Leave the SEC?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
....and we followed that season with 3 consecutive 6-2 conference seasons where you win the division if you don't crap the bed against a mediocre Auburn team at home and a bad Tennessee team 2 years later. Those were our years and we blew it. Not seizing your moment is not the same as I can't do it.
It results in the same.
Mar 8, 2023
I'm a Clemson grad and fan. Question for all...

Would you as Gamecock fans ever be in support of leaving the SEC for a conference that wouldn't present as tough of a schedule? From a fan's perspective, would you enjoy being in an easier conference where you could compete for conference championships yearly but the school received many millions less yearly?

I ask because as a Clemson fan, I'm asking myself the same thing as rumors swirl about the FSU/Clemson/ACC lawsuits and what may happen as a result. Purely from the perspective of a football fan, I like seeing my team win a lot and I don't really care about the money, as long as winning continues.. if it is possible to do so.

Just a question for fun... obviously we as fans all have zero or next to zero control over these types of decisions. Thanks!
Nope. Money is too good which helps other sports. Going to an "easier" conference would not help because kids want to play in the SEC so if USC left they would not be getting the same caliber of athletes. USC will never be a "big dog" in football in the SEC because there are too many schools with more resources that USC will ever have, but the other sports have shown they can compete very well in this league historically. Football drives the bus for everything else, and while I don't like the idea of getting our butts kicked most years by the league, it's still worth it.
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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
Nope. Money is too good which helps other sports. Going to an "easier" conference would not help because kids want to play in the SEC so if USC left they would not be getting the same caliber of athletes. USC will never be a "big dog" in football in the SEC because there are too many schools with more resources that USC will ever have, but the other sports have shown they can compete very well in this league historically. Football drives the bus for everything else, and while I don't like the idea of getting our butts kicked most years by the league, it's still worth it.
Yes, if you are a masochistic football fan, this is the place for you.
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Harvard Gamecock

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
I didn't feel like starting a new thread on this, but it at least tangentially relates to what we've been discussing here. It projects the impact of current expansion on teams' chances of making the CFP. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/56...ge-football-realignment-teams-benefit-impact/
Ranked just above Vandy, and then there is this quote
"Save for that one three-year peak under Steve Spurrier from 2011-13, the Gamecocks have rarely lived in the top half of the SEC. Now they’re losing the SEC East. It will become even more difficult to maintain relevance."

Before everyone starts dismissing Mandell as a hack, keep in mind this is the national perception of the program. Agree, disagree, or neutral, it is what it is.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
Ranked just above Vandy, and then there is this quote
"Save for that one three-year peak under Steve Spurrier from 2011-13, the Gamecocks have rarely lived in the top half of the SEC. Now they’re losing the SEC East. It will become even more difficult to maintain relevance."

Before everyone starts dismissing Mandell as a hack, keep in mind this is the national perception of the program. Agree, disagree, or neutral, it is what it is.
My perception also.

Cocky Hobbit

Joined Dec 15, 2014
Feb 1, 2022
I wouldn't leave the SEC now because it's the only conference that is not suffering. Many are folding or will be soon. The school is finally willing to spend big money to compete and I believe the football team could reach prominence soon. We excel in WBB, baseball just got a major upgrade, basketball is improving rapidly and we have the real Ted Lasso coaching football. We've finally beaten Kentucky and the Aggies... and Wiliams-Brice is an intimidating venue for visitors. Facilities are excellent across the board. We can compete in the SEC. It's where we belong. And academically, we've been kicking *** in the SEC for 10 years.