For me it isn't about his off the court stuff, though I don't agree with it. Like Michael Jordan once famously said "Republicans buy sneakers too." But I can separate basketball skill from political off the court stuff. I disagree with Pearl Jam's political stance, but if they would come around I would pay to go see them because they make great music. I don't care for Robert DeNiro's political views either, but he has made some good stuff so I'll watch it. There are countless examples of stuff from Hollywood and probably many others too. Hell, I probably don't agree with the political views of most of the list I made of my Mt Rushmore of Lakers (Magic, Kareem, Kobe, and Shaq).
For me it boil down to this:
Magic had 5 titles in 11 years.
Kareem has 6 in 21 years
Kobe has 5 in 20 years
Shaq has 4 in 19 years
Wilt has 2 (but had to go against Bill Russell, John Havilcek, and Bob Cousy.)
So aside from Wilt, the others had more championships in less amount of time. Hell, Magic won on average a title every other year.
Lebron has 4 in 20 years. He also had to make a super team with Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade to get 2 of them. I didn't watch this last game, but I have seen enough of Lebron's play to realize he is selfish. Him taking himself out of the game with 6 minutes to go in a close game they eventually lost just solidifies that.