Curious as to the reason they gave for not letting you on the flight. That seems arbitrary.
Too late he said. I missed by two minutes apparently. No one else there. Hell I walked outside and watched the plane take off 15 minutes late. I could’ve walked my one bag down myself and been there in plenty of time. He just didn’t want to help and pretty much said so. And then I find out the Seattle airport where I’m headed was suffering from a cyber attack. Gonna be a long day
Why don't you get a little more specific about what your problem is. So you're trying to get on a flight that you didn't have previously booked? And you're mad at the airline when they don't have a seat for you? OK.
And newsflash, you have to get beyond security to find the restaurants. They do have the Hudson place there, but don't think you can get coffee there, which is sorta
Not rocket science there player. Let me spell it out. App says check in cut off is 45 minutes prior to takeoff. I was here 1 hour and 15 minutes prior. That’s 30 minutes before cutoff since I have to spell it out to the keyboard smartass. I have a bag to check. He said I was two minutes late and would have to take next flight. Crap customer service was my point.
Next point was how empty this place is. Seems like it should be busier on a Monday but that’s just my thoughts. Put the two together and you might figure out I was thinking that poor customer service might just be why this place is empty.
as for the restaurants…. I am well aware that you have to go through security to get to them. But seeing as I have a bag to check and none of the employees here to check it means I’m stuck out in the terminal for a while. Just surprised there wasn’t anywhere to get a cup of coffee. And the little newsstand has a cooler that is out so no cold drinks either. Room temp it is. Look. I’ve got four hours to kill. If I need to explain further I will be glad to.