and don’t need or want anything that slows me down or makes me feel more worn down

plus I like being “present” when I’m with my friends and family

another reason- I’ve seen what drugs and alcohol abuse can do to people you thought were bullet proof

another another reason- it makes it much easier to walk away from the emotional toll that MSU places on you
My oldest is now 12 and wants to lift….im thinking this may be the answer

I need to get back into it badly

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
As for me…

Expanding on this…

I like a good beer. I’ll drink some wine occasionally.

I’ve mentioned here that I like gin. But I’ll also enjoy an old fashioned.

I’ve had drinks upon request from friends.


Going to Bar Marsella (where Picasso and Hemingway hung out) to drink Absinthe in Barcelona several years ago.

Drinking Malört. (Dare from a friend. It’s nowhere near as horrible as people say)

At the same time though, I’m not a regular drinker— I’ll go weeks or months without beer or booze and when I do drink it’s in moderation.

I’ve had family members who were alcoholics so I don’t go overboard.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
I made the decision significantly lower my alcohol consumption last year. No real reason besides I just didn't enjoy it that much anymore. I'll still have a beer here and there when I'm out. Think 1-2 a month. Occasionally a finger or two of bourbon once in a blue moon.

Now I will take an edible once or twice a week. I live in a legal state.
more and more people it seems are going in this direction
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